Stock Market Shows Economy Improving, But. . .

by Jack


The markets across the board were generally flat today, despite the dire predictions from democrat lawmakers that the sky is falling. It seems the market either doesn’t believe them or they have bigger concerns to worry about.   Over the course of the year the market shows an economy on the mend, but ever so slowly. If you look at the chart, and only the chart, you would say the economy is absolutely improving. The chart can’t lie, right?  No, but it also doesn’t tell the whole truth.

What happens when the gov infusion of $85 billion dollars a month stops? That huge amount of money every month has been feeding the stock market and the mega corporations that it represents.  Let’s be clear on this point, for the last three plus years it’s been that $85 billion dollars a month in cotton money that is 100% backed by the federal government’s promise to take it from you that’s been driving the market.    

I’m sure hoping you have the extra money to pay it back?  Because federal government is betting our collective future on it.    Can you afford to pay your share, which is roughly about $52,885 as of today?  I can’t. 

The feds are charging you interest on your debt and that causes your bill to go up every day.   Isn’t it great that they have so much trust in your ability to earn money and pay yuor debts?    And because they have so much confidence in you to pay they have plans for you to be stuck with a whole lot more debt in the coming months and years.   You are going to pay it, right?   All those in favor of paying and paying signify by voting democrate.

Let me leave you with this final thought;  No matter how much they spend (for you) you are obligated to pay it back and remember, the stock market is literally hanging by a thread if you don’t.   Why you, you wonder?   Well who else Bunky?    The government doesn’t earn one damn dime, they take everything they spend from the pockets of the people, whether you call it a corporate tax, an income tax, sales tax or fees, etc.,  it’s all something that is deducted from your net income.    Gov. can’t create wealth they can only spend it; they are a non-profit on steroids! Thank you for holding up the stock market with your credit card.ND2013

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15 Responses to Stock Market Shows Economy Improving, But. . .

  1. J. Soden says:

    Wall Street loves the fact that the Fed is continuing to pump out $$. Remember how they shuddered when Uncle Ben spoke about phasing out QE2 or 4 or 97. . .?

    Unfortunately, the economy has NOT improved, regardless of the spin delivered repeatedly by Obumblebots. Just ask the guy/gal on the street if their economy has improved.

  2. Libby says:

    It’s just not that simple, guys.

    The Roosevelt spike pulled us out of the Depression, got us through WWII, and build a solid middle class.

    The Reagan spike has made the rich people richer and decimated the middle class.

    It’s not about borrowing, it’s about what you buy with the borrowed money.

    And there is (what’s left of) the difference between Repubs and Dems.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, you said something very important and I have to agree with you… to a certain extent. You said, “It’s not about the borrowing, it’s about you buy with the borrowed money.’ That much we can agree on. Frivilous, wasteful and corrupt spending by Congress has been irresponsible and without accountability for too long. That taxpayers have not been getting much for their money and this must stop.

      Responsible spending helps improve the over economy by providing quality, cutting edge infrastructure and that improves the quality of life in America for everyone. So on that part we agree. I don’t like to spend borrowed money, but being a realist I understand that at times it is necessary. I just want to keep it very limited and pay it off quickly. Debt is never good for anyone, even for Congress. We must learn to live within our means and not on a credit card.

      It’s arguable if Roosevelt actually got us out of the depression or if his policies dragged it out longer than necessary. I think most will agree that it was WWII that finally brought abuot the end of the depression.

      Reagan’s spending didn’t help as much as some might want to think and I’ll be the first to admit it. He ran up a lot of debt. Bush 1 and II definitely added to the heavy deficit. But Obama’s QE spending and Corporate bailouts, the extension of Corporate welfare and such has eclipsed all the past presidents to the extent it actually threatens the future economic viabililty of the nation. It’s certainly placed us in record debt that threatens the future finacial welfare of the next generation or two.

      Now if I can find fault with our guys – can you find any fault with yours? Can you bring yourself to admit that Obama has damaged the economy far more than he’s helped it?

  3. Tina says:

    Jack not only are we responsible for paying the debt, we are responsible to pay the interest on the debt which makes that 52K just a drop in the bucket in terms of what we have to shoulder as burden on our own individual ability to buy groceries, rent, utilities, car payments, health insurance, deductibles on that insurance , out of pocket expenses on the healthcare, clothing and donations to our local schools for band instruments and sports uniforms because the bureaucracy and CEO’s in education are gobbling up all of the education dollars meant for the classrooms.

    Democrats and weenie Republicans are LOUSY at managing the peoples money…the evidence is all around us.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #2 Libby: The Reagan spike has made the rich people richer and decimated the middle class.

