1969 Predictions Featured on Video – How Accurate Were They?

posted by Jack

The following film was created in 1969.  If you can get beyond some of the archaic dialog, popular during the day, and listen to what he is saying you will find this video relates to exactly what is happening today.  He predicted it would happen and it has come true.

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4 Responses to 1969 Predictions Featured on Video – How Accurate Were They?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    All you have to do to update this video to 2020 is to substitute Democrat for Communist.

    Pie Guevara is an unregistered trademark of David Walton. SO THERE! 😀

  2. Tina says:

    The only thing I can think of, off the top of my head, that today’s covert Marxist can’t count on is a disoriented and panic filled populace. The number of freedom loving, gun toting, proud Americans that are quietly observing the anarchists and agitators is Uge and ready to push back with great for e if necessary.

    Nobody in their right mind wants it to come to that but the haters of our great republic should beware.

    It occurs to me that these anarchist trouble makers only thrive in certain cities and that’s because the would be put down quick elsewhere. They should crawl back into their holes. They are the racists and bigots. They don’t get it because they’ve been taught group think, the most divisive political context devised.

    Most Americans believe in individual right and responsibilities and the rule of law is the best way to prosecute individual criminal activity.

    The BLM crowd and other like groups see alleged crimes by individuals as opportunities to condemn groups (whites, cops, Jews, the rich) that can be exploited. They’ve learned this trash in our schools and colleges.

    If we observes want to save America from the Marxist scourge we better continue to educate and deprogrammed the young. They have been ripped off. It’s not enough to denounce socialism We need to educate on the merits of our republic, freedom, equal rights, capitalism, small government and the rule of law.

    Illuminating video Jack. It’s frightening to think about how many young people wouldn’t see the problem.

  3. Peggy says:

    I strongly believe republicans were brought up to believe with hard work anything was possible, no matter what color your skin was. While democrats, are still today, taught to believe they can’t make it on their own, they need the help of others and if they fail it’s not their fault but that they weren’t given all the help they needed to succeed. America is the land of opportunity, not equal outcome. Those who refuse to learn this will always live the life of a child, not an adult.

    Parents of school age children need to review what is being streamed for online classroom instruction. Reporting is school districts are telling their parents not to review it or record it. I understand not recording other children, but what the teacher is telling them should be allowed just as if their child was bringing home a book. Every parent has the right to know what is going on between their child, teachers and the district. Democrats have been in control of our educational curriculum for the last two generations of K-university age students where they’ve had to power to rewrite their history to hide their deplorable past by blaming it on republicans. Also, heard that ethnic studies is now being proposed as a high school graduation requirement, while Civics is being removed completely. This will result in another generation of adults being taught their rights and the rights of others. More group think, denied the ability to critical thinking.

    Here is a young man who earned what he has and is proud of the country he grew up in.

    And here’s an older man who finally saw the truth after decades of lies.

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