Liberals – Demeaning and Condescending to Blacks

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31 Responses to Liberals – Demeaning and Condescending to Blacks

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Let’s take a quiz on who is committing violence to promote their political agenda:

    A) Tea Partiers
    B) Christian bakers
    C) Democrat voters

  2. Chris says:

    “Sometimes I think there are several million black clones spread across the United States in every large city carrying a huge chip on their shoulder, just waiting for an excuse to start a riot.”

    –A conservative who is in no way demeaning or condescending to blacks.

    • Post Scripts says:

      If they talk the talk, walk the walk and go out of their way to cause trouble they earned my remarks. Too many black youth do in fact have a chip on their shoulder. You can debate the why part, but its still there.

      How is talking straight demeaning or condescending? Oh, wait, I know what you’re talking about…I get it. So, if I want to graduate to be a good liberal I must first put on the kid gloves and say phony crap that is truly condescending and demeaning, but is intended to be pleasing to everyone. No, not going to do that Chris. I’m going to tell it like it is, like it or not.

  3. Chris says:

    As for the video: she’s absolutely right, and has a powerful speaking voice to boot. Many liberals did act as if the facts didn’t matter in the Brown case, and the lack of retraction by many after it came out that Wilson’s shooting was almost certainly justified (despite the valid concerns about the unethical prosecuter and the racism of the Freguson PD as a whole) is shameful.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #4 Post Scripts:

    You just owned that jerk again.

  5. Chris says:

    Jack, if you don’t understand how ranting about “several million black clones” is racist and demeaning, then there’s nothing I can do for you. You won’t be helped. You must have no problem with the perception of Republicans as racist toward blacks. If that’s the case…stop complaining that Republicans are seen as racists toward blacks! You can’t make racist remarks, then complain about others calling you racist, and expect to be taken seriously by anyone who is not already in 100% agreement with you. The sad thing is that absolutely no one here whose opinion you value is going to pull you aside and tell you “hey, I think that line is over the top,” because they all feel the same exact way you do. Branch out, talk to some more moderate conservatives who find such rhetoric offensive, and maybe there will be hope.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, hang on, first it was demeaning and condescending, now its racist and demeaning? lol If you want to lambast me properly, first you must get your story straight.

      If you disagree with this observation, that’s fine. But, don’t play the race card with me, it’s been done way too much by you.

  6. Harold says:

    Ref #4 ‘Bingo’ as to the comment about criminals.

    As to the condescending or demeaning remark, I believe when it comes to having their failed programs exposed, the average Liberal seems to resort to well practiced divisionary double speak and a reassignment of blame toward others.

    As Jack has pointed out several times prior, the cities with the highest crime rates are all governed by Liberals. why cant they see a new direction is needed in dealing with societal unrest and the habitual unemployed, say community service for able bodied people on assistance.

    Just Like Obama recently blaming this new Congress for the failed Jobs and programs he has, yep it all happened in the last 5 months.

    If you believe Obama, he, Reid and even Pelosi are totally blameless for the decline of Americas morally, and if your gullible enough to swallow to his political BS excuses…….sure!

    Anyone interested in buying a bridge from these three?

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    “Pwned” internet slang —

    A corruption of the word “Owned,” evidently stemming from an online game where a map designer misspelled “owned.”

    I means to be dominated to be dominated by an opponent or situation.

    Jack pwned the jerk again in #8.

    • Post Scripts says:

      ( Pwned ) Thanks Pie, I guess my age is showing. I messed up. Was just trying to help with the spelling, sorry. Next time I should axe you before correct your spelling. ; )

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris is always on the look out for calling someone he does not much care for a bigot and a racist, no matter how thin his idiotic and smarmy his posed and self-righteous indignation is.

    He is wholly locked into quintessential left-wing think. A demeaning and condescending attitude is a prerequisite and he has that in spades.

    I would tell Chris to go **** himself and try to internalize and understand the core meaning of the video, but he already has done just that … ****ed himself. This fool is a total wreck.

  9. More Common Sense says:

    The “chip on the shoulder” of these angry young black men was put there by the Liberals whispering excuses for bad behavior in their ears. “It’s okay if you riot. You have a reason to be angry. Look how difficult THEY have made your life.” “It’s okay if you destroy. THEY have so much and THEY have taken so much from you”. “Its okay if you hate because THEY hate you.” “It’s okay if you don’t try, THEY have stacked the deck against you.” “It’s okay if you steal. It isn’t really THEIR property. THEY didn’t earn it. It’s yours, take it. Better yet, just wait, we will take it and give it to you.”

    Even their misguided attempts to help black youth have an underlying message of inferiority. Affirmative Action basically says you aren’t good enough to compete in the real world without some sort of special treatment. “You can’t do it without OUR help! Step aside, you can’t do this w3ithout US.”

