Post Scripts Predicted Iraq Would Be in Civil War

I don’t have a crystal ball, but the following predictions were fairly obvious.  I’m surprised Obama was so clueless, maybe he should read Post Scripts?

Over a year ago in April of 2013  we said, “Sectarian violence in Iraq is pushing this nation towards an all-out civil war.  There was a time when Iraq’s Sunni population was eager to rid Iraq of Al Qaeda and accept a secondary role in the Shi’itte government, but President Maliki (Shi’itte) essentially told them to F off and pursued a campaign of arrests and murder of Sunni leaders.   This has resulted in the deaths of about 3,000 Iraqi civilians at the hands of terrorists on both sides in just the last 4 months with another 7,000 severely injured.

“Wayne White, a former senior US State Department Iraq analyst, attributed the uptick in violence to Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s failure to include Sunnis in the political process since the US troop withdrawal.”

Almost 2 years ago we warned:  Probably the most under-reported story in the world today is the war building between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the Middle East.

Over 2 years ago, 1/16/2012  It looks like Iraq is starting to unravel into sectarian violence and for many of us, this comes as no great surprise. Our sudden exit left a vacuum of power and now that is being filled haphazardly by friend and foe alike.

Collectively, as a nation, it wouldn’t hurt us to do a little soul searching over this whole Iraqi business. I know, you’re sick of hearing about and you want to move on, but the problem there isn’t going away, it’s getting worse and we still have over 15,000 American’s left in Iraq. Are we going to write them off if it all goes south?

8/26/2010 Predictably… and something believed by almost everyone except Barrack Obama, just as soon as our combat forces began their withdrawal from Iraq the subversive elements have been flexing their muscles.

This week has been the bloodiest for Iraqi defense forces in two years. Subversives seem to be attacking at will. 12 locations were hit in one day as a demonstration of their power. Iraqi checkpoints around Baghdad were widely reported as being lax. Iraq soldiers waved cars through without spot checking anybody. They were observed to be standing away from their weapons left at rest and they generally seemed to oblivious to any danger.

AND THE MOST PROPHETIC STATEMENT WAS MADE FOUR YEARS AGO:    My guess is the current government will last 2-3 years when the last of our troops are pulled out and everything we’ve done at the cost of thousands of American lives won’t amount to zip. Lets hope I’m wrong, but I doubt I am. (Jack)

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12 Responses to Post Scripts Predicted Iraq Would Be in Civil War

  1. Libby says:

    And what, exactly, was the O-man to do about it?

    Maliki is not, after all, the O-man’s creature … but someone else’s. And that someone being out of power, what should Maliki do, but whatever he pleased?

    Did you hear that bit, about how to be a soldier in the Iraqi Security Forces, you have to pay a bribe? And that most of the fellas in the Iraqi Security Forces have paid the bribe, mostly, just so they can have a job?

    If you were wondering about the desertions, there you have it.

    Maliki’s administration has been a model of the most putrid corruption. He will reap what he has sown. And we, having FINALLY learned our lesson, are going to let it play out … as it will.

  2. Tina says:

    Al-Maliki is his own creature. A leader gets to deal with the various leaders just as they are. One of the stupidest things any new leader can do is fail to take advantage of the experience and knowledge of the person who came before him. Obama was arrogant, proud, and certain that he knew better than anyone how to run the world.

    You’re probably right that it will play out your way. I just think you should also own it.

    We’re almost at six years, its time you took responsibility both for the chaos that’s unfolded under “your way” and the greater likelihood of terror attacks around the world that will ensue, and for a nuclear attack should it, God forbid, take place.

    As they say, you broke it…

  3. Libby says:

    Tina, I asked you a question. You didn’t answer it. We all know how much you loath the man, but you were suppose to tell us what he, personally, was supposed to do to prevent any of this?

    I myself can’t think of a thing that might have been effective, except perhaps a full-out occupation of the entire region. Are we supposed to do that “Onward Christian Soldier” thing? Convert the lot of them into Protestant Capitalists? Is that what you’re thinking?

    If it is, we all wish you just say so … so we can tell you to dream on.

  4. Tina says:

    Libby: “but you were suppose to tell us what he, personally, was supposed to do to prevent any of this?”

