Responsibility, Freedom & Your Vote

Vote_1.jpgby Tina Grazier

All across America people have been and will be going to their local polling places to cast their votes in an election that has captured the attention of the world. Interest from people in foreign lands is enhanced because Barack Obama may be the first black man elected as president of the United States. The election will also be historic if the McCain*Palin ticket wins since Sarah Palin would represent the first woman VP, a woman of Native American heritage. These reasons are historically important but they are not the only reasons for the intense interest from other nations.

The worldwide financial crisis and a continuing threat from radical extremists in an unfinished war will mean a great deal more on January 20, 2009 than does color and gender today. Decisions made by the next administration will have a lasting and profound effect. This election is important and our responsibility as citizens of the Unites States has never been greater. At stake is the matter of continued support of our troops and the mission they have fought so long and hard to win. At stake is the financial recovery of national and international systems. Basic freedoms and rights to property and self determination are at the core of both of these broad issues; maintaining freedoms and rights are necessary before we even begin to address other issues like environment, education and health care.

America, and indeed the world, needs a strong experienced leader at this particular point in time. Anyone who still can’t decide can follow the links below for assistance. Freedom has given you the right to cast your ballot…do the responsible thing and…Vote Wisely Pilgrims!

John McCain on the issues

Barack Obama on the issues

Freedom Matters

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