    Decimated? Sheer lunacy.

    I would suggest al-Libby check Obama’s record, but then I might as well tell a mule to learn algebra.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “Can you afford to pay your share, which is roughly about $52,885 as of today?”


  6. Libby says:

    “Can you bring yourself to admit that Obama has damaged the economy far more than he’s helped it?”

    We won’t know about that for quite some time.

    But there’s no question that the various stimuli pulled us out of recession. (You can deny it all you like, it’s still a fact.)

    And there’s no doubt either that if the ACA can be got to work properly, it will free up vast economic resources. We’ll have to see.

    And, alas, it is also inarguable that the greatest threat to your investments, at this very moment, is the United States House of Representatives.

    I have no investments, and am enjoying the farce.

  7. Tina says:

    Libby: “But there’s no question that the various stimuli pulled us out of recession. (You can deny it all you like, it’s still a fact.)”

    Progressives always have a “fact” they can toss out to the public. In this case they tout the stimulus (QE) as they construct the fantasy that “the economy is improving”

    The recession officially ended in the spring of 2009. The nation was poised for a recovery. Obama had promised to reign in wasteful government spending. he had promised transparency in government. Then the President and the Democrat controlled congress focused on their agenda, government controlled healthcare, instead of the problems in the housing jobs markets.

    Obama also focused on green energy, plowing money into green energy projects that failed or sent jobs to China. He favored car industry union workers. He suppressed the energy sector.

    Once passed his healthcare law included massive tax increases, including on the middle class. The law now includes added regulations, 11.5 million words worth! Considering the recent IRS targeting of conservatives and journalists, and considering the IRS is charged with collecting for Obamacare a lot of people are confused and nervous about what is in all of those regulations.

    Obama has also constantly pitted groups of Americans against each other and demonized the rich while personally inviting rich bankers and corporate heads to the White House. His QE continues stimulus continues even though there was no perceptible change in the job outlook for middle and poor class workers and most businesses are just getting by or sitting in a holding pattern keeping their cash for the rainy day they fear is right around the corner.

    Obama does what is good for him and to increase government power and control.

    Obama does not inspire confidence or a sense of opportunity and hope about the future in the people and it is the people that make this country vibrant and successful.

    The lesson is that the policies of Reagan and Kennedy do and did work to inspire that confidence. They created tax and regulatory policies that made people feel good about the future and future opportunity. They did not favor one group of Americans or punish another. More money flowed to government because of their tax cuts because the people were encouraged to risk and invest and grow the economy.

    Unfortunately Congress saw the opportunity to bring goodies home or talk up some damn program for votes and spent more than was generated…that is why the debt increases and the budget ceiling must constantly be raised…because the Congress created unsustainable programs and are constantly spending more money.

    1. Under Obama’s policies middle class Americans are joining the ranks of the poor…fact!

    2. Under Obama’s policies the poor are much worse off despite the increased spending by government on assistance (see reason @ #1 above)

    3. Under Reagan the middle class shrunk…because so many of them moved into higher income brackets…fact!

    4. Under Reagan the poor, including poor blacks, moved into the middle class…many of them became entrepreneurs and started their own businesses. Median family income grew $4000.00….fact!

    5. Under Reagan tax cuts created millions new jobs: Middle class income increased 11 percent after adjustment for inflation, while nearly 20 million new jobs were created…fact!

    Myths about the Reagan record have been constructed by a media bent on aiding the Democrat Party…fact!

    They are still at it all these years later…fact.

    They now have competition…maybe the American people will start trusting what they can see with their own eyes.

    This economy is barely bumping along. Too many people are without a job, working beneath their skills, or have been shoved to part time work. QE stimulus has created a scary environment…what happens when they stop? Most of the stock market gains have been as a result of the stimulus and not because of production and sales (there are a few exceptions: tech and overseas sales)

    The American people need some relief! We can no longer keep up with the luxury mindset in Washington DC. It’s like they think the golden goose has no limit and lives just for them. Enough already.

    “And there’s no doubt either that if the ACA can be got to work properly, it will free up vast economic resources.”

    Wrong. The taxes and regulations will stifle business and jobs. And have you been watching at all? In many states the bronze option (least expensive) has deductibles in the thousands of dollars plus co-pays! People aren’t going to buy a policy that doesn’t cover much and has a $4-8 thousand dollar deductible! They will pay the fine…like you…and the thing will crash and burn with all of us right along with it.

