EPA Under Fire – Wasted and Misspent Funds and Collusion

Posted by Tina

A recent report released by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the EPA found that 90% of stimulus funds for diesel reduction were misspent:

An audit analyzing $26.3 million in funding to non-profit organizations and state governments meant to reduce truck emissions and create jobs found that the program had “significant financial management issues.”

The OIG reviewed six projects under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program, finding four “did not meet all the objectives of the award,” or their requirements under the Recovery Act. Five of the six projects “did not have a financial management systems that met federal requirements that applied to the grant award.”

“As a result, we questioned a total of $23.8 million of the $26.3 million claimed under the assistance agreements,” the OIG said.

The EPA isn’t the only government agency that has been found to waste stimulus funds. According to The Washington Free Beacon the Department of Agriculture’s IG found $5 billion in misspent funds and most of their stimulus projects were “inherently not shovel ready.”

The American people have lost six years of earnings and wealth building power because of the incompetence and ideologically driven missteps of the current leadership. At a time when the people needed job opportunity and a chance to recover lost ground we have instead been rolled and fleeced.

Conservatives believe in supporting clean air and water but we don’t believe in just throwing tons of money at problems. Instead we understand that steady constant movement in the direction of cleaner solutions and technological improvements will result in cleaner air and water. The good news for taxpayers is that businesses will make these changes on their own dime with minimal cost passed on to the consumer. They will do it because it’s good for their business and for the community that they serve.

I wrote in comments today about another report from the Energy and Environment Legal Institute showing collusion between the EPA and various environment groups to destroy coal companies:

The collection of e-mails outlines a close relationship between environmental groups and senior EPA officials, many of whom came from those environmental groups. One such relationship is that between Michael Goo, recently head of the EPA Office of Policy and a former Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) lobbyist, and John Coequyt, a top Sierra Club lobbyist. According to the e-mails, Coequyt supplied materials directly to individual activists within EPA, even helping EPA keep a score for “internal use” of coal plants to shut down. Coequyt saw to it that plans to build new coal plants ultimately did not come to fruition.

Coequyt wrote to Goo and another EPA staffer to pressure the EPA into adopting regulations so strict that coal plants that had already received construction permits could not be built. “Attached is a list of plants that the companies shelved because of uncertainty around GHG regulations. If a standard is set that these plants could meet, there is a not small chance that they [sic] company could decide to revive the proposal,” Coequyt wrote.

On many occasions, Coequyt met with Goo at the nearby Marriott Hotel, purposely avoiding EPA headquarters so that they did not have to detail their discussions in EPA’s visitor logs.

E-mails also reveal that EPA press staff worked directly with a Sierra Club lobbyist to write Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-N.H.) statement on the climate agenda for an event in which the EPA, Sierra Club, and Senator Shaheen participated.

“It’s disturbing,” remarks Dr. David Schnare, a lawyer and scientist for the E&E Legal’s general counsel who served for decades as an EPA employee. “There needs to be a clear line between special interests and government. Current EPA officials are ignoring that line entirely.”

One way to eliminate special interests in the federal government would be to eliminate the EPA and return the power to state and local governments. We already have strict restrictions in place to protect our water and air. Business is already involved in clean air and water improvements through the introduction of new technologies. Local power makes it easier for the people to monitor and demand responsible accountable government regulation. Local control…sounds like an idea whose time has come.

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8 Responses to EPA Under Fire – Wasted and Misspent Funds and Collusion

  1. J. Soden says:

    Goofernment overreach, lies, and attacks on citizenry are all hallmarks of the Obumble administration.
    And anyone who thinks the white house isn’t involved in all of the above needs psychiatric help.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Does this reflect a general sag in character or has there always been so many corrupt people? My personal guess is we’re seeing more people with bad character who gravitate to government because it’s easy to steal from the gov. -Jack

  3. Dewey says:

    Many banks and corps misused the money but here we go get rid of that pesky EPA

    Well Hey the glorious new communist business model the Tea party touts for the Koch brothers shows how nice it is without the EPA




    some real nice pics there

  4. Tina says:

    Jack I think you’re on to something…it doesn’t help that the younger generations that take over are more poorly educated.

  5. Tina says:

    Dewey: “Many banks and corps misused the money …”

    What money? Which companies? Which banks?

    “get rid of that pesky EPA”

    Yes if what they are doing is illegal or corrupt!

    ” the glorious new communist business model the Tea party touts”

    What glorious new business model? Name it…describe it!

    Ad hominem attacks are useless Dewey.

    The draconian EPA regulations that have closed American businesses and thrown people out of their jobs would not make enough difference. Those in charge of the EPA are zealots and activist who don;t give a damn about the people.

    China should clean up its air. Putting Americans out of work won’t help or change anything!

  6. Peggy says:

    #2 Jack: “Does this reflect a general sag in character or has there always been so many corrupt people?”

    There’s always been corrupt people, it’s how society deals with it that is making the difference.

    Another thing to consider is the decline of teaching morals, what is right and wrong, the consequences for bad behavior, the removal of God from the public sector, the dropping in church attendance and the rise of single parent households have contributed to our country’s morals.

    A child that is not raised with a good moral character will become an adult believing the same rules apply.

    Just look at all of the “kids” participating in the knock-out game and gang-like groups that clean out stores. They had to believe what they were doing was acceptable or it was no big deal and if they got caught they wouldn’t be punished.

    Nixon was threatened with impeachment for using the IRS for his political gain. Today, Obama’s allegation of similar behavior is treated with media support with their coordinated silence.

    Behavior not acceptable 40 years ago has become acceptable today.

  7. Tina says:

    Peggy Nixon was impeached for merely threatening to use the IRS against his political foes.

    IRS administrators have so far gotten away with targeting and harassing political opponents of the administration and preventing them from participating in the election. These are entrenched career public servants that are supposed to conduct their duties in a non-biased, non-political fashion.

    Behavior not acceptable 40 years ago has become acceptable today.

    Truer words were never spoken!

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