NJ Teachers Union Exposed

Posted by Tina


Stay tuned…apparently there is a second installment!

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2 Responses to NJ Teachers Union Exposed

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Well, what can I say, this is New Jersey. It’s bad. The people in that state have lowered the moral bar and it’s been like that for decades. At least in California our law enforcement is still clean.

  2. Tina says:

    A friend of mine who taught in CA for years and attended both state and federal meetings reports to me that the attitudes displayed here are universal within the various teacher organizations. She said she kept her own views quiet because she was so outnumbered. She stayed in the profession because she loved the kids. She worked with kids that were having reading problems and felt she was at least doing some good on an individual basis.

    I’m sympathetic with the plight of teachers. Discipline in many schools is a nightmare because kids aren’t taught to respect authority at home and many are unmanageable. disciplinary action is also limited. Good grief…a padded room for out of control students? This is nuts. How can teachers get the job done under these conditions. Even if they have the skills to command authority their hands are tied in following through with disciplinary action. Speaking of cops…we need one in every one of these classrooms!

    My granddaughter tells me that in every one of her classes (in a Chico high school) there are a handful of kids that disrespect teachers and disrupt the class.

    Teachers union leaders have made the one group of people that could restore their profession into their enemy. Of course teachers would need some retraining to become the teachers they were meant to be rather than the political mouthpieces and operatives that many have become…lol!

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