    The greatest threat to anyone’s investments…school teachers…retired people…young employees trying to build for their futures…cops, firemen, factory workers, maids, bartenders…nurses and doctors…legal secretary’s and assistants…are harmed by the lousy economy built by Barack Obama in the last five years and the Democrats both before and after the crash. Democrats have had their heads planted since Kennedy was killed…progressives took over the party and have had congressional power to create the big entitlements that are killing us under a pile of debt.

    No Libby, you are the farce…because you are so badly informed.

  8. Libby says:

    “Progressives always have a “fact” they can toss out to the public.”

    For all the good it does. The Tea Partiers’ impervious immutability to fact is well documented, and on display this very moment in the United States House of Representatives.

  9. Libby says:

    “… are harmed by the lousy economy built by Barack Obama in the last five years ….”

    Again, I must fault your ignorance. You don’t build an economy in five years. You can barely budge one. I mean, if you’re trying to get us to forget that we’re living the aftermath of the Great Recession … it ain’t working.

    I think we’d have been much better off, actually, if you all hadn’t gone gutless (and racist), and put all those morons into the House. There would have been more “stimulus” applied to the economy. Unemployment could have been in the sixes by now.

    But we’ll never know now … gutlesses.

    • Post Scripts says:

      “You don’t build an economy in five years. You can barely budge one. I mean, if you’re trying to get us to forget that we’re living the aftermath of the Great Recession … it ain’t working.” Libby

      Libby, it takes a lot less time to destroy an economy than it does to build one. That’s why we hate to see what Obama and his liberals are doing to this nation and what you liberals did to this once great state of California. You liberals are worse than a plague of locusts.

      If there was ever a glaring example of liberal policies and the harm they do to people, it’s right here in dysfunctional CA. We’re the most taxed state in the union, yet our school system ranks among the lowest in the nation? And this is despite elementary school teachers making an average wage of over $67k a year with the upper range over $85k!

      We have more jobs leaving the state than at any other time in our history, why? Why is California considered a business unfriendly state?

      Why are 25% of the nations welfare recipients living here?

      Why are liberals in Sacramento so obsessed with grabbing my guns and trampling on my 2nd ammendment rights?

      Why is CA gov so top heavy with beaurocrats making huge salaries and fat retirements?

      Why does CA pass CRAB regulations that cost farmers and truckers millions, yet they don’t even apply to the north state air quality?

      YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO LIBBY before anyone is ever going to believe anything you say! You’re a dyed-in-the wool hardcore socialist and you have nothing to offer us except hot air.

  10. Libby says:

    “We have more jobs leaving the state than at any other time in our history, why? Why is California considered a business unfriendly state?”

    Because it’s not. According to the Labor Market Review put out by the state: “Civilian employment decreased by 53,000 in August to 16,935,000 persons, following a decrease of 65,000 in July. On a year-over basis, civilian employment was up 381,000 persons (2.3 percent).”

    Not thrilling numbers, I grant you. But definitely no grounds to succumb to any anti-tax hysteria.

    “Why are 25% of the nations welfare recipients living here?”

    Because we are not uncivil, unChristian, barbarians, that’s why. And I want to know why this bothers you so much?

    Why are liberals in Sacramento so obsessed with grabbing my guns and trampling on my 2nd ammendment rights?

    Because they’re not.

    “Why is CA gov so top heavy with beaurocrats making huge salaries and fat retirements?”

    Because civilized states compensate the help adequately. Because we used to be able to afford it. Adjustments are being made.

    “Why does CA pass CRAB regulations that cost farmers and truckers millions, yet they don’t even apply to the north state air quality?”

    1) Hardly millions. 2) What? Are you blind !? Air quality along I-5 has gone from “icky” to “vile” in 20 short years. And we’re going to do something about it.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, the following are clues, please help yourself so you will have one:

      1. 2012: Orange County Register – Business executives have named California the absolutely worst state for business for the 8th year in a row, says Chief Executive magazine. CEOs gave the Golden State four out of five stars for living environment, three stars for workforce quality but one star for taxation and regulation.

      2. Sacramento Business Journal – 2013: California ranks no. 1 worst State for small business. With an average score of 2.96 on a 5-point scale in a survey of small businesses by The state ranks No. 5 among small businesses in the technology and creative fields.

      3. From Governing States and Localities – 2013: out of 50 States California ranks 38 – Overall Business Friendliness, 38 – Ease of Starting Business, 39 – Regulatory friendliness, 39 – Employment, 37 Labor, 37 – Hiring, 37 – Licensing Regulations.