    A. He should never have made comments about the war in Iraq being wrong.

    B. His VP should never have declared a victory for Obama for the stability he inherited from our troops, Bush, our allies, the Iraqi people and even from the difficult, arrogant al-Maliki. Iraqi’s who took risks and bled and died for their nations freedom had to have felt insulted and betrayed by Obama’s remarks and position…as were others involved.

    C. He should have continued to negotiate for a US military and diplomatic presence without our troops being subject to prosecution in Iraqi courts, to maintain the stability that had been won at great cost.

    D. He should have worked positively with our allies in the region rather than dissing allies and embracing radical elements (including supporters of terror).

    E. He should have, right out of the box, voiced strong support for the Iranian students and citizens protesting for freedom.

    F. He shouldn’t have criticized Bush regarding bin Laden. We were still trying to locate him and had never stopped.

    G. He should have known that leaders in the Middle East don’t respect weakness; he should have been projecting strength and resolve from the beginning.

    Handing me another leftists caricature as the only alternative to what Obama actually has done is lazy and only shows how stupidly the left approaches the problems that plague all citizens in the world.

    NOT ONCE did Bush ever do anything that would suggest that converting the “lot of them” was his intention or any kind of solution…no one on the right with power ever has.

    However people are converting to Christianity by their own choice according to: this site in case you were worried that the Christian religion is dying. Apparently the chines are converting like crazy.

  5. Libby says:

    “He should never have made comments about the war in Iraq being wrong.”

    And that would have persuaded ISIS not to invade … how … exactly? We know that such statements (if made) would have offended you grievously, but that is germaine to the civil war in Iraq … how?

    The rest of your points are equally unsubstantive, until we get to this:

    “He should have known that leaders in the Middle East don’t respect weakness; he should have been projecting strength and resolve from the beginning.”

    No. No more specious beating around the bush. We don’t want to hear any more vague references to “strength” and “weakness”.

    Are you saying invade? or not?

  6. Tina says:

    One more thing Obama should not have done as reported by the Daily Mail:

    The United States once had Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in custody at a detention facility in Iraq, but president Barack Obama let him go, it was revealed on Friday.

    Al Baghdadi was among the prisoners released in 2009 from the U.S.’s now-closed Camp Bucca near Umm Qasr in Iraq.

    But now five years later he is leading the army of ruthless extremists bearing down on Baghdad who want to turn the country into an Islamist state by blazing a bloody trail through towns and cities, executing Iraqi soldiers, beheading police officers and gunning down innocent civilians.

  7. Libby says:

    Tina … say it. Say what you mean.

  8. Peggy says:

    Better yet, how about the words spoken by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to the Commander of Camp Bucca when he was released. “I’ll see you in New York.” As far as I know there’s no New York in Iraq or any other ME country.

    The Next Bin Laden: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:

    “As the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues to make its way deeper into Iraq, gaining control of the country’s major cities, Megyn Kelly was joined by Ken King, the former Commander of Camp Bucca Prison where ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was held until his 2009 release.

    King escorted al-Baghdadi on a flight to transfer custody over to the Iraqi government. The U.S. built a solid case for detention, but the Iraqi government decided to release al-Baghdadi. “Their decision to let him go was personally disappointing,” King said. “But I have to respect the decisions of a sovereign government.”

    King said al-Baghdadi gave him a chilling warning when they arrived in Baghdad for the final transfer. “When we handed them off, he knew we were from New York and he knew he was gonna get out, in my mind,” King recalled. “Because as he left, he told us, he told me and the soldiers around me, ‘I’ll see you in New York.'”

    ISIS has built the reputation for being the most powerful incarnation of what began as an Al Qaeda affiliate in Iraq following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. al-Baghdadi took over the group in 2010 and has a $10 million U.S. bounty on his head.

    Watch the entire interview above.”

  9. Tina says:

    Libby ask it…ask what you want to know.

    I have said what I mean and don’t have a clue what you are imagining.

  10. Tina says:

    Peggy as I read through your comment, and in light of the revelation that these terrorists had been in prison and were freed for no good reason, I was reminded of the criminals pouring over our borders, the fact that Hamas is working with dictators in South/Central America to bring war to our shores, the Obama administration releasing illegal entrants including criminals, and also the criminals our governor has recently released in California.

