In Virginia Race Democrats Cheat to Win!

Posted by Tina

Lying and cheating to win has had a long history in the Democrat Party as the recent lies repeated again and again by the President demonstrate. Today it appears we have more evidence of the devious methods that extremists in the Democrat Party use to tip elections for their party.

The race for governor in Virginia is being reported as the bell weather election that will signal Hillary’s chances in the next Presidential race. Democrat Terry McAuliffe is running against Republican Ken Cuccinelli in a tight race. Libertarian Robert C. Sarvis is acting as spoiler according to information posted by the American Thinker:

It has been revealed that the libertarian candidate for governor in Virginia, who is siphoning votes away from Ken Cuccinelli, was funded by an Obama campaign bundler. Meredith Jessup of the Blaze reports:

A major Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler helped pay for professional petition circulators responsible for getting Virginia Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Robert C. Sarvis on the ballot – a move that could split conservative votes in a tight race.

Campaign finance records show the Libertarian Booster PAC has made the largest independent contribution to Sarvis’ campaign, helping to pay for professional petition circulators who collected signatures necessary to get Sarvis’ name on Tuesday’s statewide ballot.

This information may have been what prompted Libertarian Ron Paul to make a public statement:

On Monday, former Congressman and staunch libertarian Ron Paul (R-TX) campaigned for Virginia Republican Governor candidate Ken Cuccinelli and said Virginias would be giving up on liberty if they voted for Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Tuesday’s election and would be “insane” if they voted for so-called libertarian Robert Sarvis, the third-party candidate who may siphon enough votes from Cuccinelli to spoil the election.

Until the rise of talk radio, FOX News, the Tea Party, and bloggers and activists, this kind of information would never have see the light of day. The leftist main stream media would have buried the information to shield Democrats…and they would have completely gotten away with it.

The public has a right to know. More importantly the public has a right to expect candidates to inform the public truthfully and to run their campaigns in an honest, forthright manner.

The “it” many of us are sick of is the constant manipulation through lies and deception, trickery and game playing. One way to stop this power grabbing for personal ambition is to cut the legs out from under the table of BIG GOVERNMENT. Since we can’t count on politicians to change their ways, it’s something to think about.

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47 Responses to In Virginia Race Democrats Cheat to Win!

  1. Princess says:

    Terry McCaulliffe is such a scumbag even Democrats hate him. There was an interesting piece in Mother Jones (a very liberal magazine) about this race and about how Cuccinelli shouldn’t have been so conservative. I’m glad I don’t live in Virginia because both of these candidates suck. But one of the things mentioned in the article is that Terry McAuliffe almost missed the birth of his child because he was fundraising. And he outspent Cuccinelli by $14 million. That is an obscene amount of money.

  2. Libby says:

    Close race? That’s not what I hear. I hear that if the ladies turn out, Cuccinelli hasn’t got a chance.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Just the fact that Terrible Terry is supported by Slick Willie, Shrillary, BloomingIdiotberg and Obumble should convince most voters to vote for the OTHER guy.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “Until the rise of talk radio, FOX News, the Tea Party, and bloggers and activists, this kind of information would never have see the light of day.”

    Yep, but it was Cuccinelli’s own self destructive campaign (saying things that did not need to be) that handed the election to the low life dirt bag carpetbagger McAuliffe. It took a lot of effort on the part of Cuccinelli to reverse the Virginian trend of electing governors that are of the opposite party than that which occupies the White House.

    Virginia is screwed and Cuccinelli helped screw it.

  5. Dewey says:


    Of course the parties pay money to another candidate of the other party, both do it and have for years.

    Cheating? That would be the Tea party candidate purging 40,000 votes from the rolls. yea there are 40,000 illegal voters! And oh yea cuch did not recuse himself from monitoring his own election nor if a close race and tie comes about he gets to appoint himself! Cheating?


    Ya see women in VA just love the ultrasound law where the Tea party Government over reach has legalize the State to rape a woman at gun point if necessary.

    Lol Seems the Tea party is not interested in anything but a dictatorship and propaganda. Look at Virginia and wonder why the people of Norcal do not want to be the state of Jefferson. Who wants to live like that?

    No Tea Party State here.

  6. Tina says:

    Pie it just proves that some Republicans and a lot of otherwise smart people are pretty stupid. Why cut off your nose to spite your face? The governor is not a dictator no matter how many times Dewey might so aver.

