Going to Extremes: University Suggests Elimination of “He” and “She” in Everyday Speech

Posted by Tina

Talk about going to extremes! Gay rights advisers at the University of Tennessee, “advised staff and students to stop using “he” and “she” – and switch to “xe,” “zir” and “xyr” instead:

The idea is to avoid any implication that mankind is divided into men and women. This is discouraged as “binary” thinking. In the brave new world, gender neutral pronouns are preferred to make the university “welcoming and inclusive” and to prevent feelings of marginalization. I feel marginalized, however, when men can’t recognize women and rules of grammar are destroyed.

Words mean things…at least they should.

First came the definition of marriage. I warned that husband, wife, mother, and father would follow. Now the definition of male and female is challenged by these radical leftist elites of the university. This is insane! The world should not have to change the meanings of words and adjust to make a minority few comfortable…that responsibility lies with them.

I suggest therapy.

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18 Responses to Going to Extremes: University Suggests Elimination of “He” and “She” in Everyday Speech

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    This is exactly what progressives are all about. Controlling the language. Is it any wonder why progressive totalitarians like Chris are English majors? George Orwell’s 1984 Doublespeak was not based in fantasy.

  2. Harold says:

    Maybe University of Tennessee and the State of No Dakota need to sit down
    (over a beer possibly ,we all know the importance the WH thinks of this)
    and decide which is more important, gender neutrality or genital inspections.

    Meanwhile the rest of the county can ignore these idiots and lead normal and productive lives.

  3. Tina says:

    Pie you’re right. It was based on an incredible ability to imagine life in the future. When I read it in high school it seemed to be pure fantasy…Ha! One need only live a few short decades to witness the unraveling of that vision.

  4. Tina says:

    “…over a beer”…hilarious! Naval gazing does seem to be in vogue with our nations elites.

  5. bob says:

    Does this mean I need to refer to Chris as xe?

    Check this out


    But be careful with what say and think. You don’t want to be reported to the Soviet Poverty Law Center for hate speech or a thought crime.

  6. Pie Guevara says:


    Anyone recall when I (viciously according to some) mocked the ridiculous and absurd LGBTQ ad infinitem weirdness? Well, that mocking was NOTHING compared to what it has actually become. You just can’t make this stuff up and it is impossible to try to compete with it in the comedy department. Satire is dead.

    Wesleyan Now Offering LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM Housing (Not a Typo)


  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Dang, I didn’t realize bob beat me to the punch.

  8. Chris says:

    This is incredibly silly. I’d wager 99% of people identify as “he” or “she.” If someone wanted a different pronoun I’d probably be respectful and address them as they wanted but there is no need to make this a general policy given that almost no one is helped by it. This seems like a return to the radical feminism of the 70s. I doubt it will have any more staying power to this time than it did then.

  9. Steve says:

    Kind of reminds me of the CA Senate bill to strike the word “alien” from the labor code regarding illegal immigrants. It’s all a word game in the name of political correctness.

    Here’s the vote breakdown for SB 432

    MEASURE: SB 432
    AUTHOR: Mendoza
    TOPIC: Public works: aliens.
    DATE: 04/30/2015
    MOTION: Senate 3rd Reading SB432 Mendoza
    (AYES 35. NOES 0.) (PASS)


    Allen Anderson Bates Beall
    Berryhill Block Cannella De León
    Fuller Gaines Galgiani Hall
    Hancock Hertzberg Hill Hueso
    Jackson Lara Leno Leyva
    Liu McGuire Mendoza Mitchell
    Monning Moorlach Nguyen Nielsen
    Pan Pavley Roth Stone
    Wieckowski Wolk Huff



    Hernandez Morrell Runner Vidak

  10. Tina says:

    Steve, that’s pathetic. It’s a reflection of our twisted culture when it comes to the language and PC:



    ADJECTIVE belonging to a foreign country or nation.

    NOUN a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living: “an illegal alien”

    a·li·en (ā′lē-ən, āl′yən) adj.
    1. Owing political allegiance to another country or government; foreign: alien residents.
    2. Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person; strange. See Synonyms at foreign.

    n. Law
    1. An unnaturalized foreign resident of a country. Also called noncitizen.
    2. A person from another and very different family, people, or place.
    3. A person who is not included in a group; an outsider.

    [i(l)ˈlēgəl] ADJECTIVE contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law:
    “illegal drugs” synonyms: unlawful · illicit · illegitimate · criminal · felonious · unlicensed · [more]

    NOUN a person present in a country without official authorization.

    The left will fix their problem by having the dictionaries changed to accommodate their PC rules as they have the word, marriage.

  11. Tina says:

    Chris: “This seems like a return to the radical feminism of the 70s. I doubt it will have any more staying power to this time than it did then. ”

    You can say that because you haven’t witnessed the transition from the seventies feminist movement. Abortion will be rare…not! The gay movement and the politically correct movement have come together in this era to plant the seeds for the future…gay marriage was unheard of a mere two decades ago. I can try to imagine the nightmare that could come out of this gender insanity but when others go to such extremes they aren’t living in the real world anymore.

    If the extremists in either of these movements are turned back it will be because the people rise up to say enough…stop!

    The American people are extremely tolerant. The radicals on the left always go too far. Push has now come to shove. I hope sanity rules the day and we can all get back to addressing real problems that face all of us.

  12. Steve says:

    Jack, Tina,
    Please look up SB 539 on http://www.leginfo.ca.gov
    Senate Republicans voted with democrats to ban the names of confederate war officers/politicians from public places. If you thought getting rid of the term illegal alien was bad, the political correctness just continues. Sadly the people we supported for office are going along to get along with the PC madness.

    MEASURE: SB 539
    AUTHOR: Hueso
    TOPIC: Renewable energy resources: geothermal.
    DATE: 05/07/2015
    MOTION: Senate 3rd Reading SB539 Hueso
    (AYES 37. NOES 0.) (PASS)


    Allen Anderson Bates Beall
    Berryhill Block Cannella De León
    Gaines Galgiani Hall Hancock
    Hernandez Hertzberg Hill Hueso
    Huff Jackson Lara Leno
    Leyva McGuire Mendoza Mitchell
    Monning Moorlach Morrell Nguyen
    Nielsen Pan Pavley Roth
    Runner Stone Vidak Wieckowski



    Fuller Liu Vacancy

    • Chris says:

      Steve: “Senate Republicans voted with democrats to ban the names of confederate war officers/politicians from public places.”

      Not quite. They voted to ban the State of California from naming state or local property after Confederate leaders. The bill says this wouldn’t require renaming of any existing property.


      I don’t see the problem. Why should we name any government property after people who fought against the United States government? We should no more name a street after a Confederate general than we would name one after a Japanese general during World War II.

      • Steve says:

        Thanks for pointing that out. That does lessen the degree of ridiculousness. It’s still silly for the legislature to waste time on this stuff though, kind of like Chico banning the use of nuclear weapons.

  13. Tina says:

    Chris: “Why should we name any government property after people who fought against the United States government?”

    I imagine in California the possibility of the happening is pretty remote. The bill and vote were symbolic. if you ask me.

    In the South it’s different. This is a part of the history of the South. It is also part of the history of our nation, a history that was resolved in the nation remaining whole.

    Histories aren’t enhanced by pretending warts don’t exist. symbols are great reminders of past troubles and mistakes. I think it’s nuts to erase what was…if a statue offends then take satisfaction in the offense and move on…we do not live in the past.

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