America Has No Leader – The Crazies are Loose on Our Streets

Posted by Tina

When organizations or nations lack good leadership chaos and violence rise up to fill the void.We’ve witnessed the rise and spread of ISIS and affiliated terror groups. Lack of foresight and planing finds thousands of refugees fleeing into Europe. At home flash mobs have attacked individuals and ransacked stores. False accusations aimed at cops have led to the rise of violent protesters issuing death threats, burning down buildings, and disrupting activities. Radical elements on our college campuses are intimidating students, forcing resignations, demanding special privileges and getting away with it. America has been without good leadership for seven long years; the crazies have come out of the woodwork and are loose on our streets. This holiday weekend is no exception. The headlines:

Daily Mail: “FBI issues safety warning after LOSING TRACK of heavily-armed anti-Islam protester who posted video of his ‘road trip’ to New York to terrorize mosques”

Daily Mail: “Pictured: The cabin in the woods where gunman, 57, lived before Planned Parenthood rampage that killed three – including hero cop – and injured nine”

Daily Mail: “Three arrested as hundreds of protesters shut down Black Friday shopping on Chicago’s Mag Mile on third night of protests over killing of Laquan McDonald”

An adolescent, meanwhile, oversaw the annual Thanksgiving tradition of pardoning a turkey by taking a potshot at the opposition party:

“As you may have heard, for months there has been a fierce competition between a bunch of turkeys trying to win their way into the White House.”

Our leader is a punk…a street thug. Yes, I am holding the President responsible for chaotic conditions in our nation. He has created an atmosphere of division and strife, of hopelessness and helplessness. He has failed to lead in the war on terror. He has overseen the worst recovery ever. He has created an economy in which only the wealthy thrive. He has fomented hatred and suspicion, resentment, and doubt. He is a complete failure.

America can do better…and we will.

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32 Responses to America Has No Leader – The Crazies are Loose on Our Streets

  1. Chris says:

    Well, holding Obama responsible for a Planned Parenthood shooting is certainly a new one.

  2. Pete says:

    I don’t see our county the way you do. And being a protester is being an American. I honestly hope the protesters of police being trained to shoot first rather than de-escalate a conflict are successful. Far too many officers are using a gun as a first choice to solve a problem.

    • Tina says:

      Pete that’s an irresponsible comment unless you can back it up. What evidence can you give us, other than opinion, that police officers are “being trained to shoot first rather than de-escalate a conflict? ”

      How many conflicts, especially with angry drugged up people, some of them armed criminals, have you personally “de-escalated in your job?

      Protest is not the same as militant activism. In the latter so-called “protesters” are sometimes bused in, trained, and paid to stir up trouble and intimidate for a trumped up cause. Surely you don’t think that’s being an American, especially since we in America have in place many ways to ameliorate problems and address conditions.

      Pete are you aware that, according to PEW, 40% of millennials think the government should be able to stop people from offending minority groups?

      What the heck are we teaching in our schools about the Constitution, civics, the rule of law…and citizen responsibility?

  3. Tina says:

    Just to be clear: ” I am holding the President responsible for chaotic conditions in our nation.

    • J. Soden says:

      Da prez is always quick to take credit when there is good news (however rarely it has happened) in his administration yet whenever things just don’t go the way he wants he is so quick to jump to pound the podium and blame others for his failures.
      And the list of failures far exceed those of successes.
      Two things where Obumble has succeeded: more folks are armed now than ever before and more folks no longer trust their goofernment.

      • Tina says:

        Yep he’s a president without fault according to him AND his supporters.

        As long as Chico has the same problem I thought it appropriate to tack on this story about vagrants and panhandlers disrupting shopping and Christmas celebrations:

        There was no holiday miracle in the Bronx’s Little Italy Saturday as vagrants continued to intimidate families and disrupt businesses in and around the park where Christmas has been canceled.

        With cops nowhere to be seen, four bums sipped King Cobra malt liquor and whiskey while splayed out on benches in the once-family-friendly Ciccarone Park, only a day after The Post reported the annual Christmas tree lighting had to be scrapped because of a soaring panhandler population.
        Photo: J.C.Rice

        “It’s not good, but I can’t do too much about it,” said Jawhar Clark, 38, of the hobos hanging out near the playground where his 7-year-old daughter played.

