Will We Give Up Sovereignty One City at a Time?

Posted by Tina

Sovereignty: Sovereignty is understood in jurisprudence as the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies

America is a sovereign nation but it feels like we are being invaded and undermined from within. The Declaration of Independence includes a list of grievances our Founding Fathers held against the King of England. They included the following:

“He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws.”

So what compels our President to work through the UN to adopt and impose laws and regulations outside the limits placed on his office in the Constitution? What is his Justice Department’s motive for working through the UN with mayors across our nation and the world to implement the Strong Cities Network? Is it narcissism or a political view? We’ll argue about it I’m sure. Here’s the scoop on the latest globally sponsored program:

The SCN will connect cities, city-level practitioners and the communities they represent through a series of workshops, trainings and sustained city partnerships. Network participants will also contribute to and benefit from an online repository of municipal-level good practices and web-based training modules and will be eligible for grants supporting innovative, local initiatives and strategies that will contribute to building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.

The SCN will include an International Steering Committee of approximately 25 cities and other sub-national entities from different regions that will provide the SCN with its strategic direction. The SCN will also convene an International Advisory Board, which includes representatives from relevant city-focused networks, to help ensure SCN builds upon their work. It will be run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a leading international “think-and-do” tank with a long-standing track record of working to prevent violent extremism:

“The SCN provides a unique new opportunity to apply our collective lessons in preventing violent extremism in support of local communities and authorities around the world”, said CEO Sasha Havlicek of ISD. “We look forward to developing this international platform for joint innovation to impact this pressing challenge.”

Can you imagine the political correctness that will drive this body? Just what are “sub-national entities from different regions” and how exactly will “grants” be funded and distributed?

Does anyone in America even care? Many Americans no longer feel allegiance to America, nor do they have an appreciation for American values which would generate a strong sense of loyalty. Instead they are turning to global institutions and voices for direction, guidance and authority. It’s as if the United States of America no longer exists!

In addition to this UN alignment, America is being invaded and our principles undermined on various fronts and in many ways. Large numbers of foreigners are being brought to our shores, or allowed to linger after crossing our borders illegally. Many of these are from socialist nations and without the guidelines to assimilate they will fail to adopt loyalty to America. They will fail to gain a full understanding of the freedoms, rights, and responsibilities required to be an American. Muslim terrorists are among these mass entrants which is very troubling, especially since this administration has failed miserably to combat terrorism and continues to signal allegiances to global ideas and global authority.

I don’t know if the President and his AG are up to something sinister with the implementation of the Strong Cities Network. I do know progressives have always taken a “foot in the door” approach to “fundamentally transforming” our nation. They bring with them authority by imposition and according to their views rather than the tenets of our Constitution. Will this seemingly innocuous collective of mayors with an “International Advisory Board” evolve into something more sinister than the sharing of ideas and information? Give it time. Obama thinks he has the authority to commit the US to global environmental standards cooked up through the UN…why not a global body with authority to detain Tea Party participants or gun club members in the name of combating “violent extremism?” Who exactly will be deciding what constitutes “violent extremism?

Our Founding documents established our nation as sovereign. Our Constitution guarantees personal sovereignty. If only this problem, this invasion of our sovereign rights, were a science fiction tale, an invasion of the “Body Snatchers” for instance, then we’d have a way to combat them. . . .just . . . don’t . . . fall . . . asleep. Oh, but that wasn’t necessary when our citizens appreciated our sovereignty. I fear now that for too many Americans it’s too late; they’re already asleep as the pods are planted one city at a time.

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11 Responses to Will We Give Up Sovereignty One City at a Time?

  1. J. Soden says:

    The chutzpah of this prez is unbelievable! And since when is the UN the “governing body” of the US? And, given the EU’s wussiness and general failure as a group of countries, why would we want to emulate them?????????
    Can’t wait ’till 2016 to get rid of the Clown-in-Chief!

  2. Dewey says:

    It’s as if the United States of America no longer exists! –

    True and that’s the work of decades of globalization. This President has joined those forces for sure but did not create it. Every establishment candidate from both parties will continue the trend as well. Every President since Reagan has furthered the cause.

    Read the leaks on the trade agreements, all of them. They remove sovernighty for the speculation of potential corporate profits. These agreements are secret from the populations of involved countries. Are not really about trade at all. They are about controlling profits for international corporations. They will remove sovernighty for all countries involved.

    The world is in a pre-fascist state. These companies want no borders for themselves. Rules for citizens to form a compliant workforce, and care nothing about health, the ego system for the planet to survive, or a middle class. All about being the king of the world.

    Corporations form a cult within. They grade employees on how well the adapt to their culture. They demand employees adopt a point of view that has nothing to do with profits or business. It’s like the nazi playbook without firing a shot.

