GWB-Great Leader

Hating George W. Bush is not only dull and unoriginal, but it shows a complete lack of understanding of the world in which we live in. Sameh El-Shahat

bush_legacy.jpegPosted by Tina

To hear the left media and countless progressive political players tell it, our president has been a disaster. They claim he is a lousy president and has caused the entire world to hate America. But we all know by now that elitist left America is just terribly opinionated and wrongheaded…so who cares what they think!

Lets try a different a different perspective, Holy Cows: George W Bush – buffoon or great leader? by Sameh El-Shahat posted in the Telegraph (UK):

*Sameh El-Shahat argues that George W Bush has been the most under-rated president… ever. *** Whatever happened to leadership and honesty as presidential traits? I happen to believe that the only leader in the West to have these two admirable qualities in droves is the leader of the free world: George W Bush.*

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Study Claims Obama May Lose Because of White Dem Racism

But what if its something else…something more relevant to the election process.

Posted by Tina

Prejudice among Dems may cost Obama votes, by David Paul Kuhn

In a report sure to spark a national conversation on race, an AP-Yahoo News study reported Saturday that white prejudice could be a significant enough factor to undermine Barack Obamas bid to be the first black president of the United States. *** The AP-Yahoo study concluded that white Democratic racism may cause 2.5 percent of voters to “turn away from Obama because of his race,” roughly the margin of George W. Bush’s victory over John F. Kerry in 2004. *** The AP-Yahoo study found that one-third of white Democrats cited a negative adjective when describing blacks and, of those, just 58 percent said they planned to back Obama. For example, AP reported that more than a quarter of white Democrats agreed that if blacks would only try harder, they could be just as well off as whites. Four in 10 white independents agreed, while a quarter described blacks as “violent.”

The story includes some interesting attitudinal information. I found the following to be the most compelling. In fact it might have been a better theme for the article:

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Have We Surrendered our Culture?

78310-52dj.jpegBy A. Peasant

The problem is our heritage is steeped in Anglo-Saxon Christian history and most of our new arrivals, some legal and mostly illegal, can’t relate to that. It’s not what they were raised to believe, just the opposite, they were taught whites were evil bigots, slave owners or Indian killers. They disliked them and were jealous of them even though their cultures did just as many wrongs if not more.

Too many new residents come here looking for the money, freebees and to make it worse they arrived with a chip on their shoulder. A bad attitude that has created sub-cultures here.

Mexico sat out world war two as did South America, so they can’t even relate to the people we call our greatest generation. Guys like Sherman, Lee and Grant were just Yankee invaders.

In effect we’ve surrendered our culture to other cultures. We’ve been forced to adapt to their customers and they have only adapted a little to ours.

Not enough original Anglo-Saxon Christians are left in America to reverse the trend now. Our culture is so diluted, so distorted and so at odds with one another it’s to the point of being lost. Even our history is being re-written by people who have a whole other view on what it means to be a white Christian American and they make us look real ugly. Hating whitey is real popular in our colleges and hating Americans is real popular in colleges around the world.

We’ve lost our country to those others who have long hated this nation, but desired our great wealth. These types still don’t like us even after several generations living here. They don’t respect our laws, our values or even our flag that symbolizes this great nation. These people are lowering our standards to theirs, more crime, dumbed down kids and just more people with less vision, less creativity, less drive and looking for more handouts from the government.

EDITORS QUESTION: Have we surrendered our culture or have they worn out their welcome?

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Sub Standard Cocaine Delivery Sunk by Coastguard

diver.jpgPosted by Tina

Mexico City – The U.S. Coast Guard says it intercepted a submarine-like vessel carrying 7 tons of cocaine off Central America’s coast. The Coast Guard says a U.S. Navy aircraft spotted the 60-foot vessel Wednesday about 400 miles south of the Mexico-Guatemala border. The Coast Guard sank the vessel after determining it was too unstable to be towed to port. AP

The severely addicted could try wet suits and snorkels!

