Watch for Higher Drug Costs Under Obamacare

Posted by Tina

Who needs affordable healthcare the most? People who are facing big health scares and long term health conditions…sick people…right?

Well, too bad for them! Anytime a new element is introduced into a market adjustments naturally occur. Obamacare is a huge new element and the consequences for it’s introduction into the healthcare market just keep falling out. Now it’s being reported that Obamacare means bad news for patients who need affordable prescription drugs most, those suffering from: cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic diseases:

To try to keep premiums low, some states are allowing insurers to charge patients a hefty share of the cost for expensive medications used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other life-altering chronic diseases.

Such “specialty drugs” can cost thousands of dollars a month, and in California, patients would pay up to 30 percent of the cost. For one widely used cancer drug, Gleevec, the patient could pay more than $2,000 for a month’s supply, says the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

New York is taking a different approach, setting flat dollar copayments for medications. The highest is $70, and it would apply to specialty drugs as well.

Critics fear most states will follow California’s lead, and that could defeat the purpose of Obama’s overhaul, because some of the sickest patients may be unable to afford their prescriptions.

It’s called The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. But it was an illusion from the beginning that the law we call Obamacare would “protect patients” or make health care “affordable” as the law’s actual name implies.

Obamacare represents another leftist grab for power over private sector industry and a means to control how healthcare dollars are spent.

The way to bring cost for healthcare down is to get the federal government out of the healthcare industry completely and create regulation that allows for greater competition and flexibility. With premiums set to skyrocket next year we can only hope that the people will finally see the folly in this damaging, deceptive law.

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