    When we have presidential candidates speaking like they are applying to be CEO of USA Inc it says t all. Branding the USA? My friend people are not to be slaves to the profit of a few. Read the darn Trade Deals! They are worse than this stuff.

    It’s as if the United States of America no longer exists! Again that is true and We need to unite on the issues we all agree on to fight for t back. Forget the preplanned Media propaganda! Talk about the serious issues and find solutions.

  3. Tina says:

    Dewey you have to go back further than Reagan to find the ways our government has undermined the republic. Jimmy Carter, before Reagan, saw himself (still sees himself) as a world figure, acting around the world as if he were still president.

    The way we regard the UN has changed since its founding but the Charter set the stage for tyrants and bullies to work within it:

    Article 2 of Chapter I, Purposes and Principles: 1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

    But if you read the charter it’s easy to see the groundwork for the establishment of a world government. Article 13 says it all: 1. The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of: a. promoting international co-operation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification; b. promoting international co-operation in the economic, social, cultural, educational, and health fields, and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.

    President Obama is not the first but he is definitely the most blatant abuser of our sovereignty, assuming authority that belongs to the people through their representatives, ignoring our laws, and presenting himself as a world figure rather than representing the United States.

    The end game is not “corporate profits. The end game is absolute control by the elitist few…corporation heads that help to further that cause are of the same stripe politically as our president and others who believe they can “save” the world. Not all corporations are of that stripe. Freedom is more conducive to business.

    I don’t think, in fact I know, Reagan was not of the world order mind. Reagan always spoke about individual freedom and against big government control. Examples:

    Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have. – Ronald Reagan

    Man is not free unless government is limited. – Ronald Reagan

    Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty. – Ronald Reagan

    Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing. – Ronald Reagan

    See also here:

    Watching the events in Poland carefully, Reagan was deeply affected by the pope’s historic visit, argues Kengor in The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism. “He sensed the immensity of what had transpired,” he writes, “and recognized that this was a momentous event that threatened Communism’s hold on Eastern Europe.” As soon as Reagan came into office, he put the democratic struggle in Poland near the top of his foreign policy agenda of defeating Soviet Communism. “We can’t let this revolution against Communism fail without our offering a hand,” Reagan wrote in his diary at the time. “We may never have an opportunity like this in our lifetime.”

    Reagan could express this hope because he believed firmly in American Exceptionalism: the idea that America’s successful experiment in self-government was a product of remarkable political wisdom, courage, and leadership–and that Providence had an interest in its continued success and influence on the world stage. “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny,” he said in 1964, at the height of the Cold War. “We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

    Thus, in December 1981, Reagan refused to allow the United States to remain on the sidelines when Polish Prime Minister Wojciech Jaruzelski launched “Operation Springtime,” sending tanks into Warsaw, declaring martial law, and rounding up thousands of Solidarity members in a single night. Reagan called Pope John Paul II on December 14 to seek ways to cooperate in the days following martial law. Reagan then addressed the American people directly about the crisis on December 23: “For a thousand years, Christmas has been celebrated in Poland, a land of deep religious faith, but this Christmas brings little joy to the courageous Polish people. They have been betrayed by their own government.”

    The president asked all Americans to light a candle during the Christmas season in support of freedom in Poland. It was a powerful symbolic act, and it helped to make the struggle in Poland America’s struggle.

    Next came some hard-nosed diplomacy. The same day of his December address to the American people, Reagan sent a note to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev:

    “The recent events in Poland clearly are not an ‘internal matter,’ and in writing to you, as the head of the Soviet government, I am not misaddressing my communication. Your country has repeatedly intervened in Polish affairs during the months preceding the recent tragic events…Since Afghanistan, nothing has so outraged our public opinion as the pressures and threats which your government has exerted on Poland to stifle the stirrings of freedom.” (continues)

    America could use a strong leader who loves individual freedom and our form of government of, for, and by the people. We won’t find that in any of the contenders on the left.

    One last thing. It is an absolute LIE that in America we have done nothing to address “health, the ego system (that’s “eco system”) for the planet to survive, or a middle class.”

    America has done more in all of these than other nations. It is only when our leaders try to emulate other nations that we begin to fail. Obamacare (European style solution). Eradication of pollution? America has been leading the world! And the middle class? The middle class has grown and thrived under presidents of both parties when they adopted supply side policies…Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton once Gingrich and the republicans took control of the House. It worked so well for Clinton he now takes credit for it and then declared, “The era of big government is over.”

    “These companies want no borders for themselves.”

    Ridiculous! Companies can establish themselves in other countries without UN approval already. World government isn’t necessary for business expansion.

    “Corporations form a cult within. They grade employees on how well the adapt to their culture. They demand employees adopt a point of view that has nothing to do with profits or business.”