        Homelessness was Reagan’s fault, remember? Even though the problem was due to left wingers demanding the right to be free for mental patients. Obama has overseen the worst economy with more people in the ranks of the poor but the vagrant news is also largely ignored by the media…and certainly not blamed on the anointed one.

  4. Dewey says:

    Yep This guy

    is all Obama’s fault. Not the fault of false RW edited videos accusing PP of selling baby parts. Not the fault of RW propaganda now called news. Not the fault of what is becoming a boneheaded hate group called the GOP

    It’s all Obama’s fault.

    Yep let’s ignore facts and blame the left. never take responsibility for the Hate one creates. Just play the Blame game that ought to solve everything.

    Thanks Obama.

    “We got shots fired coming out of Planned Parenthood, get another cruiser up here for cover!”

    “We have an officer that’s been shot outside that needs help.”

    “Nobody else in the cruiser. Come down here right now by Planned Parenthood. I cannot locate the shooter, it looks like he may be on the hillside or in a wooded area.”

    “He is in the Planned Parenthood building firing through the windows.”

    “He’s got propane tanks set up in the parking lot on the south side of Planned Parenthood. He hit one of them and it started spraying.”

    “Start loading the Bearcat, we got one officer down behind that building to the south. He’s not moving.”

    “We have another officer down by the dumpster.”

    “It’s the blue bench with the window right above is where we last took fire. It’s a UCCS officer we’re trying to get.”

    “He just took a shot at one of our individuals down here.”

    “If you guys are in front of the strip mall you are in the line of fire, get in the building and out of the way.”

    “Locking down all the businesses.”

    “I think we may be able to extract those victims through the north door of 3470. We have officers there with some shields.”

    “White male, 40s, long gray or black coat with either a hat with flaps or a hood with fur.”

    It appears that after this, at roughly 3:08 PM local time, Dear began to exchange gunfire with police:

    “He’s still contained to that area…shooting at us through the wall.”

    “To the west of where he’s posted, through the wall we possibly have people in there. We’ve told people to lay flat on the floor, but we’re not sure the message is getting out to everybody so be aware.”

    “We can still see the barrel of the gun. It looks up and ready.”

    “On the rooftops of the building north…we have two county snipers.” “Copy.”
    “Some doors were locked.”

    “He should not be able to get in that reception room so right now he’s just sitting at that end of the hallway waiting for some action.”

    About half an hour after the gunfire exchange, hostages and wounded victims were rescued:

    “They already scoped those two civilians up and took them. We’re going to need somebody else to transport these next two.”

    “Locked herself in a file room.”

    “She is lying on the floor in the south west corner of the filing room. The filing room is just through that wall to the west of the suspects location.”

    “Okay we’re working on some plans, I’ll call you as soon as we get access. Working on a plan to try to get her out of that room.”

    “We have at least six more standing by for the Bearcat.”

    “We had two out of that southwest room and two out of ultrasound room 3, excuse me, three out of ultrasound room 3.

    “Taking several non-injured to the VA.”

    “They’re probably going to put them into the ambulance as well and they’re going to be transported to the VA unless they’re injured.”

    “At the end of that hallway where our suspect is supposed to be, I’ve been advised there are two people in that last room.”

    “Trying to come up with a plan.”

    “What about if we brought that Bearcat in the same way? Now that you got a photo, continue straight through that door and block that hallway. We’d have him pinned in that corner.”

    “We got two teams in that north-south hallway in the central of the building, one on the very south side and one centrally located just to the north of the door that he’s at.”

    “We’re going to try to cut through the drywall to communicate with any possible people inside so we’re not close to that window the suspect is.”

    After all of this, the cornered gunman finally gave himself up to police:

    “We got no movement on him yet, he’s down in the corner and we know that he’s there. He’s standing up! He’s standing up! Can you advise he has his hands clear.”

    “He’s standing up, he’s right in front of that doorway, a quick move to the doorway now he’s walking towards the hallway.”

    “We have eyes on him, he is coming towards the front of the business on the south side.”

    “We have the snipers.”

    “We have one suspect detained right now.”

    “He says he’s alone.”

    Like I said it is time to stop this Right wing hate club they are killing people.

    • Tina says:

      To be clear: I am holding the President responsible for chaotic conditions in our nation.

