Baltimore Rioting

Written on Monday 4-27-15 by Jack

Sometimes I think there are several million black clones spread across the United States in every large city carrying a huge chip on theirbalt45 shoulder, just waiting for an excuse to start a riot.

The Baltimore police department is the 8th largest in the US, with over 3000 officers (the city is only 16th in population).   We can’t say the police were understaffed, but they sure as H- -  were poorly led.  Orders from on high kept them in a defensive line watching the thieves, vandals and arsonists do their worst.   Things began to get out of control when the first liquor store was looted and now people of America deserve some answers.

Baltimore-riots34What went wrong that allowed rioters to do their worst right in front of police?  And what really triggered the rioting, that so far has caused about $20 million dollars worth of new public housing to be burned to the ground along with a number of row houses in black neighborhoods?  It’s still to early to get an accurate count, but it looks like many cars and structures were destroyed in a night of anarchy.

Tonight I watched on television as a CVC pharmacy was looted for well over an hour, and there was no police response.  I watched other businesses burn and when the fire department tried to put out the fire the clones would cut the fire hoses.

Police themselves came under attacked at one point and they had to retreat leaving the streets to the roaming gangs.   I saw several new cars (apparently stolen) driven into a bonfire in an intersection to be deliberately set on fire.   This too was in full view of police in riot gear standing about 200 feet away.mayorbaltimore

Of course, a number liquor stores were looted early on (they seem to be a priority in riots going back to the 1960’s).

If this sounds a lot like the events in Ferguson you would be right, but this one is far worse.  Ferguson’s damage, although bad, was contained to several blocks.  In Baltimore it’s many dozens of large city blocks and there were many thousands of rioters.

It’s also different from Ferguson because here we have a black mayor.  Ten of the 14 city council people are black and the rest of the council members are democrats.  The majority of police officers are black.  So, this can’t be righteous anger being vented by oppressed black victims of  racist white police department.   What’s the excuse this time?  And don’t tell me it’s because of this guy who died because of broken vertebrae while in jail.  He was the excuse, what really pushed this riot has been in the making for much longer and it was bolstered by a number of “professional protestors.”

There’s only one way for so many people to get this level of hate and lawlessness -  it has to be built up over time, perhaps generations and it has to be directed by professional protestors.   

baltimore62Most recently we’ve seen a series of local news incidents, but because they were underscored by allegations of racism at the White House this has reinforced the narrative that blacks nationwide are being victimized by police brutality.    This brutality that has been manifested by ages old white racism….sounds almost plausible given past racism in America.   But, this story doesn’t go back to some Grand Wizard in the Klan, it goes back to our leader, Barrack Hussein Obama, the Divider-in-Chief.  He started ramping up racial tensions starting with Henry Louis Gates.  This was non-event that became a national event where Cambridge cops were made to look badge heavy.  Obama has been inserting himself into small time race incidents ever since, but he’s never on the side of cops and he never denounces hate crimes when its black on white.

Black militants and the usual race baiters have taken notice of our leadership and they’ve been ramping up their rhetoric that has also gone unchallenged by the White House.   The last 7 years has been empowering for all the wrong people with all the wrong reasons.   These haters been given a virtual green light to say all kinds race laden lies without any push back from the same guy who thought if he had a boy he would look like Trayvon Martin.   Sadly, Obama might have been the person who brought about a new dialog of understanding and healing of old wounds.   But, he was not the fair and balanced man we thought.   So, the lies about black victimization at the hands of cops get repeated so often people from coast to coast being to believe it.  This is what has blacks ready to riot, as evidenced in Baltimore.

The facts say cops do not kill blacks at any great rate than any other race.   But, that’s not what blacks and liberals are selling.   They have taken that one in a million wrong by some idiot cop and made it look like that is the norm and that isolated event is exploited to indict all of law enforcement.baltimorerioting39

Why hasn’t the president commented on that false narrative?   I think the answer by now ought to be obvious, his rush to judgment and selective support, speaks volumes about his bias.

