No Worries, Defense Secretary Hagel is On the Job

Posted by Tina

America is faced with serious threats. ISIl continues to grow in strength advancing now on Baghdad. Iran, a supporter of terrorism, is close to having nuclear weaponry. A planned influx of children from south of our border, some of whom have carried a killer virus, threaten the health of our children.The EBOLA virus has now infected a nurse in Texas. We are supposed to have confidence in those who are in charge. Recent polling shows that most Americans have lost faith in our governments competence. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel offers a clue to this loss of faith. His eye is not focused on ISIS or the porous borders. His eye is focused on climate change:

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel unveiled a climate change roadmap on Monday, urging his international counterparts to remain “clear-eyed” about the “security threats” presented by global warming.

Speaking at a meeting of defense ministers in Peru, Hagel announced the new Pentagon report, which is set to be released later on Monday and details the Defense Department’s plan to fight climate change.

Just as radical leftist english teachers can now use “settled science documents” to teach reading comprehension under Common Core, and thus push the radical alarmist man caused global warming concensus, our Defense Department can now use the military to further the alarmist vision around the world. The Hill quotes Chuck Hagel:

“There are worrying signs that climate change will create serious risks to stability in our own hemisphere,” Hagel said, according to the Pentagon’s official Twitter account.

“Our military’s readiness could be tested, and our capabilities could be stressed. U.S. DOD takes these risks very seriously, and that is why today we are launching a new Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap,” he added.

Hagel said the United States would work with partner nations “bilaterally” and through groups like the Inter-American Defense Board.

So glad to know our Defense Secretary has immediate threats prioritized. Imagined threats are compelling compared to terrorists with WMD capability, for instance.

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