Jacob Blake was Armed with a Knife!

by Jack

The video has been confirmed, it appeared to be showing a knife held by Blake in his left hand and now the knife in question has been made public.  It was recovered from the floorboard of Blake’s vehicle shortly after his arrest.  Why it took so long for this key piece of evidence to come out must be blamed on the Chief of Police and nobody else.   The officers knew he had a knife the whole time.  This explains a lot of things, including why the officers didn’t just tackle the suspect.

“Oops… uh, er, gosh… he,he, …I guess us folks in BLM made a little mistake here. ”

Ah, if only the idiots that blamed the cops, like the Governor,  Joe Biden, the media, the rioters, etc., could travel back in time and take it all back… but they can’t.  Instead, they are going to have to own what they said and did.  I hope they are ashamed now, they should be!

They look like a bunch of fools and I’m glad too.  I just feel sorry for the cops who were blamed for the rioting and worse, used as pawns in a game of politics.  Democrats should all be voted out of office over this one.   They are a bunch of liars and troublemakers and they need to go.


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6 Responses to Jacob Blake was Armed with a Knife!

  1. Soaps says:

    Not only was Blake armed with a knife, but he also had an outstanding arrest warrant for a sexual assault. The cops knew about both if these details, and they were shouting “drop the knife.”

    • Post Scripts says:

      Soaps! Glad to see that you are alive! I bet after decades of being one of America’s top crime fighters you are happy to be on the sidelines now. You have successfully escaped all this absurdity relatively unscathed…kudos. You have earned your right to be an expert observer now as all this drama unfolds. However, I know it has to be painful to see.

      From my perspective, there’s been so many wrong moves made by the promoters of BLM, ANTIFA and elected democrats that it looks like they were being done deliberately. But, to what end? Was it to manipulate the masses into modern day Bolsheviks or some other hidden agenda/s? It’s confusing to me. I suspect there must be a lot of reasons behind all this so-called social justice stupidity. The mob looks really desperate to find a suitable martyr, they grab at anything. Remember Michael Brown, what a loser? The officer involved was found to be acting self defense, not once, but twice, in a state investigation and the federal department of justice! The mob even had President Obama on their side, and they tried really hard to make a racial injustice case, but it fell apart as soon as the spotlight was put on it. Brown was not to be their role model. Time after time, the mob tried to find a suitable martyr and every time they thought they had one and decried police brutality, it turned out wrong. Their so-called victims were all predators, criminals, ex-cons, with long criminal histories and/or crazed drug addicts. They sure couldn’t find a martyr in Baltimore, that case was a total fraud exposed after the rioting. Another mob fraud was tried later in New York and it too fell apart under close examination. Now we are told this time in Kenosha, Wi., we got the cops! No escaping wrongdoing now with this Jacob Blake case! Wrong. One after the other, these alleged bad cop cases that were used to spawn rioting collapsed as the real truth came out. The people pushing for indicting the cops look like fools, but they just moved on looking for another case…now there is social injustice!

      Given the “countless” victims (as Michelle Obama said) in the black community you might think the mob could find one decent martyr? What does that say about claims coming from BLM?

      Well, I just hope you are enjoying your retirement and staying out of the way the mob and stray bullets.

  2. J. Soden says:

    They ARE a bunch of fools! And they’ll ignore any findings other than what they want the narrative to be.

  3. Peggy says:

    The governor, mayor, chief of police, etc. will all be taking it back their next election. Or I should say the voters will make sure they do, especially those who had their homes, businesses and their dreams for a better future destroyed.

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