It’s Almost Over, E- Day is finally here!

by Jack Lee

I thought this day would never come….it’s been the longest, most costly race in history!

This is it folks, we’re finally coming down to the finish line!!! This has been an exhausting, marathon of a race and I can’t believe how these candidates could keep it up for so long, and especially McCain who has been through so much. He has run one remarkable race, and no matter what happens tomorrow, nobody can dispute his incredible energy and tenacity.

The last minute fliers are still arriving in my mailbox and I’ll bet they will still be showing up a week after the election and the last vote has been counted, I have no idea why or how this happens, but it just does.

Are you suffering from voter fatigue? Have you been deluged by all the political commercials for Prop this and Prop that, are your tired of the endless political rhetoric on talk shows, all those slate mailers and door hangers? Have you received one too many recorded “important messages” on your phone at dinner time? Or too many silly phone polls? “Hello Sir this a phone poll from the Republican Party, may I ask you a few quick questions?” Sure. “OK, please answer just yes or no to the following questions: Do you support the Constitution?” No. “Do you believe in free choice?” No! “Do you want a candidate who will protect your Constitutional rights?” No way! “Do you believe in secure borders?” Never! “Do you believe in lower taxes and less government? Nom I love taxes and big government. “Will you be voting for McCain or Obama?” Neither. Thank you sir, have a nice day. (click).

This is why you can’t trust the polls. There are too many smart alecs like me out here. We never give a straight answer to polls. We feel its out civic duty to be deceptive. Our vote is our little secret until Election Day and that’s where we make the polls look completely unreliable. We believe nobody should be able to predict an important race, you will find out when it’s over and not one minute before!

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