    I haven’t followed the race so I don’t know what horrible things Cuccinelli said (just looked it up, okay pretty awful) but when people are stupid enough to vote for the most corrupt, undesirable candidate over a better candidate with a couple of odd personal views they deserve the scum and all he will bring with him. SAD!!!

    This is one of the reasons our country is such a mess.

  7. Tina says:

    The Tea party “purged” dead people, people registered in two or more places, people who had left the state, etc.

    It’s called cleaning up errors and making the ledger reflect the legal electorate. No eligible voters names were removed. In fact it gave some voters the opportunity to update their information.

  8. Chris says:

    If the benefactor is supporting the libertarian candidate just to split the election, rather than because he genuinely supports the guy, then that is definitely unethical. But it is also totally legal within the rules of our system, and I’m not sure what exactly can be done about that, other than getting money out of politics altogether. It has been proposed (mostly by those on the left) that we eliminate private financing of elections completely and just have them publicly financed, but I’m not sure if I agree with that position.

    Jack has said he supports reforming campaign finance laws, but most Republicans seem to believe that free market rules should apply to elections. I’m not sure how you can be against the behavior detailed in this article and support Citizens United.

    Tina, what is your solution to this problem? Do you think the government should step in and tell people who they can donate to or how much? How could one determine this kind of behavior illegal in light of the Supreme Court ruling that donating to political candidates constitutes free speech?

    “One way to stop this power grabbing for personal ambition is to cut the legs out from under the table of BIG GOVERNMENT.”

    I know that’s your answer to everything, but I am really at a loss as to how you are drawing that conclusion from this story. How would reducing “BIG GOVERNMENT” stop people from cheating in this legal manner? If anything, it seems like it would take some kind of new regulation to stop this kind of thing from happening.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Dewey drops by to laugh maniacally and make an ass of himself with his asinine “purge” lie about Virginia’s voter ID and moronic crap about dictatorships.

    Typical rabid progressive jackass.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    WOW! I didn’t expect this. Early lead for Cuccinelli 51.8%, McAuliffe 40.2%, Sarvis 8.0% with 15.6% reporting.

    On a separate note —

    In their never ending culture of hatred the Democratic Party and their cadre of progressive stooges are trying to compare the GOP to the KKK.

    This is rich since it was the Democratic Party who founded the KKK.

    Reince Priebus: President Obama’s ‘culture of hatred’

    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus ripped President Barack Obama for creating a “culture of hatred” in which Democrats are likening the GOP to the Ku Klux Klan.

    “It’s the culture that the president’s cultivated here. A culture of dishonesty, a culture of hatred,” Priebus said Monday on Fox News’s “Hannity.”

    “I think he should take ownership over this divisive culture that he has created,” Priebus added. “Look, it’s the Democratic Party that has the shameful history. It’s not the Republican Party, and I think it’s about time that we also as Republicans start recapturing the real history of the Republican Party and not let these guys rewrite the history of equality, freedom and opportunity, which is what the party is about.”

    Works for me.

    The RNC chief’s comments come after Harry Belafonte compared the Koch brothers to the KKK at a campaign event Sunday for Democratic New York City mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio.

    Read more:

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Ooops, those Virginia results above were a little old. With 32% of the precincts reported it is Cuccinelli 51.0%, McAuliffe 41.8% and Sarvis 7.2%.


  12. Chris says:

    It’s absurd and wrong to compare the Koch brothers and the Tea Party to the KKK. But let’s not pretend this “culture of hatred” is one-sided. Nazi comparisons are routinely dished out by both sides. I never hear anyone here complain when Rush compares Democrats and feminists to Nazis. Both are wrong and have no place in civil discourse. They are irrational and designed to scare people.

  13. Chris says:

    I haven’t been following this race at all, so I had to look up these two clowns. Found this from Mother Jones:

    “In retrospect, maybe the sodomy part was a mistake. Republican Ken Cuccinelli goes into today’s gubernatorial election in Virginia expected to lose to Democrat Terry McAullife, a man who almost missed the birth of a child to attend a fundraiser and once downed shots of Puerto Rican rum on morning television. The Most Quoted Man in Washington, University of Virginia political science professor Larry Sabato, has summed up the election as two people “running against the only people they could beat”—and Cuccinelli, well, couldn’t.”

    Good God.

    We all deserve better than this.

