(My appologies for being late publishing Bruce’s Friday article, however my Grandson Ryan Kennedy Lee was born yesterday and I had to drive to Stockton to say welcome into the family. I just got back at 3 pm today. Jack Lee)


abruce.jpgIn my line of work, I eat out a lot during the day (usually for breakfast, sometimes for lunch) and I usually frequent the same two haunts on Cohasset Road. But not anymore!

Sitting at the counter perusing a menu, the bus boy approached the counter to clear it of plates and coffee cups. I looked up, and had to do a double-take. The bus boy was wearing a nose ring! Ive seen relatively attractive women wearing nose rings and often wondered if they realized nose rings are for bulls and hogs. Go to any agri-fair and youll see em. Bulls and hogs being led around by the ring in their noses.

The attractive women Ive seen wearing such rings instantly become unattractive. The sight of the bus boy wearing a nose ring instantly caused me to lose my appetite and I departed the restaurant.

I went to the other nearby restaurant that I frequent, and when the waitress came to my table to take my order, she smiled, opened her mouth and uttered the usual and what can I get for you today. I replied Absolutely nothing! I got up and left. The waitress had a steel ball pinned to the middle of her tongue!

Dont these people realize that tongue studs and nose rings are unsanitary? It makes one wonder what else theyre deficient in when it comes to personal hygiene. The waitress with the tongue stud also looked as if her hair hadnt come within two blocks of a comb or a shampoo bottle in weeks. The restaurant wasnt a mom-and-pop place either. It was a restaurant of a national chain.

I remember a news reporter who worked at the same radio station with me. Very attractive, very bright –until the day she walked in with what appeared to be a whitehead-zit on the side of her nose. I spoke to her about it calmly and suggested she go into the ladies room and squeeze it away because it just flatout made her look bad. Turns out it was a little white pearl she had pinned to the side of her nose.

My impression of her being very attractive and very bright evaporated. Why is it that people think pinning rings to their eyelids, and noses makes them look better? Are they so stupid they dont realize ear rings are suppose to go on EARS. That looks good. That looks fashionable.

Oh, but ask any one of em why theyre so intent on demeaning themselves by placing shrapnel on various parts of their body, and you usually get Oh, Im making a statement. So now I get it. Theyre telling the world theyre idiots and have no concept of the real meaning of fashion.

The two restaurants I had been frequenting will have to find another customer to fill my seat. I dont like being waited on by idiots with questionable hygiene habits when it comes to handling food.

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A Smart Plan Rejected of Course

Posted by Tina

** In a bold move today, House Republicans attempted to force the Democrat majority to freeze federal government spending at current levels. Because Senate Democrat leadership failed to get enough votes to pass the porked-up $410 billion omnibus spending bill last night, funding for the federal government runs out today. – Human Events **

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#1 On the List Demands Justice

Barneyfrank.jpgPosted by Tina

Barney Frank, the #1 person with the authority to make sure that Fannie & Freddie didnt melt down, is seeking criminal prosecution of others what incredible cheek!

** House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) is pressing state and federal authorities to seek criminal and civil penalties on financial actors that helped cause the current crisis. ”Rules don’t work if people have no fear of them,” Frank said at a press conference Thursday. Politico **

I guess he figures “rules” just don’t apply to him.

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Why Obama’s Policies Hurt America

Posted by Tina

The president speaks in glowing terms about his plans and proposals but glowing terms and lofty ideas are worthless if they arent grounded in sound economic policy. The following article offers thoughtful expert insight into the effects and miscalculation of Obamas plans for America. The author is a professor of economics at Stanford University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute.

