Russia Expanding Role In Syria

Posted by Jack

putin23Look who President Assad invited to play war games in Syria?  Enter, the Russian Special Forces – Spetsnaz!  I knew Putin would bring in some serious ground troops after he started the air war campaign and he did.  The Russians are going through ISIS like Grant took Richmond.

It looks like China could be getting into the action too, more on this below!

What a mess, and to think it all happened because President Obama was too afraid to make the move in Iraq and then Syria.  He had a clear window of opportunity and he blew it.  He could have stopped the fanatics in Iraq and he could have  helped the right people kick Assad out, when it could have been done fairly easily.  However, that time is long gone.  Remember Obama’s red line?  What a clown.   obama357

To date, everything Obama has done in the Middle East has been utterly wrong.  I wonder, how could one guy with so many advisors make such bad decisions so consistently?

Obama has in effect created ISIS by default.  He then armed them with our best weapons when he turn those supplies over to the Iraqi militia.  They (milita)  half-way supported ISIS in the beginning and they sure had no will to fight them!  Obama knew this risk long before the US pull out.

Look, the Iraqi’s didn’t have to abandon their US equipment, they could have drove away with it, all the back to Baghdad if necessary, but they didn’t did they?   No, they left new trucks, tanks, artillery and small arms and tons of munitions for a rag tag force of Muslim jihadists – doesn’t that seen just a little bit suspicious?  I mean, who walks away from a truck when you could just drive it away?   Our military predicted this – Obama rejected it.

Well, whatever and whoever you think screwed up, ultimately it was Obama’s failure of leadership that did the most damage.   The vacuum he created was an open invitation for Iran, Putin and the Chinese to move right in.  This is by far the worst case scenario for US security and Obama did it, not Bush!

Liberals were horrified by collateral damage when our troops were fighting, just wait till they see how the Russians and Chinese fight.   Do ya think they will stop shooting when ISIS rolls out their human shields?



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14 Responses to Russia Expanding Role In Syria

  1. Peggy says:

    Was this a plan gone bad or did it succeed as Obama’s top advisor Valerie Jarrett designed? Or was it just another under the radar way of getting our equipment and ammo into the area?

    Remember both Jarrett and Hillary’s top advisor Huma families are from Iran. And the arms running from Benghazi thru Turkey to Syria was the other under the radar plan until it became exposed after the attacks on the compound and annex on 9/11/12.

    Obama’s ineffectiveness is not by accident, it’s by design. Just like he believes in the redistribution of wealth he also believes in the balance of power. Giving, selling and leaving our arms to the ME countries aids in the balancing of power.

    • Jack says:

      Peggy, that is a very deep and highly controversial thought. It’s also being said more often these days by some very smart people who really care about protecting this country. A few years ago it was coming only from the conspiracy groups or sources in the gov that have really serious jobs involving national security, now more and more mainstream type people are starting to question Obama’s true intentions.

      Just for argument’s sake, let’s say Obama hasn’t been as stupid as we think. Lets say he has been playing out his hand just like he wanted, deliberately losing, running down our pile of chips we let him hold for us. He’s building up our enemies and our competition as he goes. Could he have done it any more perfectly?

      Anyone who knows anything about politics will agree, his actions make him the worst president in history, but, if all this time he has had a hidden agenda. It’s hard to think that maybe …he is the worst traitor in US history?

      There’s still so much controversy and mystery surrounding Obama… look how he was raised, who mentored him, who influenced him as an adult. All a coincidence? How did he make some quantum leaps without much resistance all the way to running for president? It’s like he was being groomed early on and pushed along by some unseen force. I say that knowing how liberals scoff at such a thing as ridiculous. But, those voices are getting quieter with every passing fiasco. Yep, there are so many questions about this guy that are still unanswered like, where did the money come from to send him to college, what about his school records? How did he instantly get his first job that paid almost too well? Money has just flowed into his lap. And then there is this long list of strange and kooky people in his life. They are all really diverse characters, but united in a core theme, leftist politics and a hate for America. They’re all revolutionaries in spirit and some went a little further, didn’t they? I have resisted thinking this, but there’s something not right about Obama and his whole life. We hesitate to say the word “conspiracy,” but if there was ever a Manchurian candidate, well, my vote would go to Obama.