    OTOH, this makes me reconsider the position of the Obama bundler. Maybe he actually wanted the libertarian candidate to win? I mean, after seeing what unlikeable jerks both the Republicans and Democratic candidates were, it’s possible he really did think a third party guy had a chance.

  14. Tina says:

    Chris I’d agree except McAuliffe is in the Clinton camp…this race is about her and they will be pulling out all the stops.

    Those interested can read about McAuliffe at Counterpunch…scroll down past the fund drive plea for the article.

  15. Dewey says:

    So calling Dewey names is cool? How about proving I am wrong? facts are facts.

    Cuch lost.

    Dewey is a Californian who is disgusted by untrue hate and propaganda. Dewey does not lie. Where are the facts? The actual debate?

    LOL Fred Koch was a founding member of the John Birch Society with Adolf Coors. The heritage Foundation and the KKK agenda’s are very much alike.

    Sorry but the Koch brothers are no hero. At least the Tea party admits they are their masters now.

    So you are saying there were 40,000 bad errors on register. LOL wait until it is reported how many eligible voters were eliminated without knowing their vote did not count!

    Where does this stuff come from? Fox?

    How about Texas where a judge had to sign an affidavit she was herself in front of people who knew her? LOL

    tea party is loosing elections and a trend will start. facts are facts. Delusional propaganda does not make it true cause it is on Rupert Murdock’s tabloid fox.

    How about facts instead of propaganda? How about a real congressman for district 1? Someone who does not take Gov welfare? Split up the family farm to increase the subsidies and actually care about something besides his own pockets?

    Dewey is honest and will never make up propaganda. tell me La malfa the Tea party candidate does not take gov welfare?

  16. Tina says:

    Dewey you demand facts but offer none of your own…just a lot of opinion that you repeat over and over again.

    The people who post here are not easily impressed or gullible enough swallow these obvious rants.

    The Heritage Foundation conducts studies. They offer their findings to anyone who is interested. There are a lot of these groups in America and they provide a valuable service.

    The KKK treated black and sympathetic white Republicans to lynchings…they terrorized and bullied blacks…there is no comparison and you are an SOB for saying so.

    Jack and I have a free speech forum here at Post Scripts and we welcome all positions and opinions. However, we also have an unwritten expectation of value and contribution from the people who post here…they have not disappointed us…despite the contention and banter, they are our friends.

    Might I suggest that if you insist on continuing in the same vein, making the same specious accusations over and over again without contributing anything of substance to the topic at hand, you seriously consider moving along…perhaps getting your own blog.

  17. Dewey says:

    Ok start with the accusation #1. explain the accusation

  18. Princess says:

    McCauliffe will sure surprise Virginia Democrats when he starts looting the state. He doesn’t even pretend to be progressive and brags about being corrupt.

  19. Dewey says:

    They are not opinions they are facts.

  20. Libby says:

    I was thinking, the Virginia’s Governor’s race was truly disgusting. All points of view were revolted by the candidates presented to them by the establishment. And I was thinking that a lady, when it come to be 6:00 p.m., and she presented with the painful choice: the polls or home, well, that she might just go home. And it seems that the ladies were disgusted … but not disgusted enough to cost Terry the election

  21. Chris says:

    Dewey: “The heritage Foundation and the KKK agenda’s are very much alike.”

    Come on, Dewey. I am no fan of Heritage, but this is just not true, and saying things like this is extremely counterproductive.

  22. Tina says:

    Dewey what is factual about any of this:

    At least the Tea party admits they are their masters now.

    So you are saying there were 40,000 bad errors on register. LOL wait until it is reported how many eligible voters were eliminated without knowing their vote did not count!

    Where does this stuff come from? Fox?”

    First of all YOU said there were 40K removed, without offering any proof. My response addressed the women in Texas, “True the Vote” who cleaned up the voter rolls eliminating those who were no longer eligible in that precinct but still had their names on the registry.

    I haven’t heard of a Tea Party group denouncing the Heritage Foundation so what is factual about that statement?

    We will wait for hell to freeze over to discover voters who were actually purged by a Tea Party person but I’m willing to have any accusations of such investigated and will take the black eye if you are substantially proved wrong.

    If the investigation finds that union members or La Raza members lied about there registrations being wrongly purged will you be equally affronted and willing to take that black eye? Somehow I doubt it.

    And finally you issue a back handed insult to FOX and by association the millions of viewers who watch FOX. this isn’t factual it is simply insult. To what end?