Obama’s Radicalism Is Killing the Dow – A financial crisis is the worst time to change, by Michael J. Boskin Wall Street Journal

** …Instead of combining the best policies of past Democratic presidents — John Kennedy on taxes, Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, for instance — President Obama is returning to Jimmy Carter’s higher taxes and Mr. Clinton’s draconian defense drawdown. *** Mr. Obama’s $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents — from George Washington to George W. Bush — combined. It reduces defense spending to a level not sustained since the dangerous days before World War II, while increasing nondefense spending (relative to GDP) to the highest level in U.S. history. And it would raise taxes to historically high levels (again, relative to GDP). And all of this before addressing the impending explosion in Social Security and Medicare costs. **

The article is fairly long and covers a variety of topics but is easy to read and understand…it makes absolute sense to me. Hope you enjoy it.

See also this companion article

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Unhealthy Care

Posted by Tina

We promised you it would happen if you elected Democrats and now it is upon us…a national approach to healthcare that will put a BIG government bureaucracy in charge of health decisions for you and your family. The recently passed stimulus bill contains $19 billion dollars earmarked to set up a Health Information Technology (HIT) database system that all doctors and hospitals will use to keep and track health information about patients. It also authorizes the establishment of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology consisting of a fifteen member board. Think of them as tight faces men in pointy hats and robes, like grand wizards they will sit in judgment from on high making declarations about what kinds of treatments we can have and when we will qualify for treatment…and when we will not. The model for this bureaucratic nightmare is the British National Health Service (NHS). We have posted several stories related to that system and none of them would cheer even the healthiest among us:

** The BBC reports that up to 500 heart patients die each year while they wait for potentially life-saving surgery. The Times reports that a British woman will be denied free National Health Service treatment for breast cancer if she seeks to improve her chances by paying privately for an additional drug. A Daily Telegraph headline reads: Sufferers pull out teeth due to lack of dentists. Doctors are calling for NHS treatment to be withheld from patients who are too old or who lead unhealthy lives, reports another article. **

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Dems Want Truth Commission

Posted by Tina

Want to read something creepy? Run on over to National Review for the excellent article, The Investigations Begin – Congressional Democrats go after the Bush administration, by Marc A. Thiessen – NRO

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Sneaky B-Tards

Posted by Tina

“Dems’ Climate Change Power Grab Hidden in Spending Bill,” by Rep. Doc Hastings Human Events

** Using a massive $410 billion spending bill as a cloak, Democrat leaders in Congress have been caught attempting to create almost limitless new federal powers to regulate climate change without any public notice, public comment, or public debate. The provision slipped into this bill would allow the Department of Interior to regulate all greenhouse gas emissions across the entire country based on the listing of the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act **

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Mr. President We Object

Posted by Tina

Deficits and Fiscal Credibility – A Democratic senator says no to a huge federal spending bill, by Evan Bayh

** This week, the United States Senate will vote on a spending package to fund the federal government for the remainder of this fiscal year. The Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 is a sprawling, $410 billion compilation of nine spending measures that lacks the slightest hint of austerity from the federal government or the recipients of its largess. *** The Senate should reject this bill. If we do not, President Barack Obama should veto it. **

Continue reading “Mr. President We Object” »

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BIG Union Says Nationalize Banks!

Posted by Tina

** The A.F.L.-C.I.O.s executive council will call on the Obama administration on Wednesday to speed the nationalization of problem banks to stimulate lending and lift the sagging economy. The labor federation, a lobbying powerhouse that represents 10 million workers, will thus become one of the first groups and certainly the most powerful to call for moving more aggressively on nationalization New York Times **

Makes me wonder if theyve been talking to this guy:

** If you’re inclined to believe Igor Panarin, and the Kremlin wouldn’t mind if you did, then President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order. Panarin might be easy to ignore but for the fact that he is a dean at the Foreign Ministry’s school for future diplomats AP **

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Dire Warnings

I’m thankful I live in America after a video I saw recently. I pray our new president is up to the task before him to keep America safe.

“Fitna,” by Geert Wilders of the Netherlands is a disturbing video. It took courage to make and release the film. The proof is in the response hes received. Hes been charged with “hate crimes” for making and showing this movie. Though disturbing, it is well done and, unfortunately, something we cannot ignore or dismiss as irrelevant. Take a look but be warned it is not something that very sensitive people or young children should watch.

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