Shocking Conduct by Republican Congressman!

Posted by Jack

Rep. Michael Grimm (R—N.Y.) physically threatened a local news reporter during a heated exchange following an interview after Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, telling the reporter, “I’ll throw you off this f—-g balcony.”

Well, well, well, not the sort of conduct I would expect from a gentleman republican now is it?   Had it been said by a democrat…geez I could totally understand, as in, no story here – move along now, nothing to see here.   Yes, it would have been an underwhelming, non-event, business as usual, and you know it.   But, a republican? lol  Wow.  Of course it’s all over the news because this is a gen-u-winey man-bites-dog kind of story!

Now before I say another word, I’m fully prepared to say, as the always civil man of moderation that I am, I can’t condone such threatening behavior.    But, just between us ol whimpy conservatives, there’s something deep down in my primeval side that is secretly saying,  Yo homie, you should have tossed him over the freaking railing!   Bet a nice drop off the second floor of the Sam Rayburn building would greatly improved the reporters attitude and that the press in general seem to have with republicans.   If we would toss two or three of them over the rails and maybe a cameraman just for good measure we might have a lasting atttitude adjustment with the media. 

(Citation for Chris – )

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11 Responses to Shocking Conduct by Republican Congressman!

  1. Chris says:

    You know, we complain a lot about the lack of civility in modern politics, but violent behavior by our elected representatives was actually a lot more common back in the days of duels.

  2. Tina says:

    Chris you’re exactly right. We get pretty contentious but so far nobody has made a real threat or followed through.

    Anyway, too late for this to become a federal offense. The man has made a public apology, which has been accepted by the reporter, and the two are having lunch together to top it all off. May they dine in peace and become fast friends. End of this crisis.

    But this wasn’t any worse than the male Democrat that threatened a female Republican in Wisconsin.

    Gordon Hintz: “You are #%*#ing dead!” (Hear audio report at link)

    As the article explains this is “much like what happened at ABC’s town hall meeting when a survivor of the Giffords shootings said “You are dead” to a Tea Party leader in the audience…

    Generally speaking though our leaders comport themselves pretty well compared to those in other countries where debate often turns into a brawl. They’re all over You Tube.

  3. Harold says:

    Actually we have been complaining about the lack of civility here on Post Scripts. Just because someone can shield themselves behind a keyboard and insult people shouldn’t make it acceptable in this era either.

    Maybe the answer is a good old fashion duel.
    🙂 just saying!

  4. Tina says:

    Jack the guy shouldn’t have done it but is there a person alive that can’t relate?

    From one wimpy Republican to another…YES! Just once!

  5. Libby says:

    Geez, Jack, you’re making excuses for this guy? The details of his campaign finance difficulties are juicy … the Gambino crime family? That explains lots.

    The campaign finance guy, he’s not being investigated … he’s been arrested … handcuffed and hauled away.

    And this is my favorite, because it points up, yet again, the fundamental stupidity in yer Tea Partiers. It is flatly, baldly illegal to accept campaign contributions from foreigners (very parochial, that, but it’s the law). So, how hard would it be, do you think, for an Israeli, or the campaign finance guy, to find an American Zionist to front for the Israeli?

    But they don’t do … even that. Dumb. Violently, dumb.

    • Post Scripts says:

      No Libby, not making excuses and I thought I made that clear…it’s unacceptable behavior. But, you know how pushy and rude the media can get. That’s not right either, they get in your face, shoving a microphone at you, asking indelicate questions, and generally being obnoxious. I can understand how someone might take offense to that and say something inappropriate, can’t you?

  6. Libby says:

    “not right either, they get in your face, shoving a microphone at you, asking indelicate questions, and generally being obnoxious.”

    Alas … that is their job … especially when dealing with politicians. Your mistake is believing that your politicians are being persecuted.

    The Grimes campaign finance thing is already way out there … there’s been an arrest … Mike should have been prepared to answer questions about it. That’s his job.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Well Libs I dunno what to tell you…I undertand what you’re saying and we agree with you for the most part. He sounds like a bad rep for the GOP and he shouldn’t have said that to the reporter. Guess we’ll have to let it go at that.

  7. Harold says:

    My take on this is it was a immature act in response to just a question that some are still asking about, be it for an political agenda or what ever.
    When we continue to give a pass to those elected Royals that separate themselves from us we will just see more of this in the future. And the end results will be less effective representation. It only takes one to set the ball into play.

    But here is what sparked my opinion above:

    ‘U.S. Capitol Police will not be pursuing charges related to an incident between Rep. Michael Grimm, R-.N.Y., and NY1 reporter Michael Scotto on Tuesday night. “Consistent with our law enforcement responsibilities, we looked into the event, determined there isn’t a complainant and have closed the matter,” Capitol Police spokeswoman Sergeant Kimberly Schneider told NBC News in a statement.’

    BS, where or not the question and the timing of it was appropriate, the world saw the furry of a nerve exposed and the less than professional way in which a elected Representative chose to deal with it.

  8. Dewey says:

    Grimms has bigger problems. Like illegal foreign campaign money.

    Not a fan of media, their stupid questions nor tactics however that night Grimms went to his local reporter after SOTU to get his opinion out. This time is not a reporter shoving a mic, Grimms approached him and lost it cause he is in big trouble and does not want any coverage of it.

    An orange is a orange not a apple.

    There is no excuse for that behavior but if you have a R after your name you are special.

    Ethics? If anyone of us had done the same we would be in jail! A threat to throw someone over a balcony is a threat. Double standards?

    May the Rabi Pinto scam break wide open and take out as many of them as possible Republican or Democrat

    Why should Americans die for foreign election money to create a war in Iran for Israel?

    May Bachman and Cantor slip and become news for the same!

  9. Libby says:

    Eh … by the rule of law, you gotta lay hands on a person. “Getting in a the face”, so to speak, is not illegal. Neither is making an ass of yourself in public, which is just as well, or we’d all be in trouble.

    And talk about lapses of journalistic decorum, though, in some commentary on the subject repeating assertions by some that Mr. Grimes is hopped up on steroids, I saw “pr@#k” in print for the first time. I’m not sure that’s appropriate at all.

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