FBI…What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate

by Jack

ed_bostonDespite the lessons of 9-11, and despite the creation of a multi-billion dollar bureaucracy to force cooperation between allied agencies, once again the FBI did not share important terrorist information that could have stopped a terrorist attack and saved lives, i.e., the  Tamerlan Tsarnaev file with the Boston police.

According to the latest news reports, the FBI’s handling of the Boston bombings came under intense scrutiny on Thursday as it emerged the Bureau did not give local police any information on the older suspect’s growing radicalism until after he was already dead.   Bost Chief, Edward Davis, confirmed this (Davis is shown on left).  The FBI came under intense scrutiny after 9-11, but nothing ever came of it, although it was the driving force behind the creation of the worthless Homeland Security.  Not one FBI agent was ever disciplined for the failure to follow up on a great tip that could have prevented 9-11. 

That tipster said young Arab-Muslim men (profiling) were in this country trying to learn to fly a passenger jet, but not to land it.  The tipster was their flight instructor and he correctly thought they were planning a hijacking, however it went nowhere because the FBI didn’t see anything suspicious with thier activity.  So don’t expect much to change within the ranks of the FBI, they continue to operate autonomously and without consequences. 

Intelligence gathering is a one way street with them and always has been.  Most of America’s top law enforcement agencies consider the FBI as elitists, the source of turf wars, and too eager to take credit for the work done by others. 

A Washington Post story reported that despite receiving multiple warnings from Russia about Tamerlan Tsarnaev and adding him to a watch list of potential terrorists, the FBI did not pass on any of its intelligence to any other allied agencies.

Separately, the Los Angeles Times reported Boston police were warned five days before the attack that the race’s finish line was an “area of increased vulnerability” for “small scale bombings”.  However, the intelligence assessment found no credible sign of an imminent threat to the Marathon.


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3 Responses to FBI…What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate

  1. Tina says:

    But Jack…Al Qaeda is on the run…we have all but decimated the enemy. All that’s left to do is a bit of clean up. What…me worry?

    These agencies are competitive and arrogant but our leader has not helped the situation with his casual folksy style of leadership.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Wasn’t the original creation of Homeland Security was to enable the alphabet agencies to share info?

    It’s not only the just FBI that blew it (no pun intended) . . . .

    Can the taxpayer get a refund?

    • Post Scripts says:

      J. I would love to see that refund! lol Can you imagine all the money we’ve wasted on that boondoggle Homeland fiasco since it was started? Wow…we would have been so much better off if it was never created.

      They’ve done nothing but blow through billions of dollars on stupid things and we still have the FBI behaving exactly as they always have! What a total rip, what stupid concept! And what amazes me is that so many people went on board with it! Nobody wanted to say no! That’s what gets me…and yet almost everybody who didn’t stand to gain something by it’s creation thought it was a stupid idea from day one. Makes you wonder who’s in change us or the gov?

      We need to disband it and reorganize the FBI from the top down.

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