Attention History Buffs – 53rd Anniversary Bay of Pigs

Posted by Tina

The fifty third anniverary of the Bay of Pigs occurs this week. Much has been said of late about the rewriting of history. This is one event that has had its share of rewrite. Those who enjoy gathering first hand accounts, information, and opinion about historical events will enjoy reading, “What Really Happened at the Bay of Pigs,” by Humberto Fontova at TownHall.

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2 Responses to Attention History Buffs – 53rd Anniversary Bay of Pigs

  1. RHT447 says:

    And this as well…

    “By The Rude Bridge That Arched The Flood,
    Their Flag to April’s Breeze Unfurled,
    Here Once The Embattled Farmers Stood,
    And Fired The Shot Heard Round The World.”

  2. Tina says:

    In reference to the Bundy battle in Nevada the New York Sun offers a history of similar “rebellions” in American history.

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