Can You Answer This Question?

Posted by Tina

Why are we currently funding the federal government through a series of short-term measures known as “continuing resolutions”?

Here’s one answer: American Spectator

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4 Responses to Can You Answer This Question?

  1. J. Soden says:

    Harry Reid has shirked his Constitutional responsibility to have a budget by not allowing any of the House-passed budgets to be voted on ever since Obumble became Prez.
    Harry deserves to be recalled or impeached for dereliction of duty. Where can I donate to a Recall Ridiculous Reid campaign?

  2. Tina says:

    Absolutely J. Soden…and let us not forget that every Senator, including Harry Reid, voted as Republican Senators did, against the President’s budget plan!!!

    They also voted against the House budeget plan by declaring it dead on arrival.

    Reid and his Democrats don’t give a damn if the government shuts down; they have plotted to do just that for political purposes on countless occasions in the past.

    Republicans have passed a bill to fund government.

  3. Tina says:

    A Gallup Poll posted today found that Congress members remain unpopular with the citizenry generally but Harry Reid has won the worst jerk in Congress Award! At 33% approval he has the lowest numbers.

    I just heard a string of the most deceptive, disingenuous, lies told by Democrats, including the President, about what’s going on in Congress.

    Democrats have failed to pass a budget to fund the government for five years (actually I’m told this has gone on since Democrats lost their fifty year majority in 1994)…they don’t want to be on record for all the deficit spending before the elections which ayre 13 months away!

    “It’s unpatriotic…irresponsible!” (Who said that again?)

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Because Congress refuses to do their job and face facts.

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