      It kinda makes me a little sick to even think of this sort of thing finally happening, it would undermine everything we thought we knew about our process. All the vetting, all the checks and balances and we possibly put a traitor in the White House? It would shake this country to the core. And worse, he may have pulled it off and fooled over half of America? Geez, could we even survive such a thing? Scary stuff Peggy… it truly is and most of us would rather run away from it than deal with it.

      • Harold says:

        Peggy has a very valid point and Jacks response to same was right on point especially- REF:” Anyone who knows anything about politics will agree, his actions make him the worst president in history, but, if all this time he has had a hidden agenda. It’s hard to think that maybe …he is the worst traitor in US history?” – AMEN!

      • RHT447 says:

        “Peggy, that is a very deep and highly controversial thought.”

        Deep? Absolutely. Controversial? Not in my book. Peggy has nailed it dead center. The questions in Post Scripts reply are spot on as well. Remember, Fearless Leader has done nothing. I repeat, nothing. He is a stuffed shirt inflated by ego and narcissism. There is nothing else there. No empathy, no humility, no honor. He is the face and the voice for those pulling the levers of power. He is the Wizard of Oz writ large. The curtain that the wizard hides behind is the fifth column media.
        And, that is the beauty of the plan. All he has to do is—nothing.
        Don’t secure our border. Don’t fight ISIS. Don’t block Iran’s nukes.
        If you want to see one look that says it all, watch his face at the 0:18 mark in this interview—

        If you have the stomach for it, turn up the sound and listen to him to him try to redefine leadership and at the same time shoot the messenger.

        That said, a hat tip to Steve Kroft. Keep it up.

    • Chris says:

      bob, are you aware that Rense is a white supremacist group?

      That site was linked here recently. I’m forced to ask again: Why are white supremacist blogs linked here so often?

  2. Tina says:

    Exit stage left?

    Military officials announced on Thursday that the USS Theodore Roosevelt was pulled from the Gulf for maintenance. This is the first time since 2007 that the U.S. Navy has had no aircraft carrier presence in the Persian Gulf.

    Remember when the Prez said he would fundamentally transform America? Well he also said at the time that the rest of the world was going to have to “step up” when it comes to military intervention. Since he’s turning our military into a social club
    for alternative lifestyle and social justice activists it’s probably just as well.

    This guy just keeps on keeping his word. Since the last election, it’s like clockwork.

    No worries though. He has militarized the EPA and other agencies to keep citizens compliant and restrained…remember?

    Worst president ever? Yes. Traitor or spectacular dunce? Why not both. You have to be pretty ideological, arrogant, and stupid to want to destroy this nation and at the same time create such misery and potential for war across the entire world.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Thank you bob, that quote from Putin was perfect.

    Actually, I think that all of this falls in line with Obama’s master plan. What is that do you say?

    Well, I have for decades heard countless liberals, left wingers, socialists, Democrats, and outright communists (who are, when you really get down too it all pretty much the same, they only squabble about tactics and strategy) say that “America has too much power in the world, there has to be a balance.”

    I think these people learned that in High School from assorted liberal, left wing, socialist, Democrats, and outright communist instructors. (Anyone come to mind?)

    Obama is fulfilling that belief, and quite aptly, don’t you think?

    And YAY for Vlad The Impaler, bringing “balance” to the world!

    I was thinking of taking up Russian and Standard Chinese, but I have no gift for languages. I should toss in Spanish since we are being overrun by Spanish speaking peoples (also a result of Obama’s policy to refuse to enforce border laws).

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re : “Obama has in effect created ISIS by default. He then armed them with our best weapons when he turn those supplies over to the Iraqi militia. They (milita) half-way supported ISIS in the beginning and they sure had no will to fight them! Obama knew this risk long before the US pull out.”

    Yep, and Putin is continuing at his ambition to be the prominent political figure on the world stage while Obama pecks at chess pieces and coos.

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