Obamacare Slashes Worker Pay and Hours and Adds To Income Inequality

Posted by Tina

Please be clear this is not my opinion. It is the determination of “Unite Here”, a 300,000 strong labor union of the hotel, gaming, food service, manufacturing, textile, distribution, laundry, and airport industries. See their report, “The Irony of Obamacare: Making Income Inequality Worse,” to read first-person testimony as well as the following conclusion:

Ironically, the Administration’s own signature healthcare victory poses one of the most immediate challenges to redressing inequality. Yes, the Affordable Care Act will help many more Americans gain some health insurance coverage, a significant step forward for equality. At the same time, without smart fixes, the ACA threatens the middle class with higher premiums, loss of hours, and a shift to part-time work and less comprehensive coverage.

As Breitbart points out today, the members are quite unhappy with the President’s broken promises and Harry Reid’s insensitive remarks on the floor of Congress:

The report features first-person testimonials and photos of union members describing how Obamacare is personally hurting them and their families–the same kinds of stories that Majority Senator Harry Reid said are “all untrue” and that progressive New York Times columnist Paul Krugman mocked as”nonexistent” in his piece “Health Care Horror Hooey.”

Arturo Marquez, a single father with two children who works as a cook, explains how Obamacare is hurting him:

“I’m a single dad and need every penny for my kids. The best deal Obamacare could offer me would take $1,908 more than our union plan. That’s like a dollar an hour pay cut. If I get really sick and wind up in the hospital, they can charge me $3,700 more out of pocket. I can’t imagine taking care of my son and daughter while taking a $2.70 an hour pay cut,” says Marquez.

Union members may not share all of the same arguments made by Republicans when they attempted to warn of the damage this law would cause but we certainly share the major concerns. One of the biggest is that the law just transfers wealth to the strongest, most connected insurance companies. Even they might not prefer this to the open market but when they are told by politicians that government control of the industry is coming, and when the people are clamoring in the streets for government healthcare the big guys are the ones with the money to cover their backsides…they protect their businesses by going along and eating the compliance costs ans taxes!

Bad news for Obamacare is nothing new. This just adds to the weight of the argument to repeal the law. The latest poll places support for Obamacare at a dismal 38%. At some point the will of the people will shove this monstrosity out the door…forever…so that the problems in the healthcare industry can be fixed with sensible changes in the law that support healthcare workers and the American people!

There are thoughtful people in Congress who do want to solve the problems that people with pre-existing conditions, high premium costs face. They are prepared to solve problems of availability and portability and cost concerns. Read about current Republican actions and ideas here.

Then be very careful when voting in November. It will be particularly important to beware of deceptions, that is, be aware and watch for dishonest con jobs from desperate candidates who will do anything and say anything to save themselves and Obamacare.

I imagine there will be a few Democrats who will support repeal and replace in the coming months if not after the election in November.

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8 Responses to Obamacare Slashes Worker Pay and Hours and Adds To Income Inequality

  1. Dewey says:

    This is old news, I will have to catch up on what they are offering? Is the Tea Party blocking all ideas to force their own plan? I will catch up

    I will never forget the Heritage Foundation man screaming “Let them Die!” and the Tea Party cheering him on during the Republican Primaries.

    There is still corporate corruption ripping off medicare.

    #5? Permanently Prohibit Taxpayer Funding of Abortion? Really it is against Federal law!

    Federal law already bars the use of federal funds for abortion services. There is no federal abortion funding to cut.

    What’s at stake is not “abortion funding.” Abortion services are not covered by Medicaid or any other federal program. The Hyde amendment settled that issue more than 30 years ago.

    It is not a proposal over funding for abortion but a debate over a proposal to exclude one health care provider — one that provides high-quality health care at extremely low rates — from participating in existing federal programs.

    That alone shows deceptive goals.

    • Post Scripts says:

      “I will never forget the Heritage Foundation man screaming “Let them Die!” and the Tea Party cheering him on during the Republican Primaries.” Dewey


  2. Chris says:

    Dewey, the “let him die” line came from the audience at a Republican debate, not from the Heritage Foundation.

    • Post Scripts says:

      See Dewey, it was some idiot in the audience, probably a democrat operative, NOT the Heritage foundation. Chris caught you telling a big whopper…are you going to back off and admit you were wrong? Nah… lol

  3. Chris says:

    “probably a democrat operative”

    Now that’s just silly. Do you really believe that Republicans are incapable of such things? When Democrats mess up, I don’t accuse them of being double-super-secret Republicans.

  4. Tina says:

    Dewey: “There is still corporate corruption ripping off medicare.”

    What corporate corruption?

    And on which article are you commenting?

    This post is about a union report that has a big problem with Obamacare because it: 1. Slashes worker Pay, 2. Cuts workers hours, and therefore, 3. Adds to the probelem of income inequality.

    Do you have anything to say about that?

  5. Tina says:

    I can’t blame you for suggesting it might have been a Democrat operative Jack, we have caught they’ve been caught doing such things at conservative events. Probably one of the things that inspired activism on the Republican/conservative side.

    Gateway Pundit informed that a left wing activist went to a Zimmerman rally and held a sign reading, “We’re racist and Proud”. The story originated in the Houston Chronicle and was picked up by the New York Daily News. She was identified as Renee Vaughan:

    Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

    Renee was identified as an environmental activist in the Austin area.

    This is today’s political game brought to us by the radicals that have captured the Democrat Party and their Saul Alinsky, left wing revolutionary ways. We either hit back smart and hard or roll over…there is no other choice.

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