    Your insult contains an egotistical secondary message that others aren’t as smart or able to sift through information as you are. You have no respect for others, Dewey. You believe yourself to be superior to others. You claim to be lacking in “hate” but your disdain for others here suggests otherwise.

  23. Tina says:

    Princess you are right about Virginia.

    McAuliffe has made millions for himself looting taxpayers, corporations, and investors. He’s an equal opportunity looter.

  24. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #22 Post Scripts : “Chris – So, how does it feel to be the voice of reason against the crackpots on the left? ; )”

    That deserves a 21 HA salute!



  25. Pie Guevara says:

    I am a fan of the Heritage Foundation and to compare them to the Ku Klux Klan is asinine left wing Marxist pinhead drivel spewed by pathetic indoctrinated adolescent weenies and various and sundry useful idiots.

  26. dewey says:

    OK I am being told it is not common knowledge voters were purged? Really? is this all a game?

    Pick a source that is common Knowledge reported by the election Boards who tried to refuse!

    Google pick a source.

    Everybody in the country knows this!

    Are you seriously saying that is a lie?

    Truth is better than fiction

    A true patriot speaks truth

  27. dewey says:

    But I will commend the request for sources. maybe the stories should site actual sources (not Blogs).

    I was looking for your sources? Could not find them. maybe all should provide actual links that are not somebody’s blog of rants and real issues could be dealt with.

  28. Tina says:

    Dewey I got a “page not found” on your link but the link contained the information, “elections board purged…etc”

    Deweey, newsflash, the elections board IS NOT the Tea Party.

    I provide numerous sources on my posts and often in comments.

  29. dewey says:

    So google it, ! This was a story everywhere but Fox! The whole country knows this stuff!

    I hate the post but figured it was right wing enough for here!

    Who said the election board was the Tea party. I know more about the history of the Tea party than most in the Tea Party!

    The issue is The people of Virginia had to elect a corporate democrat as the lessor of 2 evils since the Tea Party wants to rule a woman’s body like big government.

    Why do we let Money dictate who the candidates are?

    repeal citizens United! Stop the cycle. The name of the politician does not matter it is who they owe for the donations. That politician works for the donor.

    media is on the air selling commercials for the 2016 election. Media wins as their value goes up while the fat cats launder their money through the media right back into their pockets through a massive circle. That will not service a democracy.

    This picking on one politician and acting like the other one is the problem is simply an ignorance. Get the money out that is the problem.

  30. Peggy says:

    Don’t get discouraged conservatives, things are much better than the polls are indicating.

    Everything You Need to Know About Reading the Polls:

  31. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Dewey’s voter purge ranting and ravings:

    No one is saying Wisconsin did not purge invalid or duplicate voters from the rolls. There are folks who contend a percentage of the purge was in error and those who say it was not in error.

    Here is a link to a rational, cool headed evaluation of the purge dispute —

    “Basically, while one side says a 10% chance of removing a valid voter is too high, the other side says an 80% chance of removing an ineligible voter justifies the match.”

    Get over yourself, Dewey, this is a non-issue going nowhere. Virginia will work it out. McAuliffe is governor and Virginia is screwed. You should be happy!

  32. Pie Guevara says:

    Dagnabit! I not only need an editor, I need to go to bed. The above should have read “No one is saying Virginia did not purge invalid or duplicate voters from the rolls.”

    Good night…er morning!

  33. Chris says:

    Tina, I haven’t seen you offer any solution to this kind of “cheating.” Do you think the government should do something to stop big donors from donating to campaigns just to split the vote? Or is this an unsolvable problem?

  34. Dewey says:

    Glen beck? really?

    Ok I get why no one knows any real facts!


  35. Peggy says:

    #35 Dewey

    Barack Obama? Really?

    Ok, we ALL get why no one knows any REAL FACTS!!!!!!!!


  36. Peggy says:

    This one is for you Dewey. Enjoy the latest from Glen Beck about the Liar in Chief you idolize!!!!


    Two Major Fact Checkers Are Saying President Obama Isn’t Telling You the Full Truth:

    “As the White House flails to defend President Barack Obama’s discredited pledge about keeping your old insurance even under Obamacare, it’s not just Republicans pointing out that the administration has being less than honest when explaining what it really meant.

    On Thursday, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker gave Obama and White House press secretary Jay Carney three out of four “Pinocchios” for blaming the insurance companies, rather than the new health care law, for the growing number of cancellation letters.