Now back to the rioting in Baltimore, the rioting in no way can be justified…and I’m sure we can agree.   This is not a civil rights movement…it’s a riot by criminals.

The mayor of Baltimore (see above picture) had an odd response to this rioting, maybe you heard it already?  She asked the Baltimore Police Department to “give those who wished to destroy space to do that.”   Yep… she really did say that.

This mayor is in way over her head.   Her lack of experience has resulted in an indecisive leadership.  In times of crisis this can damage a city beyond measure.   Dare I say it, I think she has the makings to become our next president?

balitmore9999Obama in his wisdom dispatched several White House representatives to the funeral of the alleged victim (just like in Ferguson).   However, most rational people would conclude that’s not the business of the White House.   Even if you think it is, it’s a bit premature to pick sides since we don’t know the whole story.   Was he a victim of police misconduct or something else?   And as for those blacks that are demanding answers, they won’t get them any faster by encouraging the looting.

It’s time to reinstate order, its time to make some arrests and its time take back the streets…. enough is enough.


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14 Responses to Baltimore Rioting

  1. Pie Guevara says:


  2. More Common Sense says:

    The liberals own this one. This is an example of the moral decay that comes with liberal policies.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Angry mother beats son for participating in Baltimore riots —

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Thank you Katy Pavlich for bringing this to my attention —

  5. J. Soden says:

    Baltimore’s Ms Mayor Moron delayed calling the MD Governor for help and stated that she wanted to “give space” to rioters, and then denied she ever said it. Unfortunately, news videos made her out a liar.
    Secondly, she claimed that Sharpton was welcome!

    What she failed to realize is that having graduated from the Ferguson School of Rioting and Destruction, the professional agitators have moved their campus to Baltimore.
    The lawyers for folks whose businesses or cars were trashed as well as those injured are gonna have a field day with Ms. Mayor Moron’s remarks when they sue!
    And Baltimore should begin recall paperwork for the Mayor immediately!

    • Post Scripts says:

      J. Soden, I wonder if anyone is connecting the cities with the worst crime and worst race problem to democrats? Every city I know about that is run by democrats has a serious crime/race problem, Oakland, Richmond, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc. Democrats own this mess and they are welcome to it.

  6. Harold says:

    Great post Pie, The young lady made an excellent presentation

  7. Dewey says:

    Hey there Jack! Nice to see you guys again. Just knew I would find a post like this!

    Sorry but that is not the truth. That looks like the media spin! How do I know? Because I was there!

    I got stuck in the middle of it at Camden yards!

    The mayor also did not say she wanted to give rioters space. She spoke of the peaceful protestors. There were different pockets of people around the city including some who caused the trouble away from protest.

    There were over 10,000 peaceful protestors did the media tell ya that? When the hood winks got violent many left. Police shut down transit and left many others stranded with no transportation. Police saw a social media statement on Monday and shut down transportation for the school kids who were about to get out of school. Shut down traffic, staged at the zoo entrance as we sit in traffic.

    They then sent a sea of officers to meet these kids as they got out of school. They had no where to go and at least 2 teachers have documented that. Things went real wrong that night as well.

    The hood winks who took a peaceful protest sat night to that scene were not protestors they were angry people.

    The fact I was stranded at Camden yards as police line held up the trains by having their line across the tracks made me angry. Everybody moved blocks away and the citizens were stranded still. No where to go. I went to a bar, when the game let out all of a sudden the police moved and the trains came.

    Baltimore has a huge problem with their police department documented for decades. I have seen it myself. What we have is despair from the systematic trickle down economy failure.

    Chico is a far cry from Baltimore. I am here for a bit doing political work.