    Is this leadership…is this promoting the general welfare or is it undermining the welfare and safety of the people?

    Whether you’re a person who agreed with the war in Iraq or not it cannot be disputed that the war in Iraq was won. It was the peace in Iraq and the chance to build on that victory that was squandered.

    This is tragic for America, for the many allies and friends who worked with us, for the innocent people in the region, for nations across the globe, and for the Israeli people. More than anything it is tragic for those who fought, bled, and died and the families.

    Staying the course doesn’t mean all war all the time. It does mean sticking to principles, good diplomacy and strength in negotiations. It means keeping our word. It means always remembering exactly who our enemy is and pressing his defeat until the job is done. Party politics and ambition should have nothing to do with it.

    If people think America has the luxury to sit in a cloistered spot and remain untouched by this madness they are whacked. I hate that our young people are sacrificing so much but who else should we rely on but the young and the strong?

  11. Peggy says:

    Our country needs leaders with good character and honor who will put the good of our country and its citizen first. Afraid we don’t have men or women with good character and honor in the WH and with the exception of a few we don’t have them in Congress either.

    Obama has been the worst president in our history. Never before has a president gotten away with as many lies as he has. Nixon resigned in disgrace because of a minor break-in he denied knowing anything about, and no one was killed. Clinton lied about a stupid affair, because he couldn’t keep his pants zipped in the oval office, and he ended up being impeached. If anyone dares to challenge what Obama does or says they’re targeted and called a racist. So, each time he gets away with another lie, violation of our laws and abusing his powers granted him in our Constitution it just motivates him to do more and more. As Jonathan Turley warned we are at the tipping point and Obama is becoming an imperial president.

    He has done the exact opposite of what he campaigned on in 2008. He said he’d be the great unitter (sp?) and instead has divided this country like never before. “United we stand, divided we fall.” We are going down big time both nationally and internationally.

    His goal of transforming American has me wondering if his real goal wasn’t to destroy American. I know he and George Soros worked together on one of Soros’ organizations and with Soros’ past history of ruining England and I believe Greece economically I have begun to believe they are working together to do the same to the US.

    I believe Obama’s goal is to be president of the UN, which in his narcissistic mind is his true calling where he will be king of the world. With Soros’ money and all of his enablers supporting him I believe he just may do it unless people wake up and stop him. Being president of the US is just perfect for his resume for the UN.

    Tell me Tina if you had a hundred thousand kids rushing your house wouldn’t you pick up the phone and call for help? Why hasn’t Obama been on the TV, radio, internet telling those countries to stop sending their kids here? Why hasn’t he told them we’ll put them on a bus or plane or boat and send them back? Why hasn’t he called the presidents of all of those countries and demanded they pay for the cost of sending them back and to tell their people to stop?
    I hear crickets, don’t you? The silence is not just obvious it’s speaks volumes.

    You know the answer just like I do. He wants them here. He knows it will bankrupt the country taking care of them and educating them, and he’s counting on using them to gain votes now and in the future. The danger he’s putting this country in by overwhelming our border patrol agents who have been told to not even apprehend them any more has also opened our border to terrorist and others whose goal is to harm us.

    He went to bed the night Benghazi was under attack and hopped on a plane early for a fund raiser or two in Vegas the next day. Putin took Crimea and half of Ukraine and Obama was again silent. Iraq is being taken over by the worst terrorist on the face of the earth and where is Obama “The Great WORLD Leader?” He’s in Palm Springs right now at two more fund raisers and another couple of round of golf. Have you seen the picture of the Fozi dude with half dozen heads on the floor in front him? It’s the one where he’s holding the bloody knife so we’ll all know he’s the one who cut their heads off. All of this is going on while Obama picks which iron to use and yells, “FOUR or is it FOR?” Major decision to make. Does he use the 2 or 5 iron? What do his advisors recommend?

    He’s no leader, he’s a joke, but no one is laughing except him and Soros.

  12. Tina says:

    Peggy what you are witnessing, like never before, is the Cloward-Piven Strategy:

    First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

    Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue an African American man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.

    In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when “the rest of society is afraid of them,” Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands.

    Is this what Obama meant when he said, “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for”

    More here.

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