Russia Invades Ukraine – Obama Says Sanctions Working as Intended

by Jack

Multiple sources report that Russian trucks, tanks, and armored personnel carriers have crossed the border into Ukraine to support ethnic Russian rebels aka Russian Operatives. Information from captured Russian soldiers indicate they are not being told that they are in Ukrainian territory. It was only last week that President Obama said the crisis in Ukraine was a problem best solved by European nations, and that gem seemed to infer the U.S. was detaching and giving a green light to Putin, because differing leadership in Europe or the UN is to defer to no leadership at all.

obama11The situation in Ukraine has worsened dramatically in the last 24 hours with Putin’s invasion. Appearances at the White House indicate Obama is once again caught flat footed with no policy in place to head off Russia’s military escalation. Now Obama is scrambling to catch up, er, sort of…after the next fund raiser tomorrow.

The White House press secretary was grilled about this crisis and his only response was the White House has a plan in place – however, exactly what the plan is nobody knows. And those US sanctions – how’s that working out? Putin is invading Ukraine. Russian boots are on the ground, Russian artillery is shelling Ukraine troops. . . and from inside Ukraine. Russian armor is across the border and well inside Ukraine. Yet, Obama recently said US sanctions are working as intended. Huh…wha?

On another front, ISIS continues to make headway, gaining ground and committing acts of genocide in Syria and Iraq. Obama says he’s trying to put together a “coalition of the willing” (sound familiar?) And so far he has…who? Australia and England? That’s it. Way to go Mr. Statesman! Could this guy Obama be any worse?

But, here’s the comical part, Obama is coming closer and closer to re-imposing the Bush-era doctrine of a pre-emptive war to diffuse a looming national security threat. Nothing says “Bush Doctrine” like Obama’s administration plans for ISIS. How Ironic – and pathetic.

And all these unmanaged crisis’ has this made Democrats extremely nervous because it’s also election time. You know the last thing they want to hear is how they made a hot mess in Iraq and now we have to go back and clean it up. They’ve also made a mess of Russia v Ukraine, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Israel v Gaza, Syria, immigration, ObamaCare and the midterm elections are only sixty days off. Voters have all these things in mind and then if we are drawn back into war in Iraq the heart of the democrats voter base is going to revolt or go into convulsions!

The dithering, hand wringing and sweating in the White House is now visible all the way to the Kremlin and Putin couldn’t be happier.

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One Response to Russia Invades Ukraine – Obama Says Sanctions Working as Intended

  1. J. Soden says:

    And in the next breath, he admits having no strategy regarding ISIS.
    This Prez is mentally incapable of any thought found in other folks over the age of 3.

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