Obama, Fibber in Chief, on WH Staff Salary Increases

Thanks Peggy!!

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One Response to Obama, Fibber in Chief, on WH Staff Salary Increases

  1. Mary Herndon says:

    Interesting! As a Department of Defense employee with a frozen salary I am appalled that salaries of White House employees, and Congress (Each Year), are increased. I am pleased to be a government employee and have been for the last 33 years. I work in a position that should be graded above what it is, along with many others in the same position. I had the opportunity to work in DC, know people who work in DC and by far I am required to know more and accomplish more than the DC employee. Our positions are frozen along with salaries. Supposedly our positions were being reviewed for a grade increase when the freeze hit. I felt a huge slap in the face hearing White House employees received a raise. In the 33 years I’ve worked for the government I have never received a raise of 8%. I am APPALLED. Maybe someone needs to look into Congress receiving retirement entitlement after serving only one day in Congress. Look how much money the government could save by putting a stop to Congress receiving an automatic raise and retirement benefits. I am thankful I have a job. So many do not! Let’s be fair and equitable. Oops! I forgot! You have to be a politician to receive fair and equitable. Come on!

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