Time for Fundamental Transformation of Big Government!

by Tina Grazier

The IRS isn’t just charged with hiring more IRS agents; it is creating a whole new bureaucracy to monitor and enforce Obamacare’s oppressive rules and regulations. Read directives from the Inspector Generals report here.

It begs the question how can anyone believe that Obamcare will make healthcare more “affordable” for Americans. The truth is this law is another progressive attempt to transfer wealth but clearly the cost for the bureaucracy will add to our debt, raise our taxes, and cause the cost of healthcare to go up. How big is this bureaucracy> According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) the cost for the bureaucracy is high:

To implement all of Obamacare’s tax increases, the IRS has needed additional infusions of taxpayer funds. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimated that the IRS would spend $881 million on implementing the law from 2010 through 2013 and that, of that amount, the IRS would spend more than half a billion dollars from an Obamacare implementation “slush fund.”[5]

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently testified before Congress that the IRS had approximately 700 full-time equivalent staff working on Obamacare implementation.[6] However, in its budget request this spring, the IRS assumed that a force nearly three times that size—1,954 full-time equivalent employees—would work on the law’s implementation in the coming fiscal year.[7]

Obama is a big cheerleader for big government and big government solutions.

Isn’t it ironic that David Alexrod now defends and excuses the President from any responsibility in the current scandals of big government, IRS, AP, Benghazi and others, by saying, “Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you that you can’t know because the government is so vast.” Funny, the buck stopped at Bush’s desk but not Obama’s even though he’s the one that thinks big government is the best thing since sliced bread and far superior to the private sector or individual freedom.

Is Big governmen too big to fail? Is it too big to adequately manage? Or is it just too big to manage effectively so that corruption isn’t rampant and debt doesn’t grow. That linked video is informative but it is also old…our debt was $15.8 trillion sometime prior to the election; it has grown to $16.8 trillion today with unfunded liabilities of $124 trillion.

So Yes, our government is too big to manage and too costly to support. Some Presidents manage to do a better job than others but the truth is it has been too big for decades. The problem is progressive notions that government should have control over aspects of our lives that we could manage better in the private sector or at the state and local levels. It is time to bite the bullet; it’s time to fundamentally transform our big federal government by eliminating departments and seriously reforming programs. It is time to push dependency on government back and create greater opportunity for self-reliance and independence.

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3 Responses to Time for Fundamental Transformation of Big Government!

  1. J. Soden says:

    And just today, United Healthcare, Aetna and Cigna have decided not to participate in CA’s health insurance exchange – at least for the first year.

    Good business decisions are the next “reasons” the Dept of Jerks or IRS will use to target those that don’t agree with Obumble.

    Expect this action to guarantee that their phone records will be collected by the Dept of Jerks, and that the IRS will be coming after them with audits.

    But now that precedent has been set by the Crook AG and IRS, those companies can just claim “I don’t know” or take the 5th . . . . . . . .

  2. Tina says:

    Another union has recently demanded to be exempt too. This stinker is a sinker!

  3. Peggy says:

    “It begs the question how can anyone believe that Obamcare will make healthcare more “affordable” for Americans.”

    Anyone with an IQ above 40 knows the answer. It doesn’t.

    That’s why the Democrats are still pushing it while doctors are closing their private practice doors, going to work for hospitals and telling their sons and daughter in college to change their majors.

    Side note: These were all soooo good I had to share. Enjoy some humor today.

    What do you get when you toss 3 scandals, “Hope,” and “Change” together?

    Some hilarious Conservative cartoons telling the truth…

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