Breaking News: Iran Violates Nuke Agreement – Obama Humiliated

By Jack

Is the ink dry on the Obama “peace in our time & no more nukes” agreement with Iran? No? well, I didn’t think so either, but guess what folks, the Iranians have already broke the deal. Does this surprise anyone outside the White House? And….and Iran just convicted an American journalist on phony spy charges.   They have no fear and no respect for us, especially with Russian entering the Middle East.ObamaDowncastAP

Remember how Obama didn’t want to connect the US prisoners in Iran to this nuclear agreement, because he said it would be a distraction? He implied we had a side deal going to take care of this hostage situation. Well, we didn’t.  And now that we’ve lost our leverage, no more sanctions, Iran is rubbing our nose in this agreement by convicting a hostage journalist of trumped up spy charges and by testing ballistic missiles. That missile test is a clear violation of Obama’s agreement and his press secretary has just admitted it. 

by Andrew C. McCarthy October 13, 2015 5:02 PM

NATIONAL REVIEW: In its continuing humiliation of President Obama – who clings to his Iran deal despite Iran’s continuing to call for “Death to America,” banning of further negotiations with the U.S., convicting of one of its American hostages of bogus espionage charges, joining with Russia to prop up Assad by bombing America-backed insurgents, and contemptuously asserting that it will ignore provisions of the deal to which it objects – the jihadist regime in Tehran tested a ballistic missile over the weekend in blatant violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2231, which codifies the Iran deal.

President-ObamaThe Obama White House response to Iran’s brazenness today is astonishing, even by delusional Obama standards. The president’s spokesman, Josh Earnest, acknowledged there were “strong indications that those missile tests did violate U.N. Security Council resolutions that pertain to Iran’s ballistic missile activities.” Nevertheless, he maintained with a straight face that “this is altogether separate from the nuclear agreement that Iran reached with the rest of the world.” What? The resolution that implements the said nuclear agreement directs Iran, for approximately the next eight years.

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12 Responses to Breaking News: Iran Violates Nuke Agreement – Obama Humiliated

  1. Tina says:

    The circus continues. Makes me ill.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    SURPRISE SURPRISE! I can’t wait to hear from the “Netanyahu Cries Wolf”, Hillary’s, Obama’s and the Democrat Party’s butt boy Chris has to say. No doubt it will be profound.

    Add to that Dewey and Libby.

    (In the above I was being facetious.)

  3. Post Scripts says:

    VIOLATION: “The Emad missile is able to strike targets with a high level of precision and carry a nuclear warhead. It can be guided all the way to its intended target, i.e. Israel.

    This test violates the terms of Iran’s nuclear agreement with the United States and five other world powers.

    As The New York Times reports, a resolution passed by the United Nations shortly after a deal was struck in Vienna specifies that Iran is not allowed to develop missiles “designed to carry nuclear warheads.”

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Most of us remember how effective UN resolutions worked with Saddam. How many times did the UN issue stern resolutions to Iraq? I lost count. Now Iran is testing a long range missile with extreme accuracy, one that is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Of course they now have all the equipment necessary in their underground labs to make deadly fissionable material for any number of nuclear warheads. And what do we have? We have the assurance of a piece of paper, Obama’s UN resolution that they (Iran) just violated! OMG…this is nuts, will somebody please get that moron Obama out of our White House?!!!

    The next president gets to deal with a new nuclear power run by a bunch of unstable religious zealots with a death wish…pray that it isn’t Joe Biden or Hillary.

    • Tina says:

      It was at least seventeen (17) resolutions, maybe more.

      The thing to take away from this, and everything else the UN and the Democrat Party are up to, is that laws only apply to those who aren’t on board with plans for a socialist new world order. Our Democrats will lie down with the worst of the worst if it furthers their dreams of nirvana. Disgusting.

    • Tina says:

      Great article. One of my favorite lines: “If you hated a man stealing all your money and taking away all your civil rights, get ready for some real political change now that a woman is going to do it.”

  5. Libby says:

    You know, if you lead off with a blatantly misleading misrepresentation, people aren’t gonna give you any credit for any marginally sensible thing you might say thereafter.

    Don’t you know this?

    The nuke agreement covers centrifuges and plutonium enrichment. Conventional weaponry is monitored otherwise, and their UN ambassador has already had an earful, I’m sure.

    But think about it. Iran has to step up their missile development, so they can defend themselves against allied attacks!

    Hee, hee.

  6. Tina says:

    Apparently the administration doesn’t agree with Libby or even itself! Obama has spoken about nukes and this deal and he’s had at least two positions.

    So, did Jack “lead off with a blatantly misleading misrepresentation?”

    What exactly is “misleading” much less blatantly misleading, or a misrepresentation in his opening statement: “Is the ink dry on the Obama “peace in our time & no more nukes” agreement with Iran?”

    We’d have to look at what Obama and Kerry have said and what their intentions have been to decide.

    In April of 2010 Newsweek reminded us of Obama’s intent:

    During his presidential campaign, Obama embraced a dream first articulated by President Reagan: the abolition of nuclear weapons.

    Then in February of this year the duplicity in Obama’s rhetoric was made clear in the New York Post:

    Reports that President Obama agrees Iran should be free to make a nuclear bomb in about 10 years put the lie to his repeated vow never to allow an Iranian nuke. The broken promise is the international twin to his domestic whopper that you “can keep your doctor.” …

    …The deal also would launch a new round of nuclear proliferation among Arab states, with Saudi Arabia long promising to get a bomb if Iran does. Others fearful of Iran’s dominance are sure to follow, escalating the tit-for-tat patterns in the region into a nuclear nightmare.

    In addition, an unbound Iranian nuclear industry and spreading enrichment technology make it likely that one or more of the Islamic terror groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and Islamic State, is likely to get the bomb. And there is no doubt they would use it.

    In short, the unfolding nuclear landscape presents the whole of mankind with unprecedented peril.

    In April of this year CBS News reported the following:

    President Obama hailed a “historic” tentative nuclear deal reached with Iran Thursday as “a good deal” that meets America’s core objectives and make the U.S., its allies and the world safer.

    The historic agreement, if implemented, he said, “will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

    In February of this year John Kerry hemmed and hawed to avoid admitting it outright but said the administration was aware of a “secret Iranian facility.” The reliable group advising the administration, the National Council of the Resistance of Iran (NCRI), reported to them that it housed “an undisclosed parallel nuclear program.”

    On September 17th CNN reported the following:

    North Korea will not be allowed to become a nuclear weapons state — even if it takes more than sanctions to convince them, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has warned.

    Speaking Wednesday at a joint press conference with South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Kerry said the imposition of sanctions against Iran, which also has aspirations as a nuclear power, influenced Tehran to change its direction and end their isolation from the international community.

    He went on to say that the deal made with Iran might not work with N. Korea but clearly this administration has considered a similar deal the NK.

    Heritage informed in 2013 about a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report:

    “DIA assesses with moderate confidence the North currently has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles.

    Meanwhile what has been the nuclear policy for the US? Heritage further reports:

    The Obama Administration’s current position may very well be linked with its plans to radically reduce U.S. military capabilities in both the nuclear and the conventional arenas in the near future, starting with sequestration. From its first days in office, the Administration downgraded the importance of nuclear deterrence and cut missile defense.

    I’d say if anyone has been misleading it’s Obama and Kerry. They have misrepresented their intentions and goals and lied about what would result from their Iran deal.

    As for Jack, he can be excused for not knowing exactly what this bunch has said or intended and should be given KUDOS for his excellent use of sarcasm!

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