MLK Remembered – Opportunity Squandered

Posted by Tina

The President addressed a crowd of an estimated 20,000 people on the Mall today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. He spoke well and seemed to be sending the message that anger and revenge were not the paths that would bring equality and justice. However he continued to send the partisan message that equality could only be achieved through government redistribution and force. Instead of taking the opportunity to celebrate Dr. King and his purpose he chose to make this a day of politics as usual. Instead of creating a unified day of celebration this administration chose to attract a gathering to highlight division to mark the 50th anniversary of the Dream speech.

This event could have been, and should have been, a national event free of politics. It could have been a moment when America declared itself to be unified behind liberty, justice and opportunity for all. It could have been a day that showed the world that the vast majority of Americans can and do set aside differences to live, work, and celebrate side by side in peace. This could have been an event that marked the historic election to high office of Barack Obama and it could have marked the achievements of other minority men and women, those who always seem to go unnoticed and uncounted…like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Elaine Chao, and many others. It could have been a celebration that included those who have risen from poverty to achieve the American Dream. But it wasn’t that kind of day and it’s a shame, particularly at a time when the world sorely needs the light of freedom to shine brightly.

Can you imagine how many people of all races would have attended, and been blessed by the experience, had this administration shown real leadership and placed america above their extremely partisan redistribution and special groups/special rights agenda?

It would have been an awesome moment in America!

But before that will ever happen the left will have to give up its divisive, hateful political message, a message they have exploited for fifty years to frighten people for political contributions and votes.

Yes, this was a day of solemn remembrance but it was definitely a squandered opportunity.

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12 Responses to MLK Remembered – Opportunity Squandered

  1. Tina says:

    We can be thankful for strong voices like that of Dr. Ben Carson who has the ability to speak truthfully and lead in a positive direction

  2. J Soden says:

    And the ONLY black Senator – Tim Scott, R, SC – was not invited to the gathering!

    Guess he didn’t fit in with the rest of the race hucksters agitating in order to keep their pockets lined . . .

  3. Chris says:

    Tina: “He spoke well and seemed to be sending the message that anger and revenge were not the paths that would bring equality and justice. However he continued to send the partisan message that equality could only be achieved through government redistribution and force. Instead of taking the opportunity to celebrate Dr. King and his purpose he chose to make this a day of politics as usual.”

    You do know that Dr. King was FOR government redistribution, on a level greater than that proposed by President Obama.

    Do you believe King was motivated by “anger and revenge?”

  4. Chris says:

    MLK quotes that are more “radically socialist” than anything Obama has ever said:

    “We know of no more crucial civil rights issue facing Congress today than the need to increase the federal minimum wage and extend its coverage. … A living wage should be the right of all working Americans.”

    “You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism.”

    “No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages…The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law.”

    “A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis.”

    “If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas.”

    “I always look at Marx with a yes and a no. And there were some thigns that Karl Marx did that were very good. Some very good things. If you read him, you can see that this man had a great passion for social justice… [But] Karl Marx got messed up, first because he didn’t stick with that Jesus that he had read about; but secondly because he didn’t even stick with Hegel…Now this is where I leave Brother Marx and move on toward the Kingdon [of Brotherhood] … I am simply saying that God never intended for some of his children to live in inordinate superfluous wealth while others live in abject, deadening poverty.”

    “It is criminal to have people working on a full-time basis … getting part-time income … We are tired of working our hands off and laboring every day and not even making a wage adequate with daily basic necessities of life.”

  5. Tina says:

    Chris: “You do know that Dr. King was FOR government redistribution, on a level greater than that proposed by President Obama.”

    You can be forgiven your ignorance since you weren’t around when Dr. king was expressing his views. You don’t have an experience of life before mass entitlement and before so many Americans had been conditioned away from the work ethic.

    If King could see what has happened to the black man (and to whites) by this sense of entitlement he might have changed his mind about things like minimum wage and capitalism. On the other hand he might have become another Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. We will never know for sure.

    This I think I can say with some degree of certainty because MLK knew his Bible. He did not see a future of human beings, having been given all kinds of government help as well as private sector opportunity, who would be in such deplorable shape.

    When we continue to do what has clearly failed it is time to try something else.

    America was a changing country in 1965. The people rejected racism and bent over backwards to make up for the wrongs done by prior generations. The black community NEVER GOT THE CHANCE to see how it would fair without government assistance. there is a chance that we would have seen more entrepreneurial endeavors and family businesses develop if the safety net hadn’t become a great big hammock!

    Is is unfortunate that extremists that benefit from division and keeping blacks voting Democrat are in charge of the Democrat Party. they are creating a false image of our nation and the opportunities that exist and its a shame.

