THEY’RE BA-ACK… Protestors at the DNC

Over a thousand professional protestors were bused in from various radical pro-communist, anti-American groups from across the country. They represented a myriad of political agendas from open borders to anarchy. Anti-war was of course the false pretext that brought them all together once again.

68_01.jpgRe-create 68″ and other protest groups said months ago they would occupy Civic Center in violation of the host committee permit. Re-create 68’s Larry Hales says early threats to take Civic Center were meant to start a dialogue. It started a dialog alright, and the police said they would not have a repeat of the 1968 DNC that sparked so much anarchy and violence.

The police were not in the mood to hear, “No cops, no KKK, no fascist USA!” “No cops, no KKK, no fascist USA!” “No cops, no KKK, no fascist USA!” …a chant that lasted all the way to the Pepsi Center for their rally. The cops kept a close watch on the crowd and were fully prepared to stop anyone crossing the line to incite a riot.

Of course Cindy Sheehan showed up trying to get support for her election bid. Sheehan addressed a small group of supporters when she said, “”Neither Republicans nor Democrats represent the people.” “They’ve taken away more of our freedoms. It’s now easier to spy on us. ” “This convention is sponsored by AT&T. What does that tell you?” she said to wild cheers. It tells me that AT&T paid the City of Denver for the rights to advertise their name at the convention center, what else? Sheenhan goes on to shout, “Denver has partnered with the Democrats to create a fascist police state. Now we have free speech in cages. We are not animals!” Free speech in cages, huh? I think she’s on crack. Anyway to summarize her 30 minute fist pounding tirade she said some other incredibly stupid and incomprehensible things before her audiance of mostly bums and winos wandered off to drink or beg for some spare change.

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