Bill Clinton Turned Refugees from Haiti Away; Housed Them at Gitmo

haitian-refugees-clinton gitmoPosted in comments by Peggy

Here we go again, witnessing the hypocrisy of the left in glorious living color. They still think we won’t remember this stuff.

In the early 1990s, tens of thousands of refugees fled Haiti and sought refuge in the United States following the military coup that overthrew President Jean Bertrand Aristide. They did not include Islamist terrorists, but many posed another perceived threat: They had HIV. Instead of admitting them into the United States, President Bill Clinton ordered the Haitian refugees be held at Guantanamo, and then repatriated back to Haiti.

During the 1992 election Clinton criticized President George H.W. Bush’s practice of repatriating Haitian refugees as “cruel” and “immoral,” and promised to end the practice. But after winning the presidency, Clinton reversed course, and tried to stop the Haitian exodus by declaring that the refugees would be intercepted and sent back to Haiti. It didn’t work, and eventually he decided to house tens of thousands of Haitian refugees in Guantanamo. A federal judge declared Clinton’s policy of detaining refugees at Gitmo “outrageous, callous and reprehensible” and criticized him for inflicting on the Haitians “the kind of indefinite detention usually reserved for spies and murderers.” After an American-led force restored President Aristide to power in 1994, the Clinton administration told the remaining refugees they had to return home, declaring: “Under no circumstances will any Haitian currently in Guantanamo be admitted to the United States.”

Billy’s campaign crap came back to bite him on the butt. The message he sent the Haitians while criticizing GHWB was, “If I get elected, y’all come on in!”

The words a leader uses have consequences.

Full story here.

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16 Responses to Bill Clinton Turned Refugees from Haiti Away; Housed Them at Gitmo

  1. Steve says:

    It’s kind of crickets here… I’ll ask the question.

    If it was good enough for Haitians under Bill Clinton,

    Can we put Syrian refugees up at Club Gitmo for a while?

  2. Tina says:

    Crickets it is.

    Did you see how cramped the quarters were in those tents? Did anyone on the left notice much less care?

  3. Peggy says:

    Off topic but two articles that need to be shared.

    When THEY admit it and You Refuse to Hear it- YOU ARE THE PROBLEM:

    Russia Issues International ARREST WARRANT For ROTHSCHILD & SOROS!:

  4. Tina says:

    I hope Jack has the time. Both look very good.

    I’m sorry, but I have to get some sleep. I have an early appointment in the AM.

  5. Dewey says:

    Uh what is the purpose of this?

    The so called left and right game?

    You see being able to call out a Presidents good accomplishments and mistakes are part of Democracy. Only You seem to think this is a football game of our side is better than your side. Hypocrisy? Sorry you can not group people who disagree with you on this so called side of the Left. Epic Fail!

    ” Shortly before he took office last year, Mr. Clinton announced that he would continue the Bush Administration’s policy of intercepting boats filled with fleeing Haitians and forcibly returning the refugees to Haiti without a hearing. During the presidential campaign he had described that policy, instituted in May 1992, as cruel..

    When he decided to adopt the Bush Administration’s approach, President Clinton defended his action by saying that allowing Haitians to land would encourage thousands more to risk their lives on the high seas.

    Also they were not detained in Gitmo near the prisoners, they set up a camp away from prisoners.

    Now if ya want to pick on Bill Clinton here is some good stuff.

    Clinton signed the repeal of Glass Stegal. That was a grave mistake as we saw in the crash and the banks today. We need a modern Glass Stegal replacement.

    Clinton also signed the Telecommunications act which allows Fox and other media to be “Infotainment” News is no longer for public service and can lie.

    Oh yea and another grave mistake signing NAFTA. The trade deal that haunts us today.

    Sorry but you always miss the good stuff.

    Clinton did however leave a surplus which Conservative GW Bush turned into a deficit by cutting taxes and starting 2 wars on a credit card making Obama put the costs on the books. Over a Trillion has been cut from those Deficits now.

    Tina this is not a game of left and right as the fascist multinational Corporations, Banks, and foreign countries buy out our assets, Politicians, and Democracy.

    • Peggy says:

      First: What YOU missed is Bill Clinton campaigned on being for bringing the Haitian refugees to American soil. He reversed himself after he was sworn in and sent them to Gitmo.

      Today the similar recommendation to send the Syrian refugees to Gitmo has been met with scorn and even being inhumane even though they would be housed just like the Haitians away from the prisoners.

      Second: Clinton had a budget surplus because he had a Republican controlled Congress who forced him to balance the budget, change social security full retirement age and revised the Welfare program to include a work/education requirement.

      YOU forget Clinton said, “The era of big government is over.” It was over until Democrats and progressive Republicans became a majority in Congress giving us the monster Godzilla that is destroying this country.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Dewey, (aka Epic Fail Boy) what is your purpose (game) other than to demonstrate that you are a confused, deranged, and twitsted moron?

      The only “game” here is YOURS. Trust me, you got no game. You suck beyond belief. 😀

    • Tina says:

      Clinton’s “surplus” was the result of republicans being elected to the House where the spending bills are written. It was also fueled by the success in the tech sector which proved to be a house of cards when the bubble burst.

      If you’re going to give us facts, try to paint the entire picture. Otherwise you are just deceiving the people…and you wouldn’t do that, right?

      Sorry for the short reply. I know how eager you are to read the long ones.

  6. Dewey says:

    I would also add you seem to forget History.

