Labor Secretary Peres, “…we are a global universe here in the United States… “

Posted by Tina

The President’s Secretary of Labor, Thomas Perez spoke to the congressional Hispanic Caucus Wednesday and in remarks targeted to reassure the members said he believed the President would use executive action to grant amnesty to six million people that are in the U.S. illegally. Here’s the justification:

Perez said, “When you look at the president on immigration, his commitment to this issue dates way back to his time in Illinois state government. Way, way back, because he has understood, and as someone who has lived overseas, he understands that we are a global universe here in the United States and everywhere. And he understands that we are a nation of immigrants, and we are a nation of laws, and we can be both. I have seen those values in action.”

We are a nation of immigrants. We are that values the rule of law. We do not embrace the notion that our citizens can choose to ignore or bypass laws when they are in the way of our wants or for convenience or because we feel compassion. There are procedures in place to come to America and these procedures must be upheld if we are going to maintain the rule of law.

We did not elect Obama to act as a king and certainly not king of the global universe.

Source: Breitbart

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2 Responses to Labor Secretary Peres, “…we are a global universe here in the United States… “

  1. J. Soden says:

    Looks like Obumble/Oblameo AND Sec’ty Peres both failed geography . . . .

  2. Tina says:

    I imagine that could be true.

    Unfortunately for us, since they are in power, this is their “vision” for our future.

    That signifies plain ol’, ordinary, across-the-board stupidity…big time dummies in any subject.

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