2011 Budget Cut Graph


Can’t see the budget cuts? Okay, we’ve magnified the above chart by 10 and if you look close you can see it. As one economist has worked out, if you had a budget of $2000 a month and you cut the same percentage as the federal budget you would be cutting .06 cents. That’s right, out of $2000 you would have to make do by slashing your budge to a mere $1999.94. There goes the luxuries, the discretionary spending and those little perks that your .06 cents once bought you. Now you see how much sacrifice the federal government is going through to reduce the trillions in debt.

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One Response to 2011 Budget Cut Graph

  1. Tina says:

    Utterly pathetic and IMHO exactly how this president would approach this problem.

    Obama doesn’t want to cut government, he wants to grow government and spread the wealth around. Cuts and reform are popular with the people right now (we see what’s happening) so he had to make a show of making cuts and pretend to be taking the “lead”.

    We need a real leader not a pretender. As I said, pathetic.

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