    Like what?

    “We need to unite on the issues we all agree on…”

    Like what?

    “Talk about the serious issues and find solutions.”

    Like what?

  4. RHT447 says:

    Fahrenheit 451

    Cut and paste—

    The fireman have been doing it for so long they have no idea. Most of them have never even read a book. Except one fireman—Captain Beatty—who has been around long enough to remember what life was like before. As Montag begins to doubt his profession—going as far as to hide a book in his house—he is subjected to a speech from Beatty. In it Beatty explains that it wasn’t the government that decided that books were a threat. It was his fellow citizens.

    “It didn’t come from the government down,” he tells him. “There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no!”

    In fact, it was something rather simple—something that should sound very familiar. It was a desire not to offend—of an earnest notion to literally have “everyone made equal.” And it’s at the end of this speech that we get the killer passage:

    “You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can’t have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country above all? People want to be happy, isn’t that right?…Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, to the incinerator.”

    Link to complete article—


    • Tina says:

      Excellent. Isn’t that the book/movie where some of the people form a secret society and each member memorizes a book for posterity? I thought that was so cool when I was young and saw this for the first time.

      Very timely and to the point…thanks for the review!

  5. RHT447 says:

    Last San Francisco gun store closes.

    Cut and paste—

    “Alcairo said the breaking point came this summer when a local politician proposed a law that would require High Bridge Arms to video record every gun sale and submit a weekly report of ammunition sales to the police.”

    “Supervisor Mark Farrell said he introduced the latest bill to help police combat violent crime in the city. “Anything that makes San Francisco safer, I support,” he said.

    Farrell said the bill hasn’t been voted on, and he doesn’t understand why the store is closing now. He said it was “comical” that the High Bridge is blaming its closure on a proposed law still months away from taking effect.

    Alcairo said news coverage of the bill’s introduction in July slowed sales considerably because customers wrongly believed their purchases would be recorded and turned over to police. He said he had to lay off three clerks and that sales slumped throughout the summer. The store’s summer slump comes amid an overall gun sales surge in the state, according to California Department of Justice statistics.”

    Link to complete article—


  6. Chris says:

    Tina: “Obama thinks he has the authority to commit the US to global environmental standards cooked up through the UN…why not a global body with authority to detain Tea Party participants or gun club members in the name of combating “violent extremism?””

    Oh good lord. It’s official: Paranoia has left you devoid of any sense of proportion. There is nothing in this proposal that compromises sovereignty. Nothing. You are tilting at windmills. Aren’t there enough real threats out there to keep you from feeling the need to invent them?

    • Tina says:

      Lighten up, Chris. I didn’t say there was language in the proposal that directly “compromises sovereignty.”

      However, any fool that has studied history knows that “civilized” tyrants don’t come about suddenly in a bloody coup. They use the language to influence and alter until one day the people who value freedom wake up and realize they’ve waited too long to effectively protest or take a stand. (You know the story of the frog in water on the stove.)

      I have (had) relatives that lived through WWII in Germany. The shame of not realizing what was happening ran deep in them for decades. Pull your head out and be willing to notice and consider all of the possibilities. It isn’t paranoia; it is a healthy consciousness adopted in defense and preservation of those things we hold most dear!

  7. Peggy says:

    “America is a sovereign nation but it feels like we are being invaded and undermined from within.”

    Yesterday morning on Rush’s radio show a caller pointed out a concern that got Rush’s attention. The caller stated that he believed because our president is elected by the Electoral College and not the populace vote Hillary could likely win the 2016 election and Democrats will likely win every election in the future.

    With millions of illegals coming across our southern border and being distributed to every state, visa overstays, and now just under a million of refugees will be coming in from the middle east over the next few years. This increase in population will be reflected in the 2020 census just 5 years away.

    Since the number of House representatives are based on each state’s population all of the noncitizen new arrivals will also be counted increasing the number of state House representatives, therefore increasing the Electoral College delegates.

    It’s a backdoor way for Democrats winning every election, once it’s in place, forever. By nullifying the populace vote and overwhelming our voting system with nonvoting individuals most if not all red states will turn purple and purple states will turn blue.

    We are on the road to socialism with the cliff not far ahead.

    From Wikipedia.

    Electoral College:
    “The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of members of Congress to which the state is entitled,[1] while the Twenty-third Amendment grants the District of Columbia the same number of electors as the least populous state, currently three. Therefore, in total, there are currently 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 senators, plus the three additional electors from the District of Columbia.”

    House of Representatives:
    “Each U.S. state is represented in the House in proportion to its population as measured in the census, but every state is entitled to at least one representative. The most populous state, California, currently has 53 representatives. On the other end of the spectrum, there are seven states with only one representative each (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming). The total number of voting representatives is fixed by law at 435.[4]”

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