Ain’t That America?

God bless Aunt Zeituni…it’s not her fault that she doesn’t get it about America. What I wonder is how many Americans think exactly like Aunt Zeituni…that America owes people something…that “free country” means what you can get not what you can offer or contribute…that being a contributing member of society is not necessary or preferable…that being here and using the system is a matter of luck…that it’s our Christian duty to take care of everyone through our government. If this is the general attitude that most people have, whoa nelly…we is in deep, deep, deeeeep trouble!

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3 Responses to Ain’t That America?

  1. Post Scripts says:

    The problem is too many people are on the government payrole. Currently it is one in five, not so long ago it was one in fifteen. When those one in five vote they have no investment in the game, they have no tax dollars to protect, they are voting to solely on what is best for them and their voting pattern is always going to favor big government. How much more of this can we take? I really think this next election could be our last stand and if we don’t change course after Nov. we’re just confirmed unrepentant socialists…it’s over.

  2. Peggy says:

    Wondering if she is the sister of Obamas father. If she is, her statements really align with BO Srs beliefs and BO Jrs book titled Dreams FROM My Father.

    Amazing how both of their entitlement views are so similar. America is the home of the free, and if I choose to not work Im entitled to get for free what you have because we profess to be a Christian nation created by God. And Im just lucky and youre the sucker.

    Wow! No wonder this country is headed for a ditchno the Grand Canyon is a better example.

  3. Tina says:

    Jack in addition to those on the government payroll we also have 40% of Americans who receive transfer payments from taxpayers in one form or another. None of these is part of the 1 in 5 that work for government and all have a stake in keeping government BIG and taxes HIGH! Few seem to understand what it takes to fund the bureaucratic monolith…you’re right. Unless we begin to turn away from the social model we may never again experience the prosperity and freedom we once enjoyed. People will suffer and the poor will suffer greatly.

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