    We have heard from the Conservatives,we need our freedoms taken away. We need a wall on the southern border and Northern border. We also need to put Muslims in interment camps and have a National Registry. …..That is all straight out of the Authoritarian Fascist Playbook and also Hitler did just that in Nazi Germany! But some how it would be different here? That’s what the Germans thought …then it was too late.

    The comments coming from Trump and conservatives has crossed the line to where everybody is saying the same thing! Oh no you do not!

    Also You seem to forget European and US banks and companies helped Hitler rise cause it was profitable. To name a few IBM, Ford, Coca Cola (fanta), Kodak, Standard Oil, and Chase bank but several banks helped in fact let’s connect the Bush family – Prescott Bush

    Prescott Bush – Union Bank – Fritz Thyssen – Hitler – Brown Brothers, Harriman and Co ……..ya know the H in the Bush Name? … certainly know the relationship there and The seizing of their bank right?

    Bottom Line the Banks always profit off war and have a hand in it’s creation…Wake Up

    The USA refused Anne Frank and her Family because of Fear Mongering, we will not repeat this playbook.

    The threat is real but here? Domestic Terriorism is of no concern? % White supremacists shot into the protesters in MN. They are hospitalized. They have threatened them again tonight as they camp out and had a music fest. 4 gunshots were just heard in the near distance of the camp. They have security around the camp for protection. I worry just as much as racist conservatives. Not all cons may be racist but well if the show fits many wear it.

    Not a peep on the Chi Town cop who will be indicted for murder? Rham the corrupt Mayor? Corrupt Chi Cops? But Bill Clinton? Really?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey what do you want us to do, cheer that a cop is on trial for murder? Look, there’s a few bad apples in every occupation, but it seems like you want to indict everyone all the time. That’s twitsed,

    • Tina says:

      For the record:

      Conservatives are not in favor of taking freedoms away…an absurd idea!

      Conservatives would favor a wall on the border for improved security. The current radical left open border policy lets drug cartel representatives, and drug and people traffickers, criminals, and people who wish only to sponge off our system without “giving back” a free ride into our country. That’s not acceptable! We favor LEGAL immigration and top drawer security.

      conservatives favor humanely housing terrorists in internment camps (Gitmo).

      Americans are all “registered” with social security numbers. I see no reason to allow strangers into our country without issuing them an identification number.

      Hitlers “rise to power” was not Hitler at war in the world. Dewey fails to make distinctions. He has serious money issues. Profit is a four letter word and anyone with money a villain.

      War is expensive. Defense against those who declare and wage war on others is expensive. Dewey imagines war, and profiting from war, it’s avoidable. Dewey doesn’t live in the real world.

      Conservatives are in favor of a trial and punishment for anyone who murders. Dewey is a dope if he thinks otherwise.

      Dewey is a dangerous, ignorant fool that mis-characterizes the communications of others.!

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    P.S. That was not a typo. I have coined a new word “twitsted”. If I keep using it, it may catch on.

  8. Pete says:

    Pie all you do is call people names. I really wish Post Scripts would ask you to be polite.

  9. Jack McKeown says:

    I ran Coast Guard operations out of GTMO (by the way, there’s no “i” in Guantanamo, the ignorance of this rather easily knowable fact, ironically, characterizes this whole idiotic arm-chair commentary) during the early 90’s, specifically Operation Able Manner in which we – e.g., Bill Clinton, saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the largest humanitarian effort in Coast Guard history.

    I was also onboard the Cutter Chase (WHEC 718), the first asset into Port Au Prince to secure the country and city when Clinton repatriated the ousted Aristide (the first democratically elected president in Haitian history) back into the presidency in the era of Papa Doc and Baby Doc, the Tonton Macoutes, Gen Biambi…

    I personally kept Jesse Jackson from interviewing a political, bad-faith Haitian agitator by driving him to whatever part of the Naval installation Jackson was not. Haitians were repatriated because they were fleeing economic conditions, which 1) the U.S. annually spends a crap ton of money to ameliorate, and 2) if not addressed by repatriation, Haiti would be an open spigot for people to leave a broken country without ever addressing or fixing it.

    The American armchair commentariat activists cannot look at reality without disfiguring it thru a lens of warped politics ideology, mostly by the Retarded Right, but also the Lunatic Left, usually in some racist, Critical Social Justice induced spasm of stupid.

    REALITY: Onboard the Cutter Chase was a TAD deployment of 50 Marines to provide shipboard security: we were the expeditionary force into a militarily hostile environment. Every man and woman onboard was fiercely proud to be there – hell, we were Americans literally delivering democracy back to Haiti, from whence it was stolen. We were bullet proof with pride. We were upholding the best of what the United States stood for, and in its finest military tradition.

    IDEOLOGY: The day before the invasion, Rush Limbaugh Show was on the speaker system broadcasting the voice of that fat, drug-addled a-hole who was screaming how the military hu-aaaates Bill Clinton, how the military cannot stand being used as a political tool, and how we – the military, were so incredibly angry and upset and could just not stand being there we were at the point of refusing orders and going AWOL. Yeah, like he would know. Limbaugh fans were stunned to realize how easily and oily he could – and just did, in fact – extrude a disgusting and purposefully misleading narrative. And if he did could do it in a situation they were in the middle of, and existentially knew better, well then…

    Limbaugh sounds precisely like all the ahistoric interpreters here which I’ve just wasted minutes of my life reading.

    Hold in consideration, please, of NOT taking a singular event and imposing your crazy, ideological baggage on it as an excuse to virtuebate. In public. Correlation is NOT causation.

    On a brighter note, y’all have the potential of becoming an overpaid “journalist” in the Belt Way Media Industrial Complex. Puh-leeze.

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