Killer Dee’s Threaten Californian’s

by Jack


This public service message is to warn you that Killer Dees or D’s ( demo- cratisus liberali parasitus) could arrive in your community at any time. (Queen Dee shown left) They’ve been slowly migrating up from the south and now they’re almost everywhere in the state, even in the pristine areas of conservative Northern California. Sacramento has been particularly hard hit by swarms of the Killer Dees, which are attracted by the smell of money. The impact on the Capitol has resulted in hundreds of freedom robbing, wealth shifting bills and laws.

Despite attempts at fumigating the Capitol building, they persist and they’re despoiling everything from agriculture to big business to real estate values. Even our schoolagers are at risk in their classrooms. Killer D’s have attacked education and undermined the teaching of traditional subjects. They have replaced them with such things as gender orientation classes and feminist studies, leaving us virtually defenseless against the global competition.

Beware! Killer D’s will attack small businesses without warning and send them running to the safety of non-infested states. Do not under estimate the danger here folks, once Killer D’s are disturbed and become agitated – they have been known to attack whole industries and kill off thousands of beneficial jobs.

Thankfully all is not lost, our best and brightest minds in political science are working tirelessly on a solution. Right now they’re in some of the most infested areas of America fighting for us, using an arsenal of facts, reason, and conservative idealism. So far it seems to be working! A large swarm of Eastern Killer D’s was just taken down in New York state and if we can get them there, chances are we can get them here.

Please take every precaution to keep you and your family safe and watch out for the Killer D’s. And remember, they are attracted by the smell of money, and the only proven way you can stop them from multiplying is to starve them at their funding sources, the taxpayers money.

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3 Responses to Killer Dee’s Threaten Californian’s

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    democratisus liberali parasitus

    I got a cramp I laughed so hard.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Pie I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m kinda surprised I didn’t catch flak from the usual suspects?

  3. Harriet says:

    Give it time Jack, give it time. Very creative, good job.

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