The Progressive Patriarch


by Tina Grazier

“If you start saying that people are not individuals – that they are created by their upbringing and the role they play in real, nasty, going-to-work-in-traffic society – then you open the door to the idea that only a social revolution can actually solve the real problems with humanity.” – Cain

Progressives, women in particular, are turned off by the idea of a patriarchal society. They imagine an authoritarian who uses his brute strength to strike fear in the hearts of others. He uses his position and power to keep everyone around him oppressed and in line. He truly is a big bully who imagines that his way is THE ONLY WAY. If others disagree they must be trained or retrained until they fall in line. They must be discredited and marginalized. Of course the portrait doesn’t portray a true patriarch. A patriarch humbles himself and acts in service to his family and community. The leader progressives fear and despise more closely resembles some of their own. Case in point, Obama’s science Czar (again).

John Holdren likely began to imagine a world of peace and equality in his youthful days at college. His vision, of course, was grounded in equal outcomes rather than freedom and human urge and creativity. Imagine! yoPeople all dressed in colorful but simple clothings frolicking the days away in giant fields of strawberries…forever! Holdren’s “perfect vision” would help to usher in the Aquarian Age of perfect harmony.

Quotes from Holdren’s writings indicate that certain ideas would need to be passed along to accomplish this magnificent goal. He knew he was up to the task; he just needed to be in the right place at the right time. Together with a couple of friends, Paul R. Ehrlch and Anne H. Ehrlich, a book was fashioned. “Human Ecology” was published in 1973 and the process was begun.

The first excerpt below is from “Human Ecology”. The second is from another book by the trio called “Ecoscience,” Both were featured in a story published on cnsnews. The quotes are illustrative of the progressive patriarch:

“White House Science Adviser Advocated ‘De-Development’ of the United States,” by Christopher Neefus –

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.” ** “De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation.” ** “The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge,” ** “They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided to every human being.”

Provided? Since when is it this mans right to provide a decent life for all? Since when is it up to him to decide how the fruits of my labor, or anyone else’s, is “distributed”? I should have the right to decide when and how my money is distributed. The elitist smarties were not finished being progressive patriarchs. The next book became a textbook, ensuring their radical ideas would become the means to their end…this vision of redistributed wealth. If you convince the youth of America that independence, a strong work ethic and healthy competition are detrimental and greedy you are well on your way to the utopian dream. An excerpt:

“The most critical change of all must be a change in goals; all people, rich and poor alike, must come to recognize that being a citizen of a giant, smoggy, freeway-strangled industrial state is not necessary to being a happy, healthy, fulfilled human being.” ** “Only when that course is firmly established, will there be any real hope for all of humanity to generate a worldwide spirit of…operation rather than competition and to plan the development of our (planet) with the holistic perspective that is so essential to the survival of civilization,” ** “Only then can consumption in the (less developed countries) be linked both psychologically and physically to production in the ODCs and a substantial transfer of wealth accomplished.”

“Culture-from-below is always free, and often illegal – mainly because it subverts the intellectual property laws. The new world will have different definitions of property and reward.” – Cain

When people who think like this acquire positions of power they waste no time at all in becoming authoritarian bullies. They immediately begin to offer the people benefits that are difficult to resist. They paint a simple yet perfect picture and ignore or dismiss all questions about the viability of their plans. While pretending to be a friend of the people they in fact wish to control decisions and as much of the economy as possible.

As the recent financial crisis unfolded good ideas to restore health to the overall economy were suggested but dismissed by the current administration and Congress. Those who could put people back to work and make them feel confident about the future, America’s businessmen, were described as unworthy, selfish and greedy. Thus opportunities to put people back to work were left on the table. A humble leader in service would have seen private business as a product of the people. He would have described business as people endeavoring to be productive and offering opportunity to others. Setting policy that is supportive of the people, of the private sector, would be indicative of true patriarchal management of government.

Instead we have seen something quite disturbing; government, and particularly Obama, touted as the savior. You and I have witnessed this administration’s plans to redistribute wealth, take control of private institutions, and replace a working health care system, approximately 16% of our gross domestic product (GDP), with a more universal government controlled plan. This authoritarian power grab is indicative of the progressive patriarchal leader.

So, how’s that hope and change patriarchy looking now?

1. Are you, your parents, children, or grandchildren mere objects of flesh to be manipulated by the government elite?
2. Should your labor or ambition be stifled, directed or controlled for the greater good?
3. Should the profit you make from your labors be taken from you and placed in a giant pool to be redistributed among the peasants?
4. Should bureaucrats in Washington make private and personal business and health decisions for you?

The bottom line is this, are you prepared to give up the freedom and opportunity you now enjoy for someone else’s idea of happiness and some old Marxist’s utopian dream? Are you willing to let go of the vision of our founders that all people are born with certain inalienable rights, one of them being the pursuit of happiness? Are you willing to let someone in DC decide your fate and the level of property ownership you can enjoy?

If not, you will reject the current cabal ofauthoritarian progressive patriarchs and return some balance to our legislative process at the earliest opportunity.


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