James Carville Hammers Obama… Again

by Jack

James Carville sure has been hammering the White House again, it’s kind of funny that he has become one of Obama’s worst critics. It’s often that we agree with what James o says, but he’s really been tracking with the GOP lately. Carville warns the prez we need jobs not speeches and that he better get his act together. Carville said this last night on CNN. A few weeks ago he criticized Obama for trying to schedule the President’s jobs speech the same night as the next Republican Presidential debate. Carville says given a choice he would prefer to watch the Republican debate…me too. I’ve had enough of Obama-talk to last me a lifetime.

Last year ol James was blasting the Obama administration for policies that most of us feel “are killing the economy” in the Gulf Coast. Good for him, he’s right on!

The Louisiana native and Democratic strategist who worked closely with the Clinton administration has not demurred in his criticisms of how the current White House has handled the BP Oil Disaster.

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10 Responses to James Carville Hammers Obama… Again

  1. Tina says:

    He also said that when other presidents (both parties) faced similar circumstances (voters turning against them) they fired key members of staff and it’s time for Obama to fire a few people. Probably good advice; I wonder if he will take it.

  2. Libby says:

    The man is not anything like omnipotent. All he can do is ask … the Congress … to get off its larded ass and DO something. If that body chooses not to … well, hopefully, they’ll all lose their jobs in 2012.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    “This place would be in court for a hostile workplace,” former White House communications director Anita Dunn is quoted as saying. “Because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.”

    How’s that “Hope and Change” working out for you?

  4. Tina says:

    The Congress, working hand in hand with Obama, has done quite enough, thank you. Cleaning up the mess could take decades!

    Your statement, in any case, is not true. Presidents usually produce a budget proposal that CBO can score. Obama produced a flyer…an outline for a campaign speech.

    The fact that the Democrat super majority has produced a royal mess has made you cranky. I don’t blame you, it was all supposed to be so wonderful with all that hope and change.

  5. Toby says:

    Seems like Obama has no problem working around congress to get what he wants. On Rush, I heard a clip of Carville saying something about taking every tenth one out and shooting them, not really sure if he was talking about democrats in general or people on Obama’s staff but I applaud his brass for saying it. Can you just imagine the hell coming down had a republican said something like that? I wonder if he got reported to Obama’s NAZI informer web site? If you missed Rush on Friday, you really missed a good show.

  6. Libby says:

    “The Congress, working hand in hand with Obama, has done quite enough, thank you. Cleaning up the mess could take decades!”

    Who’s cleaning up whose mess?

    You just keep trying … I’m sure the mass amnesia will set in any day now.

  7. Toby says:

    I see Libby is playing her post Obama hand. The Left will just pretend Obama never happened.

  8. Tina says:

    A lot of folks on the left are scrambling to find some footing to avoid falling into the deep pit of deep doo doo the left has piled up for decades. Shall we count the ways:

    1. Unsustanably structured entitlement programs.
    2. Exploitation of department powers (EPA a classic example) to force expensive unreasonable requirements of business and citizens.
    3. Layers of expensive bureaucracy at federal, state and local levels.
    4. Laws designed to artificially create “fairness” like the loan regualtions of the Carter and Clinton era’s that led to the Housing crash and the world wide financial crisis.
    5. The creation of unsustanable pension and healthcare programs at the state level for government workers.

    All of these are coming “home to roost” at the same time the current president and his super majority Congress chose to add trillion to our debt…as if our current and future money problems weren’t great enough!

    Democrats are not solely to blame for all of this…but a lot of it was and is the way they do things if they could always have it their way.

    As the Solyndra case demonbstrates, conservatives at least have the good sense to consider money…progressive liberals think it grows on trees and is simply there for the taking.

    We cannot continue at this fools game. The days of government as the answer to problems MUST end.

    And yes, Libby dear, the “mess” in which we find ourselves is largly the the doing of progressive Democrats winning the argument in favor of big government solutions over decades.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Toby, you got it! In a few more months it will be, I never voted for Obama.

  10. unbelievable says:

    Louisiana*ra*ker doesn’t like a ni**er.
    Stop the Presses. This is news

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