BLACK FRIDAY HAS ARRIVED! We’re Doomed, Doooomed I Tell You!

by Jack

I just came in from checking the sky…it’s not falling.   Then I heard President Obama’s speech and I’m thinking maybe I made a mistake?  All kinds of terrible things are about to beset us… and its all the Republican’s fault, sez the prez!

B.O. tells us, when your kids free school lunch is cancelled and they starve, because it’s their only nutritious meal of the day, you know who is to blame, its all the Republican’s fault!   When vicious criminals are set free to pillage because we can’t afford to keep them locked up, its all the Republican’s fault!   (insert malady here) its always going to be the Republican’s fault because they forced this nast sequester business on the Democrats who had everything working so perfectly!

To make matters worse, the cops and FBI are being furloughed and its all the Republican’s fault! !  And our aircraft carriers are coming back to port, because we can’t afford to fuel them…yes, and soldiers will be denied bullets too, just one bullet per Taliban… it’s all about to fall apart its all the Republican’s fault!   (Gee, hope you didn’t turn in your guns, you may need them! )

A black reign (no pun intended) of unholy terror is about to begin!  To quote the president, “Now, you may not notice it for a few days, a few weeks or even a few months, but it’s coming!”  And it’s all the Republicans fault, never lose sight of that!   Which brings up a question for Barry, how’s that bipartisan consensus building working out?  But, I digress.

I bet you never knew that a reduction of 1/2 of 1% of revenue increases could wreak so much destruction on our fragile society, right?  And the worst part is to the President’s legacy that will be damaged through no fault of his own.  Because all those wonderful advances in our personal wealth, that our Lord/Saviour (he sometimes called that)  gave us are now about to just go poof!   It will be as if they never really existed.  And it will seem like our robust economy was actually flat lined during his whole term in office.  We never quite recovered from the Great Recession under his magnificent leadership and that doesn’t seem fair to Barry, he’s done so much change America forever…., but remember whatever happens that’s bad, its all the Republican’s fault!

Now to another story that followed the Presidents speech today:

A Government Accountability  Office report reveals that the Justice Department  has spent $11.4 million to fly the Attorney General and FBI director on FBI luxury jets for travel unrelated to the agency’s  mission.

Iowa Republican and ranking judiciary committee member Sen. — who requested GAO look into  Justice Department aircraft being used to for “nonmission” reasons — released  the report Thursday.

“These luxury jets were supposedly needed for counterterrorism, but it turns  out that they were used almost two-thirds of the time for jet-setting executive  travel instead,” Grassley said. “Nobody disputes that the Attorney General and  the FBI Director should have access to the secure communications, but, for  instance, there’s no reason they can’t take a less expensive mode of  transportation, or cut their personal travel.”

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5 Responses to BLACK FRIDAY HAS ARRIVED! We’re Doomed, Doooomed I Tell You!

  1. Harriet says:

    I would like someone to tell me how any problem whatsoever will come about, even so called credible people say that Flight towers will be closed at some airports, that some programs will be cut, etc etc , my question again, is why? Everyone is still going to get their monies, they are still getting an increase, just not as much, so what? I only got 1.7% increase in SSA, my husband and I are still going to eat.

  2. Tina says:

    Harriet this would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Seeing the President of the United States of America going before the whole world to issue such bald faced lies is embarrassing. Only in the crooked political mind of a community organizer/Marxist/narcissist would such obvious drivel come spewing forth. And what is sick is that he has the power to cut wherever he wants to do the least damage…instead he plays with peoples lives to try to make political points for greater democRAT power…and yes, today he earned such derision!

  3. Harriet says:

    Yes, but he is not the only one, the newscasters say teh same thing, Even our locals, it is like no one has a mind of their own and just parrott what they are told.
    We need to ressurect Andrew Breitbart and clone him FAST!

  4. Libby says:

    Me, I’m gonna sit back and watch the fun: all you upstanding, self-righteous conservative types telling all those DOD employees/contractors that it’s there own fault they can’t find other work … that they should be grateful for the opportunity to go from $18/hr and full bennies to $8/hr and bugger-bloody-all.

    That’s gonna go down real well, that is. I predict a most distressing upsurge in family massacres and mall shootings.


    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, the fallout from sequester will be as exciting as watching paint dry, enjoy. You do understand that no actual cuts are being made right? I think we’ve mentioned that about 30 times. The spending reduction is to spending hikes and they won’t be as large now. We’re talking 1/2 of 1% of the budget.

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