      4. WSJ – 2013: Joel Kotkin author of The Great California Exodus. Kotlin is a leading U.S. demographer and ‘Truman Democrat’ and he talks about what is driving the middle class out of the Golden State. Nearly four million more people have left the Golden State in the last two decades than have come from other states. This is a sharp reversal from the 1980s, when 100,000 more Americans were settling in California each year than were leaving. According to Mr. Kotkin, most of those leaving are between the ages of 5 and 14 or 34 to 45. In other words, young families. “The new regime”—his name for progressive apparatchiks who run California’s government—”wants to destroy the essential reason why people move to California in order to protect their own lifestyles.”

      Housing is merely one front of what he calls the “progressive war on the middle class.” Another is the cap-and-trade law AB32, which will raise the cost of energy and drive out manufacturing jobs without making even a dent in global carbon emissions. Then there are the renewable portfolio standards, which mandate that a third of the state’s energy come from renewable sources like wind and the sun by 2020. California’s electricity prices are already 50% higher than the national average.

      Oh, and don’t forget the $100 billion bullet train. Mr. Kotkin calls the runaway-cost train “classic California.” “Where [Brown] with the state going bankrupt is even thinking about an expenditure like this is beyond comprehension. When the schools are falling apart, when the roads are falling apart, the bridges are unsafe, the state economy is in free fall. We’re still doing much worse than the rest of the country, we’ve got this growing permanent welfare class, and high-speed rail is going to solve this?”

      5. CARB is again crippling the California trucking industry – By Bob Ramorino, Oakland Tribune “…when the cost of fuel and truck transportation goes up, prices for just about everything else go up too. Trucks are the primary means of getting food from the farm to the market to your family’s table, and there’s no viable alternative in the foreseeable future. Trucks deliver the clothing you wear, the medicine you buy at your local pharmacy, and supplies to construct new homes and businesses.”

      6. Between municipal bankruptcies, rising taxes, the proposal of new taxes, and the promise of friendlier business climates in other states, the exodus of business leaders and U.S. residents from California is wholly unsurprising. And this isn’t some new phenomenon. No, the Golden State has been bleeding residents for years, which is a shame considering all that the state is capable of.
      “For most of its history, California has occupied a special place in the mind of most Americans. From the height of the Gold Rush through the 1980s, California’s warm weather and booming economy drew enterprising, educated and talented immigrants from across the country. California was the melting pot of America’s melting pot, leading all states in the number of residents who were born in other U.S. states,” the Washington Examiner’s Conn Carroll writes.

      Sadly, as Carroll notes, that California does not exist anymore.

      “According to a 2012 University of Southern California study on state demographics, you have to go back to the early 1990s to find a time when more Americans were moving to California than leaving it for other states,” he writes. “Thanks to high housing prices and a weak job market, California is now a net exporter of U.S. citizens to other states.”

      I’m sorry if I have confused you with the facts about CA’s sad state of affairs Libby, but it seems like the internet is just full of professional research and studies about why CA is in the tank. Heck, it took me about 2 minutes to find the above, so maybe when you decide to get you nose out of the Manifesto you might notice the real world. But, I warn you it’s pretty shocking, you may wish to keep your blinders on!

      I asked you… “Why are 25% of the nations welfare recipients living here?” Libby you said, “Because we are not uncivil, unChristian, barbarians, that’s why. And I want to know why this bothers you so much?”

      It bothers me because it doesn’t have to be this way, we’re better than that! Welfare can be a lifeline for the truly deserving, but when its abused by politicians for their gain it can be a form servatude and/or dependency for many poor people, mostly minorities. That’s evil. Too much welfare, too easily given to undersving people only stifles the human spirit and breaks down one’s character…but, for some reason you can’t see that? You are all for it and that just amazes me.

      Welfare has it’s place, but when you have 12 million people in CA on some sort of welfare, be it SNAP, TANF and/or Medicade there’s something gone wrong, very wrong. To challenge abuse, waste and fraud that is the worst in the nation is not unCivil, not unChristian and we’re certainoy not being barbarians…we’re being what you should be…we’re intelligent, thoughtful, caring, concerned and responsible citizens trying to save this State and this Nation from a cancer called liberalism. We trying to put an end to the liberal crooks in Sacramento and elsewhere that are gaming the system and using our safety nets to buy votes. These evil liberals are keeping too many poor people trapped on welfare. They are glad to see them dependent on the government for their every day needs and that’s BAR-BAR-IC. Abuses in Welfare are hurting everyone and costing us more than we can afford and if you really cared you would figure this out instead of falling back on your party rhetoric.

  11. Libby says:

    Good Goddess! You are counting Food Stamps as welfare!

    ALL the Walmart employees with children are collecting Food Stamps. Get with the program, woman!

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