Muslim Prof Speaks Out on Multiculturalism

A courageous Muslim man says what many of us would like to!

“If you want to live under sharia law, go back to the hellhole country you came from, or go to another hellhole country that lives under sharia law.”

–Mahfooz Kanwar, a member of the Muslim Canadian Congress and a professor emeritus of sociology at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

For the rest of this story click here.

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4 Responses to Muslim Prof Speaks Out on Multiculturalism

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    How do you say A-MEN!!! in Farsi?

  2. Tina says:

    One thing about a plain spoken person, you cannot dispute his meaning! How I love it when people are this direct.

    Following the link I discoverd he also said this:

    “Multiculturalism creates nations within a nation and divides the loyalty of people, Canada is — like it or not, take it or leave it — a country founded on Christian principles where the vast majority of citizens are Christians.” * “Yes, there’s separation of church and state but even that was a principle founded by Christians and Christianity.” * “If Muslims, or anyone else, doesn’t like living in a land filled with Christians or in a democracy they should get the hell out.”

    May he and his family be forever blessed! It takes tremendous courage to step forward this way. Bravo and Amen.

  3. Quentin Colgan says:

    I hope you guys can help stop an egregious assault on Constitutional Liberty. It is right up the TEA party’s alley.
    Tomorrow in Oroville, the county supes are considerning an ordinance that will micromanage medical marijuana cultivation on private property in unincorporated areas of the county.
    I know the TEA party loathes government regulations.
    They want to charge an annual fee for people to grow their medicine. Imagine having to pay the government to take your Plavix! Imagine the government even getting involved in what should be a decision between you and your doctor! My god, what is this? Obamacare?
    It looks as if the county has a new “systems upgrade.” $6,000 of the new “fees”–and I know how you guys feel about those!–will be going for that. Lord knows what other “fees” they will charge on whatever to pay for the rest of it!
    The ordinance proposes “Administrative” fines for non-compliance–up to and including the seizure of proerty! As any good TEApartier knows, the Constitution forbids the taking of property, both real and personal, without due process. I implore you to call out the troops as it were to halt this egregious assault on American Values and Liberty.

    Will you stand on your principles, Jack? You are “Number One” for Communications Excellence, after all. You have FAR more readers than I!

    Will you please tell your pals at chicoteaparty.ning to show up at the supes meeting en masse and strike a blow for freedom from an overreaching government? They have blocked me from their site.

  4. Quentin Colgan says:

    Almost forgot:
    I will be giving the TEA party POV on KZFR at 5:30PM today. You might be interested in hearing how a real conservative thinks.

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