    Two Major Fact Checkers Are Saying President Obama Isnt Telling You the Full Truth President Barack Obama delivers remarks at an Organizing for Action “Obamacare Summit” at the St. Regis Hotel, Nov. 4, 2013 in Washington, D.C.

    On Wednesday, the Pulitzer-winning PolitiFact website gave Obama its highest ranking for dishonesty, “Pants on Fire,” for his tortured defense earlier this week of what he really meant when promising no one would lose their current plan.”

  37. Libby says:

    I shouldn’t gloat … I know I shouldn’t … but how could anybody resist this? … from Salon:

    “If you’re wondering why Sen. Rand Paul is doing Democrats’ dirty work for them, attacking Gov. Chris Christie’s self-promoting $25 million post-Sandy advertising campaign, it’s simple. He’s hoping he can get reporters to cover the intra-party feud as an early sign of GOP titans warming up for 2016, so they stop Googling his old speeches and columns and books for more evidence of plagiarism. …

    “The best evidence of Paul’s stature-slide is his new home as a “writer.” After he was terminated by the Washington Times after multiple examples of plagiarism unearthed by Rachel Maddow, BuzzFeed and Politico, Paul was picked up by that bastion of journalism ethics and achievement,, which of course peddled the phony “Shirley Sherrod is a racist” story as well as the hoax that former Sen. Chuck Hagel had been paid by a nonexistent group called ‘Friends of Hamas.’”

    Hee hee.

  38. Chris says:

    John Stewart took issue with Obama’s dishonesty in saying “If you like your plan, you can keep it” as well. I guess it’s time for me to concede: yes, Obama lied about this, and there’s no denying it at this point. I’ve taken issues with his lies in the past, mostly on national security issues, but I’ve mostly defended the ACA here. While I still reluctantly support the ACA, the president simply wasn’t telling the truth here. He lied in an attempt to make his plan seem better than it was.

    That said, those who are losing their current plans are mostly eligible for cheaper, better plans under the exchanges, as well as eligible for subsidies. And conservatives have done more than their share of lying about the ACA. Just goes to show you can’t trust either side.

  39. Tina says:

    Dewey: “This was a story everywhere but Fox! ”

    So…you do watch FOX?

    “Who said the election board was the Tea party”

    You wrote: “Cheating? That would be the Tea party candidate purging 40,000 votes from the rolls.”

    After I explained how True the Vote had cleaned up voter rolls you responded with a link that cited The Election Board as being responsible for purging 40K voters from the rolls.

    My response was that the Election Board is not the Tea Party

    Makes sense to me.

    At any rate I will move on. I don’t have to fear missing a rebuttal for your many complaints…you repeat them, off topic, over and over again.

    I’m telling you man, you apparently have a lot to say. Why not start your own blog?

    “elections board purged…etc”

  40. Tina says:

    Well Libby there is always the scholarly opinion that Bill Ayers actually wrote Obama’s books.

    Then there’s the sketchy matter of Elizabeth Warren claiming to be of Indian Heritage to promote herself and take advantage of affirmative action.

    Oh, yeah, and Joe Biden, According to the NYT, admitted that he “plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.

    Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing ”malevolent,” that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully. And he asserted that another controversy, concerning recent reports of his using material from others’ speeches without attribution, was ”much ado about nothing.”

    And let me see…Ted Kennedy: “In his sophomore year at Harvard, Kennedy was expelled for cheating.” –

    That should be sufficient to counter your little hee hee

  41. Chris says:

    Tina: “Well Libby there is always the scholarly opinion that Bill Ayers actually wrote Obama’s books.”

    “Scholarly opinion?” Is that what we’re calling conspiracy theories these days?

    “Then there’s the sketchy matter of Elizabeth Warren claiming to be of Indian Heritage to promote herself and take advantage of affirmative action.”

    There is absolutely zero evidence that Warren ever tried to use her claim of Native American heritage to “promote herself and take advantage of affirmative action.”

    “Oh, yeah, and Joe Biden, According to the NYT, admitted that he “plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.”

    Haven’t read about this one, but Joe Biden is an idiot, so this doesn’t surprise me.

    “And let me see…Ted Kennedy: “In his sophomore year at Harvard, Kennedy was expelled for cheating.” –”

    That’s the sin of Kennedy’s you’re going to bring up? Not drunkenly driving his car into a lake and inadvertently killing a woman? Come on, you can do better than that.