    A young man made eye contact with a PD officer and ran. He was put in a PD Van. 30 minutes of video missing and his spine was 80%crushed. Innocent until proven guilty? Fair trial? I guess whatever a cop does is the law right?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Well, well, well, Dewey. I’m pleased to hear you were not harmed in the rioting, seriously. I’ve been through several riots and bad things can happen in an instant.

      “The mayor also did not say she wanted to give rioters space. She spoke of the peaceful protestors. There were different pockets of people around the city including some who caused the trouble away from protest.”

      No need to defend the lady mayor, we have the video, the whole, unedited complete video and yes she did that.

      Granted, it may have been said in moment of stress, that happens in a crisis. We could understand and forgive if she was not thinking clearly and misspoke, but she didn’t apologize for it. She fell back on what most liberal politicians do when cornered, “I didn’t say that!!!!” She goes on to offer up a more reasonable narrative, just like the one you have bought into, but fortunately the truth is out and America heard her say the stupid version.

      Dewey, you act like this riot was the first time we’ve been in a situation where judgment was pronounced before the investigation was over. But, to us, this seems to be a common pattern. A black male dies – police involved – close enough…lets riot.

      You said, “Baltimore has a huge problem with their police department documented for decades. I have seen it myself. What we have is despair from the systematic trickle down economy failure.” Wonder why the democrat leadership hasn’t solved this problem since they have been in power for decades. Actually it was Nancy Pelosi’s father who was once mayor, before he was involved in some sort of scandal and she left town to escape the fall out. They called him “Big Tommy” and helped write the democrat playbook with this quote which he was famous for saying, “When accused, deny everything, admit nothing and make counter accusations!’ Tommy D’Alesandro and his father, both old school power brokers that helped make Baltimore the city it is today, including the police department and the rest of America wound up with Nancy…ain’t that grand?

      “What we have is despair from the systematic trickle down economy failure.” Oh, really? would you call $22 trillion dollars spent on projects for the poor since 1962 a trickle or a flood? As a point of fact we had spent $5 trillion by the mid-90’s and the rest was piled on after that. Those democrats have sure wasted a lot of money doing the same old give away programs that never helped anywhere close to the numbers of people they wanted to get out of poverty. Talk about worthless wealth shifting…Dewey, did you know we spent two times more on poverty projects to lift up the poor since 1962 than in the last three big wars? And that little publicized fact runs counter to the liberal narrative that we’re robbing the poor of funding to feed the military machine.

      “A young man made eye contact with a PD officer and ran.” Really?

      Oh, wait, let me help out here. Did you mean to say a young man with countless brushes with the law, and long rap sheet that includes resisting, breaking and entering, drug dealing and sell crack and heroin specifically, made eye contact with a PD officer and ran?” Well, whatever his past, it doesn’t matter. But, what does matter is what we don’t know, why he ran, why they chased, why he was arrested, what happened after he was arrested, and just about everything else in this case because its still under investigation.

      However, once again we’ve got the same racist cop haters rushing to judgment, assuming all sorts of facts not in evidence, condemning all of law enforcement from coast to coast over what is at worst a very isolated incident, a sad tragic incident among millions of detentions and arrests that ended with nobody being hurt.

      B.O. set the example for rushing to judgment three times and being found wrong three times, this could make it four times, but we’ll have to wait and see.

      Now I’m not saying the police were innocent here, I’m just saying history tells us everybody ought shut up and wait until the evidence is made public. We need to see what we have here and right now we just don’t know. We do know, or ought to know… that looting liquors stores won’t speed the investigation process along.

      Looks like New York is jumping on the bandwagon now, Ferguson got fired up all over again last night… people need to shut the F up, stay home and see what the investigation has to say nd then see what they are going to do about it, if anything.

  8. Chris says:

    Dewey: “The mayor also did not say she wanted to give rioters space”

    Yes, she did. And it was an incredibly stupid thing to say; there’s no getting around that.

    You have some good points about the rioters being mostly separate from the protesters, though.

  9. J. Soden says:

    Well said, Jack – #11

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