Jack Lee Art No. 00075


18X24, acrylic on canvas, title Geese & Crane,  done July 2015.   Once again, due to a bad photograph the upper right portion of the sky was altered via Photoshop, otherwise it would be all washed from glare.  Overall, the photo of the painting appears brighter than in person.  Of course we’re losing a lot of fine detail in the photo too.   Those are geese near the edge of the foliage midway on right, and if you look further back you can see more geese in the second pond.

If you will stare at the painting for at least 2 minutes a lot of complexity should show up.  The colors of the water are mean to be very fluid as they transition across the painting, I enjoyed doing that part.  Its a bit surreal, but it was intended to be.   Note…there are over 12 color variation in greens, can you see them?

The rocks on channel are supposed to be encrusted with dry white algae like we see in Sacramento river.   Yes, those are white flowers appear in the water Lillie’s and in the original painting you can see the bark texture on the dead tree limb in the Lilly pad as well as cattails in detail.

Any comments, good or bad, are welcome!  -Jack

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8 Responses to Jack Lee Art No. 00075

  1. Tina says:

    Jack is this an improvement on the painting you posted before? If so, I love the addition of the birds. You have also better captured how the light would affect the shoreline and the sky is wonderful.

    My only criticism is that the little lake (pond?) appears to be flat. A bit of shadowing at the far shoreline might help.

    Nicely done!

  2. bob says:

    Jack, yer a star I tell you. But why did you take down the last Jack Lee Art post that had all those paintings?

  3. Harold says:

    you are not afraid of vibrancy, that’s for sure.
    Good strong work,and crafted in a composition that draws you into the setting.

  4. Chris says:

    This one is great! I love the color and the perspective. (That’s as far as my art knowledge goes.)

  5. dewey says:

    like this one. yes the colors capture one in the first glance.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Thanks Dewey, this is one that has been picked for reproduction by my kids. We have decided to take a few select painting and copy them on linen paper and offer them for sale like at an art show… whenever that may be. I’ve still got a long way to go before I’m ready for that! The trouble is my age. I’m racing against the clock (as we all are) and chances are, by the time I get to the level where I’m “sellable” my clock will run out.

      According to the doctor, (I’m 68) I have a statistical 1 in 10 chance of dying in the next 10 years. So, lets just say I have a productive painting life left of about 5-7 years, that’s not much time. But, who knows…could be longer, or it could be shorter.

      Considering my ridiculous past and all the violence I never expected to be here at this age. So, every year I get behind me I consider it a gift and one more opportunity to check things off my bucket list. Hey, you’ve given me an idea for my next article! lol

  6. Harold says:

    So, lets just say I have a productive painting life left of about 5-7 years.

    Fear not brave sole, there’s always abstract!

  7. Pie Guevara says:


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