    I am also still curious about your solution to the problem you identified in the article, Tina.

  42. Tina says:

    Chris: ““Scholarly opinion?” Is that what we’re calling conspiracy theories these days?”

    No, Chris. It is the opinion of a scholar who is recognized in the industry as having the credentials to review the writings of the two men and draw a conclusion.

    The conspiracy, if there is one, would be the ongoing Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals liberal progressive effort to discredit anyone who dares to question or counter the progressive opinion, story, excuse…etc.

    I have read the opinion and the evidence he sites. The book/s read a lot like the writings of Ayers and very little like the President when he speaks without a script. Ayers books and Obama’s books contain many of the same phrases and use the same themes to make a point. It’s pretty compelling in my opinion.

    “There is absolutely zero evidence that Warren ever tried to use her claim of Native American heritage…”

    Which is why I said it was sketchy. there is no way to prove what is in someones mind. Have you an alternate reason?

    “That’s the sin of Kennedy’s you’re going to bring up?”

    Yes, when the subject of the post is cheating and a Libby took the occasion to post the Salon accusation against Rand Paul. Salon didn’t accuse him of leaving a girl to die in an icy river or having nutty sex in a restaurant with Chris Dodd and a waitress or I would have posted that.

    “I am also still curious about your solution to the problem you identified in the article”

    The best solution is a committed, unbiased, ethical press.

    The second solution is exactly what bloggers and organizations are doing grass roots. We are, as citizens, required to be vigilant to protect our liberties. It makes sense that we should demand more of those who represent us. Instead of acting like privileged, egotistical elites who are justified to do anything “for the common good” they should be acting as humble servants doing what is best for all Americans, not just special interests. They should take the responsibility to spend our money very seriously. People who engage in political activity that we find unethical should no longer have our support. Those associated with them should also be viewed as suspect, investigated and lose support. As long as we don’t care, as long as no one holds them accountable. this stuff will continue.

    The rebuttal solution would be to attempt to do the same to Democrats using the green party. It’s distasteful but when that becomes the game what else can the opposing party do?

    Other than that I have no solution. What they did wasn’t illegal.

  43. Dewey says:

    Both Parties are ran by Citizens United Money.


    When about 600 corporations are the negotiators for a New World order treaty that can never be undone and it is ignored the word Liberty takes a new meaning.

    Tea party screams about Liberties but does nothing to defend us from the TPP.

    The leaks have shown that in the current 29 sections only 5 are actually about trade. The rest are about a humans liberties vs a corporations liberties.

    Call all of Congress and demand no renewal of the Fast track so every single citizen can see the Text of this treaty and have a debate and say in the matter.

    It allows countries like China to bring in their own workers. Doubt they will? Look at how China is colonizing Africa right now.

    Wake Up

  44. Tina says:

    Dewey: “Both Parties are ran by Citizens United Money.”


    If the Citizens United case is overturned then all of the left wing green and redistribution lobby groups and all of the union money which are very powerful will still be able to donate to democrats giving them the advantage.

    “Sorry Charlie”…money is speech!

    Democrats already have the big money advantage. Many corporate heads are leftists. Big green nonprofits are rolling in dough and lobby. Big unions also spend and get out the vote with volunteers. The uproar over Citizens United is a big leftist bid to get rid of the balance!

    Just like the Koch’s provide some balance for the soros foundations although they do not spend even a fraction of the amount Soros spends. They are business men; Soros is a political activist who hides behind the many foundations he starts and supports with his money.

    There is the possibility that you are listening to propaganda regarding the TTP. Even the AFL-CIO thinks this is a good agreement and according to them “China” is not part of the agreement. (I will research further). From their web page:

    Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan—are negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement.

    This trade agreement presents the Obama administration with an opportunity to reform U.S. trade policy so it helps U.S. businesses export goods, rather than outsource jobs. The president can deliver a new trade model for the 21st century—one not modeled on the North American Free Trade Agreement—that creates jobs, protects the environment and ensures safe imports but only if negotiations include provisions that will benefit U.S. workers, not simply the largest global corporations. Negotiations are largely secret—but what little evidence is publicly available does not indicate the agreement is likely to break new ground for working families.

    Of course the union then goes on to excoriate the companies that also have an interest in the agreement. They have just as much right to shape the terms of the agreement as the unions do, maybe more, they are the ones taking the financial risk, taking responsibility for the continuation of the company and providing all of the jobs.