    It is hard enough to live and succeed in this world without having someone giving you a sack of excuses for not succeeding. It must be many times harder to rebound from life setbacks if you are made to believe there are people out that are in enough control of your life to actually create the setbacks. If you get laid off it because you are black. If you don’t get into a school you wanted its because you are black. You don’t drive a fancy car because you are black. You can’t afford an iPhone because you are black. You got evicted because you are black. You get arrested for bad behavior because you are black. You go to jail because you are black. When you have a bag full of excuses it is never your fault or just something that happens in life. It is a conspiracy perpetrated by unseen white bigots.

    Even Obama still carries around his bag of excuses. If someone disagrees with him or criticizes his policies he just reaches into that bag and pulls out a handy racism excuse. It is so handy and convenient to see everything bad that happens as racism! You never have to question your ideas or your behavior.

    It amazes me the black community still supports the Democrats. They have done nothing that has contributed to the strength of the black community and the black household. They created generations of black people that are basically slaves to the entitlement system. “Where is my check? Where is my free cell phone? Where are my food stamps? You told me I needed them. You told me I can’t live without them. You told me I can’t handle my life without some Democrat white person helping me.”

    And why have the Democrats done this? Politics! If you want a group of people to follow you, create an enemy for those people and then put yourself in the position of being the only group that can save them from this enemy. It doesn’t even matter if the enemy exists. In fact, it is better if the enemy doesn’t exist because then you don’t really have to do anything and the other side will be occupied defending themselves from false accusations.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris is every bit of the condescending and demeaning left-wing liberal cookie cutter clone clown he repeatedly demonstrates he is.

    The people who have been burning and looting Baltimore have been called criminals and thugs by Obama and other black leaders.

    Duh! They are! They earned it, they own it. Jack’s comments are not racists, they are valid observations.

    Chris is EXACTLY the liberal this bright, young, and powerful black woman is fed up with.

  11. Chris says:

    “Chris, hang on, first it was demeaning and condescending, now its racist and demeaning?”

    Your comment was specifically demeaning and condescending to blacks as a race, so yes, it was also racist. That should go without saying, but sadly it does not.

    “If you disagree with this observation, that’s fine. But, don’t play the race card with me, it’s been done way too much by you.”

    You used the phrase “several million black clones” and somehow you think “the race card” is an invalid response? Is this all an elaborate joke? Because I refuse to believe that this many grown-ass men found your statement OK and completely without racism. Nope, I won’t believe it. It is too depressing to contemplate.

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #13: You can axe me anytime you like without asking! 😀 Everyone needs an editor, including me. I learned about pwned only recently. Hilarious!

    Re #11 More Common Sense : Yep, it is a very sad political manipulation that only makes things worse.

  13. Peggy says:

    It pays to know history.


  14. Pie Guevara says:

    The ever so racially sensitive self-announced negro burner Chris who calls 12-year-olds simpletons and uses that as an insult is again tossing about slurs of racism.

    Chris will always be a complete ass. A cookie cutter liberal clone clown. And there are millions of them.

  15. Pie Guevara says:

    When witnessing the repetitions of riots, arson, and looting I too sometimes think there are “several million black clones spread across the United States in every large city carrying a huge chip on their shoulder, just waiting for an excuse to start a riot.”

    In fact, these recent events show that the truth of that statement in so very many ways.

    Then I am reminded that there are also millions of brilliant, thoughtful, educated, wonderful black folks like Chloe Valdary in the post headline video.

    Then I am reminded that there are millions of Chris clone clowns who speciously sling about slurs of racism in a pathetic attempt to skew the discourse.

    Here, it is a single ***hole, Chris, attempting to draw attention away from Chloe Valdary’s video editorial by tossing feces like an angry chimpanzee in a cage.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Pie, I guess its safe to say we can find clones everywhere. Too many people get sucked into someone else’s agenda and lose their own perspective. All it takes is a strong personality to lead many people off the straight and narrow. Jim Jones for example, cults prosper on such weak minded people, it’s not limited to blacks by any means and I hope folks didn’t take it that way. I knew Chris would, but that was expected.

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Baltimore —

    Black Mayor

    Black Chief Of Police

    City Council 15 members,

  17. Pie Guevara says:

    Baltimore —

    Black Mayor
    Black Chief Of Police
    City Council 15 members,7 black

    Black Panthers Chairman —

    “America has declared war on us,”

    We are “willing to die or kill to save our babies and to save a black nation that is dying before our eyes.”

    “We pay taxes. They have declared war on us and it’s nothing but state racism.”

    “This is not the hate hour, this is the love hour. “We have to love ourselves enough to be willing to die or kill to save our babies and to save a black nation that is dying before our eyes.”

    Hmmm, who is killing the “black nation?” Is it Chloe Valdary, black Baltimore politicians and police,or is it Hashim Nzinga and idiot turd tossers like Chris?