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A Patriot’s Lament

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This weekend youll want to read The Drumbeat, by William Staneski American Thinker to awaken thoughts about our unique American heritage and to steel your patriots soul with conviction:

We all know the song, sung to the cheers of the unthinking throngs who would give up their very humanity for the promise of a free lunch. These are the joys of cultural Marxism. *** And the drumbeat goes on.

Teach your children well.

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Depressed Financial Stocks Brings Out Bargain Hunters

by Jack Lee

gold.jpgDOW SOARS 368 POINTS to close Friday!

To put this day in context it was not so long ago that many financial stocks once traded in the range above $60 a share. They were “steady eddies” with decent slow growth and a nice dividend just like they were supposed to be. They were retirement quality investments for many Americans. Suddenly the real estate market imploded and the ripple effect was reaching deep into the financial markets where we learned more than we ever wanted to know about derivatives and shakey business practices. These bundled loans were labled AAA when they were a mixed bag of both good and sub-prime loans. Those stalwart stocks of the financial industry suddenly sank!

Citi Corp, Bank of America, Washington Mutual, Providence Bank Shares, Cadence, Wachovia, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Chase, were among hundreds of financial institutions representing several trillion dollars in secured and unsecured assets and they were all in serious trouble, some were going under! The one thing the stock market hates is uncertainty and there was plenty to go around, uncertainty turned to panic as the sell off went unabaited for weeks, then months. Goldman Sachs fell from $250 to $90 recently. Others were far worse off. Washington Mutual was once a $60 stock and it went under $2. Wachovia was $60 a year ago and it dropped to $9 days ago.

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Are you a born conservative (or liberal)?

Posted by Jack Lee

Breaking News – September 19, 2008

A new study suggests that your political attitudes are wired in from the beginning.

By Denise Gellene, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Die-hard liberals and conservatives aren’t made; they’re born. It’s literally in their DNA. That’s the implication of a study by a group of researchers who wanted to see if there was a biological basis for people’s political attitudes.

They found to their surprise that opinions on such contentious subjects as gun control, pacifism and capital punishment are strongly associated with physiological traits that are probably present at birth. The key is the differing levels of fear that people naturally feel. “What is revolutionary about this paper is that it shows the path from genes to physiology to behavior,” said James H. Fowler, a political science professor at UC San Diego who was not involved in the research.

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by Jack Lee

In a radical move the feds have block short selling on most financial stocks. A short sale takes stock out of action and holds it why the buyer waits for the price to come down and then when the time is right he completes the sale and reaps whatever the difference was, this is precisely how it works but it’s the most easy to understand version.

The market reacted by suging nearly 700 points in the first two days of trading. Currently the market today is up 300 points almost at the start and TD Ameritrade website, like many other discount brokerages, is so busy customers are having trouble logging on. I’m pleased to make profits, make no mistake about that, however there is always a downside when you artificially direct the course of the stock market. Exactly what that means remains to be seen.
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Financials Evil Lurking in Shadows?

Posted by Tina

Heres an interesting bit that was floating out on the blogosphere…

Stop Trading!: Financial Terrorism? – Posted By:Tom Brennan,

The damage being done to stocks through short selling, where Wall Streets most legendary institutions are losing value at alarming rates, could be the work of financial terrorism. *** Cramers been talking to the short sellers he knows, and thats the theory theyve been putting forward. His sources said that its doubtful that the markets traditional short sellers are behind the negative action weve seen lately. So there is the possibility that someone else has been trying to wreak havoc in the markets rather than just profit from the problems of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and others. *** Cramer, who was merely relaying what he heard, did say that, given the fact that the U.S. is in a financial nationally emergency, the financial terrorism thing, to me, has to be put on the table just because the regular short sellers are not doing this.

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Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, stepped up pressure for U.S. officials to respond to Iraqi proposals for a security agreement.

Any pact must be ratified by the Iraqi parliament by Dec. 31, when the U.N. mandate for foreign forces expires, and prolonged deliberations are raising concerns the year-end deadline won’t be met.

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