Hyper-Sensitive College Brats

by Jack

Privileged students on college ground across America are being unbelievably hyper-sensitive about anything attached to a perceived racist slight. I didn’t say a racist slight, just a [perceived] slight. In fact, in many cases there was no slight or it was a complete hoax. Take the case of some faculty members wearing sombreros to a Mexican dinner event. That’s supposed to constitute racism? I wonder what’s the students true motivation was here, really and truly, what’s this silliness all about? It’s not racism, because if there was racism on these campuses it’s so infinitesimal as to be near extinction. I wonder, are the Black Lies Matter crowd getting too much attention? Are these students jealous and so desperate for a cause, they will grab at anything that sounds like a Social Injustice?

The black students that are doing all the protesting about racism and white privilege are asking white students to stay away, because they want only black students involved. This will help with their healing process (they say). Imagine if this was reversed and you have white students telling black students to stay away, this is a white only protest movement and they would feel uncomfortable have blacks take part.

race protestIt’s mildly funny when you consider that it is our leftist professors that helped brainwash these dopey students into feeling like victims. They have been instilling both victimhood and a sense of entitlement in these kids for decades and finally this attitude that they helped to create is coming back full circle to bite them. The latest casualties being the head of University of Missouri and his assistant, both white, replaced by a retired black professor. These two liberals resigned amid false student accusations that they were not doing enough to provide a safe, racist free, environment.

These college liberals are now running scared, calling for calm and dialog with the students. And, yes, some are surrendering their careers to avoid confrontations with the bullies. However, the rest of us are not impressed nor so easily intimidated. We just think they are looking for a fight when they should thanking their parents and the taxpayers for providing them with a first class opportunity for a college education and stop with the make-believe junk!

“COLUMBIA, Mo. — The University of Missouri system’s president, Tim Wolfe, and the chancellor of the flagship campus, R. Bowen Loftin, announced on Monday that they were resigning their posts in the face of growing protests by African-American students, the threat of a walkout by faculty and a strike by football players who said the administrators had done too little to combat racism on campus.

Wolfe made the stunning announcement at the start of a special Board of Curators meeting Monday morning that had been scheduled to address the growing crisis at the Show Me state’s flagship university. The board voted in favor of accepting his resignation. Several hours later, Loftin, chancellor of the university’s Columbia campus, announced he will step down from his post by the end of the year as well.”

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9 Responses to Hyper-Sensitive College Brats

  1. Chris says:

    While I don’t agree with everything you wrote, I do have to agree that the protests at Mizzou have been utterly ridiculous and without cause. Whenever conservatives want to point to an example of political correctness run amok, the liberal activists here have handed them a perfect one.

  2. Tina says:

    Students in college are inexperienced, filled with energy, and ripe for an injustice cause. The power elite need only do a little organizing and soon they have a means to disrupt, divide, and create a new crop of political lefties.

    This stuff on campus is bringing back the craziness at Berkley in the sixties and it’s no surprise that those radical students are working their criminal magic today having put themselves in positions of power.

    Two college administrators lost their livelihoods over a few pranks and one possible legitimately offensive symbol without a known perpetrator. That’s a disgrace. These kids are being groomed to hate in ways that look like they’re fighting for justice. Such garbage! And although I feel badly for the families of the two that lost their jobs, I also have to ask, “Where are the adults on college campuses today?” Where is the authority figure? Who among them has a spine and grounding in basic reasoning and common sense!

    We’re growing crops of infants that howl and scream expecting the world to bow to their idiocy and they don’t have a clue about what they are doing. Then we make them professors and chancellors. Angela Davis, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn for instance.

  3. J. Soden says:

    If you missed Neil Cavuto’s interview with a “million student” organizer, it’s really worth a look.
    The know-nothing student is a product of the Leftie anti-patriotism teachings, entitlement attitudes and general Progressive stupidity. They’re gonna have a really hard time when/if they graduate and discover the school of hard knocks in the real world!

  4. Tina says:

    They’re gonna have a hard time especially if they expect to eat.

    One of the things that bothers me about this activist stuff is that these kids are wasting the time in their lives when they have the best chance of establishing themselves solidly for the future.

    I understand they are dividing along racial lines seeking justice and yet they don;t seem to understand even the basics of justice in America much less the responsibilities we all must accept to make it work. SAD!!!

  5. Tina says:

    Good video at Breitbart shows how Jonathan Butler, the student that got the Missouri administrator fired, instigated his own problem.

  6. Dewey says:

    When you rely on Media accounts and do not talk to or read the actual accounts by the students you become sheeple.

    DO you even know what White privilege is? Most do not because they do not get pulled over everyday for no reason. get racial slurs as they walk by. get treated differently at some stores, jobs, ect.

    How about letting people fight their own battles. When some screw up it does not apply to all.

    Also you do know a couple have been arrested for threats to kill all Black people. You can not make those threats and expect not to be questioned after the violence.

    I see racial injustice as a white person here, daily. CA is a great state yet some act like taxes are high and it is a crappy state. live out here in the east coast and travel south. Talk about dumbed down America. Can not wait til I come back to the great State of CA!

  7. Tina says:

    Focus…I don’t care what “white privilege” is since it’s a just a made up theme designed for antagonism and division…it is incompatible with equality.

    People of color are not the only ones to have unpleasant, demeaning experiences. We all get to learn how to deal with idiots and let their idiocy roll off our backs. You cannot be free or experience liberty unless you are willing to let the jerks be jerks. (The exception is if they break the law, in which case they should be arrested and prosecuted – rule of law)

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    The protest occurred Thursday night, ostensibly because of the vandalization of a Black Lives Matter display in the Collis Center.
    Protesters reportedly cursed at students who were attempting to study in the library.


  9. Pie Guevara says:

    College Students: Paris Attacks Stole Our Spotlight
    The latest idiocy from protesting students: equating the ‘terrorism’ supposedly visited on them with the terrorism that killed 129 people, and injured hundreds more, in Paris.


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