  18. Danthe Man says:

    Yo Chris i get the feeling you mean well but you are not tracking with what the people are saying here. honest man, i dont see a race problem with anything said here. i have seen dscrimination before so i know what it looks like trust me. i hope things settle down soon. we got to respect each other and always try to do what is right.

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #16 Peggy:

    I got a straight A!

  20. Tina says:

    Can anyone spell Saul Alinsky, the man who wrote the book that has guided radical left Democrats for decades about grievances and civil disobedience? See here.

    Can anyone spell ACORN, a group taught by President Obama when he was just a young lawyer, on how to become militant agitators?

    Can anyone spell militant college professors who in their classes fuel the fires of grievance and encourage agitation?

    Can anyone spell the New Black Panthers, Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson with his Rainbow Coalition all of whom have made it their life’s work to agitate and convince the broader black community that they are victims and the white man the oppressor?

    Can you spell Congressional Black Caucus members, like Maxine Waters, who from Washington give legitimacy to the various grievance leaders and groups?

    Many black Americans have lived their lives, applied themselves, acted responsibly, climbed the ladder of success, and now live the American dream.
    Unfortunately too many of them still vote for the party that has created mass dependency, the grievance mentality, and robbed many blacks (and others) of a future worth living.

    American did not “declare war” on blacks (poor people in general)…the Democrat Party did under LBJ who was accused of saying about his War on Poverty programs, “I’ll have those n***ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

    50 years later it’s the lesson of the War on Poverty!

    Chips on shoulders are created by teaching people to believe white Americans are greedy, filled with hate, oppressive to minorities and just won’t let blacks/minorities succeed.

    Chips on shoulders are created by teaching people that the only alternative for blacks/minorities is to hate the oppressor (Republicans) and depend on the Democrat Party for redistribution programs.

    Non radical whites who have drunk the grievance cool-aid perpetuate the lie and add weight and legitimacy to what has become a grievance industry.

    Imagine what these poor blacks might have accomplished had they been shown the way to self-reliance! Imagine the opportunity that would have blossomed in the poor neighborhoods had these family not been destroyed with regulation that discourages marriage!

    Radical left Democrats have a lot to answer for in the coming years…blacks are catching on! It’s about time!

  21. Pie Guevara says:

    Jack, there wasn’t anything racist about your statement. The Chris liberal clone clown is, as usual, grasping at straws.

  22. Peggy says:

    #22 & #23 Pie and Tina, Did you notice the “test” in #16 was created by the Black Republicans?

    If the RNC was smart they would do a much better job of telling the truth about which party has been there to help them and which party has been there to hurt them.

    I got an A too Pie, but I doubt many high school and college students would get any right. The DNC is really good at spinning lies to sound like the truth. And the RNC does a lousy job of telling the truth to counteract the lies. Thank God for the Black GOP who are good at getting the truth to the black community.

    If anything good comes out of all of these riots, let it be that blacks finally get fed up with the democrat’s lies and will soon have the lives they should have had decades ago.

  23. Peggy says:

    Here is one black man who was raised in Baltimore by a single mother and went on to become a Maj. Gen. There should be tens of thousands more like him if so many didn’t believe they couldn’t do the same and are in the streets tonight demanding equal justice for a different man who made bad choices.

    A.J. Stewart:

  24. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #26 Peggy: Yes, of course. You might also find Fredrick Douglass Republicans interesting.

  25. Peggy says:

    This is by far the best and most interesting interview ever. Agree, it is a must watch video.

    Kevin Jackson “Democrats have raped black people and America” (Video):

    “In this interview, Jackson discusses how Democrats excel at making themselves look good, while convincing blacks that conservatives and Republicans are bad, evil and racist. Contrasting the rhetorical flourish of the Democrats to a rapist who makes his victims feel they, not the rapist, are responsible for the crime, Jackson says “Democrats have raped black people and raped America and then said, they [Republicans] did it.”

    Re #28: Thanks Pie, I know about the Fredrick Douglass Republicans. I’ve posted some of their great works here along with blacks in Chicago and other major cities who are waking up to the harm the Democrat party has done to them.

    Like Kevin Jackson in the above interview says, we/Republicans need to do a much better job of telling the truth and stop allowing the Democrats to unchecked continue to tell their lies.

  26. Chris says:

    “Kevin Jackson “Democrats have raped black people and America” (Video):”

    What disgusting, immoral rhetoric. Develop a sense of shame.

    “Contrasting the rhetorical flourish of the Democrats to a rapist who makes his victims feel they, not the rapist, are responsible for the crime, Jackson says “Democrats have raped black people and raped America and then said, they [Republicans] did it.””

    This analogy isn’t even internally consistent! It’s Republicans, not Democrats, who typically blame the black community for their problems and say that Democrats have instilled a sense of false victimhood in them, so how on earth can they now say that Democrats are victim-blaming black people? It doesn’t make any sense.

  27. Ron Prince says:

    What a refreshing rational approach. Too bad it doesn’t have more exposure.

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