    …the global corporate agenda has infused trade policy with its demands for deregulation, privatization, tax breaks and other financial advantages for Big Business while shrinking the social safety net in the name of “labor flexibility.

    That would be smart, reasonable regulation that doesn’t strangle the business.

    Privatization simply means making sure property rights are respected and ensured! In Venezuela the leftists are taking private property for the state. Private property is one of the bedrocks of freedom! If you are concerned with a new world order this should make you happy.

    Reasonable tax rates that allow American companies to compete with companies in other countries is good for business, good for workers, and good for America! The Obama administration has placed higher tax rates and regulatory costs on business through investment taxes, higher corporate taxes, and threats of higher energy and healthcare costs creating uncertainty. Wall street in America is doing well today because of the increased foreign sales and money pumped into wall Street by the fed. Revenues to government have increased slightly but not because these companies, or MAIN STREET, are doing well. There are many ways to create more revenue for government. The current way, punishing corporations and printing money has four major negatives: 1. Small business and jobs are harmed and therefore the middle class and working poor are harmed, 2. A lot of debt piles up, 3. The number of needy and dependent people grows creating the need for more revenue (a vicious circle) and, 4. Inflation ensues…and the possibility of hyper-inflation, deflation, and bubbles loom large.

    The main sites that are protesting this agreement are called things like:


    All anti-capitalist, leftist, organizations.

    The only alternatives to our free, capitalist, rule of law, property rights model are kingdoms, communism, fascism, socialism, and theocracy.

    Unless you can name another that you prefer please pick one that you would prefer.

    “Call all of Congress and demand no renewal of the Fast track so every single citizen can see the Text of this treaty and have a debate and say in the matter.”

    A good idea but if you haven’t seen it how do you know it contains any of the things you fear?


  45. Libby says:

    Tina: “Well Libby there is always the scholarly opinion that Bill Ayers actually wrote Obama’s books.”

    Chris: “Scholarly opinion?” Is that what we’re calling conspiracy theories these days?

    Me: Yeah, the “scholars” at Giggle.

    Just now, we are concerning ourselves with the lapses of character and integrity of persons currently seeking their party’s nomination for the presidency.

  46. Chris says:

    Tina: “No, Chris. It is the opinion of a scholar who is recognized in the industry as having the credentials to review the writings of the two men and draw a conclusion.”

    You simply don’t know what you’re talking about. Jack Cashill is not “recognized in the industry” as anything but a partisan hack. He is a well-known birther who has pushed numerous conspiracy theories about President Obama, including one where he claimed that a picture of a young Obama with his grandparents was a forgery, even though the picture he claimed was the “original” still had Obama’s disembodied knee:

    The guy’s an embarrassment.

    A brilliant takedown of Cashill’s “evidence” for the ghost-writing claim can be found here:

    “I have read the opinion and the evidence he sites. The book/s read a lot like the writings of Ayers and very little like the President when he speaks without a script.”

    Read the above link. The similarities Cashill lists are very, very common literary devices. They are not valid evidence that Ayers wrote “Dreams from My Father.”

    “Ayers books and Obama’s books contain many of the same phrases and use the same themes to make a point. It’s pretty compelling in my opinion.”

    That is because you already want to believe the conclusion. The evidence is actually quite lame, as you can see by reading the above link.

    “Which is why I said it was sketchy. there is no way to prove what is in someones mind. Have you an alternate reason?”

    Um, because she genuinely thought she was Native American because that is what her family told her? And it was never proven that she isn’t.

    You’re actually saying it’s OK to make unsubstantiated accusations in order to get your way.

    “The best solution is a committed, unbiased, ethical press.

    The second solution is exactly what bloggers and organizations are doing grass roots. We are, as citizens, required to be vigilant to protect our liberties. It makes sense that we should demand more of those who represent us. Instead of acting like privileged, egotistical elites who are justified to do anything “for the common good” they should be acting as humble servants doing what is best for all Americans, not just special interests. They should take the responsibility to spend our money very seriously. People who engage in political activity that we find unethical should no longer have our support. Those associated with them should also be viewed as suspect, investigated and lose support. As long as we don’t care, as long as no one holds them accountable. this stuff will continue.

    The rebuttal solution would be to attempt to do the same to Democrats using the green party. It’s distasteful but when that becomes the game what else can the opposing party do?

    Other than that I have no solution. What they did wasn’t illegal.”

    Alright, that’s fair. Thank you.

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