    Chris minimum wage jobs are not now nor have they ever been jobs to support a family. In a good economy those jobs are taken mostly by people with plans to move on. It would be stupid to raise the minimum wage and eliminate more of those jobs. I understand that some restaurants are looking to automate more if Obamacare remains and if the min wage is made higher. If you would just be willing to learn how it is for most of these businesses you would be able to see the folly in your thinking.

  6. Tina says:

    J Soden: “And the ONLY black Senator – Tim Scott, R, SC – was not invited to the gathering!”

    Were any Republicans invited or asked to speak?

    Like I said this could have been a unifying celebration of the progress we’ve made and with the right attitude a moment of inspiration for everyone.

    Republicans have a long history of civil rights work and Democrats seem to love pretending just the opposite. Kids in school are not taught the truth. I suspect it’s why Democrats get so darned defensive when we dare to talk about it.

    The stuff that is political, freedom and free markets as opposed to dependency and government control have nothing to do with race but the Democrats love to conflate the two for their own sick evil purpose.

  7. Chris says:

    “Were any Republicans invited or asked to speak?”

    Yes. Both Bushes were invited but declined due to health concerns. John Beohner and Eric Cantor said their schedules were full.

    Of course, now Bill O’Reilly, Drudge and other conservatives are falsely claiming that “no conservatives were invited” as part of their little circle-jerk of persecution narrative white male greivance BS. As is their want.

  8. Peggy says:

    Instead of “Whites only” it appears the MLK celebration in DC was for “Democrats only.” With one exception; George W. Bush.

    Would like to know if Clarence Thomas was invited.


    The Nation’s Only Black Senator Was Not Invited to Speak at Event Commemorating MLK March on Washington:

    A spokesman for Scott confirmed to the Washington Examiner that the senator “was not invited to speak at the event.”

    “The senator believes today is a day to remember the extraordinary accomplishments and sacrifices of Dr. King, Congressman John Lewis, and an entire generation of black leaders. Today’s anniversary should simply serve as an opportunity to reflect upon how their actions moved our country forward in a remarkable way,” the spokesman said in the statement.

  9. Tina says:

    The event was a missed opportunity and it was poorly planned…hence the measly turnout and pathetic divisive tone.

    The word in conservative circles is that Republican invitations, such as they were, were delivered at the last minute…possibly an afterthought in the case of the Bush’s who have been extremely gracious to the first family.

    Can you imagine what this event could have been like if Clarence Thomas, a man of the deep segregated South who applied himself under difficult circumstances to reach the high honor of serving on the Supreme Court? His grandfather was apparently his mentor and support system. Couldn’t his testimony, his experience of rising above that hardship, have been of value to young people today?

    How about Dr Carson. Anyone who has seen the movie about his life would have a good idea of what it takes to better oneself in the face of adversity…anyone of any race could benefit from his example!

    What about Dr. Williams or Dr. Sowell? Both have positive stories to share about civil rights and the struggle to succeed in the face of adversity!!

    Perhaps the Democrats didn’t want this positive message telegraphed to the American people under the banner of MLK. Perhaps the struggle, the animosity, the division, the doubt, and the belief that half the country is bigoted is something they want to perpetuate.

    Democrats feed off of perpetuating the myth of widespread (Republican) racism and it has to stop!

  10. Peggy says:

    I thought the CSPAN telecast of the MLK luncheon hosted by the RNC, I posted on another article, strange at the time. Now thinking perhaps the RNC held it knowing conservative blacks were not included in the Sharpton organized “celebration” at the Lincoln Memorial.

    What a shame for the democrats to create such an atmosphere of division instead of actually living MLK’s dream of unity and respect for others.

  11. Tina says:

    Peggy I’m having trouble with my computer overheating so I couldn’t watch the video; I imagine the tone was a lot different.

    I think the reasoning by the RNC was that the party founded by Lincoln, that had been at the forefront of civil rights and civil rights legislation, was an appropriate organization to commemorate MLK’s historic speech and to honor his purpose in organizing the march. It was called the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom”.

    Jobs. Freedom. He wanted blacks to have equal opportunity to provide for themselves!

    Not a word about redistribution. Not a word about special treatment (In fact at the time this would have been viewed as condescension)

    The speech words “freedom” and “let freedom ring” were repeated throughout the speech. Justice would be realized when freedom was made real. This would happen, he believed, when America honored the principles of freedom and basic rights spelled out in the Constitution.

    I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

    He was there to challenge Americans to live by their own credo of equality and freedom. That would be a condition in which the black man realized justice.

    I believe that dream has been realized and that we have inflicted new barriers, no matter how well intentioned they might sound. Dependency is a kind of prison. The mindset that encourages others to settle for such a life has been unnecessarily blunted and scarred with false hope and false dreams. This is not what MLK envisioned. He saw the black man as a free American…free to live and to work…free to create the American dream for himself.

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