      The psychotic that murdered and injured people in the PP clinic In Colorado is the accused guilty party.

      Get off your high horse, Dewey, I did not blame the President for this act of violence but for an atmosphere of chaos and strife.

      The videos were released unedited and in full and were quite incriminating. The evidence is clear and quite stark. The cold-hardheartedness of executives was appalling, not to mention immoral. At least one crime was evident.

      This billion dollar abortion industry giant is not without it’s problems…things you usually gripe about, Dewey. For instance it’s (non-profit) CEO made a whopping $500K in salary in 2012. You’re supposed to be a big “anti-corporate” guy. PP operates as a nonprofit but is actually a $1.3 billion industry subsidized heavily by the taxpayers. As a so-called non-profit this billion dollar industry makes that money tax free and yet, it also OVERTLY PARTICIPATES in politics: “Planned Parenthood Plans $20 Million War With Republicans.”

      20 Million!!!!!

      And about those videos:

      Planned Parenthood contests that while the videos showed their employees in a particularly distasteful light, everything discussed were legal body tissue donations. Ironically, those legal activities were suspended in October.

      PP is also ripe for fraud. In 2013 investigators in Texas uncovered information pointing to billing fraud:

      …a whistleblower accused Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast of improperly billing Texas for products and services which were never rendered, not medically necessary, or were not covered by Medicaid, the government health program for the poor.

      PP settled, rather than go to court, for $1.4 million paid to the State of Texas.

      Your defense of PP is as phony as their claims of innocence with respect to methods used to obtain intact body parts. Your defense of PP is as phony as their non-profit status.

      • Chris says:

        “The videos were released unedited and in full and were quite incriminating.”

        Do you really think everyone who says they were upset about the videos actually watched the full videos? What this lying pro-life organization did was first release edited excerpts, then released the full version while lying about what was in it. That way by the time people started disputing their version of events, the notion that PP was illegally selling baby parts was already ingrained in the minds of those who wanted to believe it, evidence be damned. It’s a very effective tactic–Carly Fiorina, a non-idiot, fell for it and embarrassed herself at a debate because of it.

        “At least one crime was evident.”

        Really? What crime? Why has every investigation failed to find this crime, and you have?

        The gunman seemed to be at least partially inspired by the video, according to the Washington Post:

        “COLORADO SPRINGS — The gunman suspected of storming a Planned Parenthood clinic and killing a police officer and two others used the phrase “no more baby parts’’ to explain his actions, according to a law enforcement official, a comment likely to further inflame the heated rhetoric surrounding abortion.”

        I’m not blaming pro-lifers for this attack. But lies have consequences.

        • Tina says:

          Chris: “Really? What crime? Why has every investigation failed to find this crime, and you have?”

          Don’t be coy, Chris. When I pointed the law out to you before, you admitted it looked bad for PP.

          National Review:

          “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.” Nucatola continues: “And with the calvarium [the head], in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex. So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”

          Finally, Nucatola mentions that that since there is a high demand for fetal livers, Planned Parenthood abortionists go out of their way to use technology to assist in the careful and deliberate dismemberment of fetuses during an abortion: “I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”

          The 1993 National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act states that human fetal tissue may be obtained from an abortion only if “no alteration of the timing, method or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue” and the “abortion was performed in accordance with applicable state law.” At least some states have similar rules, too. Dr. Nucatola appears to be admitting that some Planned Parenthood abortionists — perhaps herself, though her phrasing may have just been convenient — openly flout this federal law. Additionally, the law requires that “human fetal tissue may be used only if the attending physician with respect to obtaining tissue from the woman involved makes a statement, made in writing and signed by the physician, declaring” that the applicable regulations are being followed.

          More here:

          The director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, promised actors posing as tissue harvesters that abortion doctors in Planned Parenthood clinics can perform abortions “in a way that they get the best specimens.”

          “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this,” she said discussing prices for the organs. “It’s all just a matter of line items.”

          In one video, the president of Planned Parenthood’s medical directors council Dr. Mary Gatter said she “wouldn’t object” to asking the abortion doctor to use a different abortion procedure “to increase the odds that he’s going to get an intact specimen.”

          In another video, the organization’s senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola suggested how certain organs could be requested for harvesting “and we want them to be reasonably intact, and you convert to breech,” or a feet-first delivery.

          Officials in previous videos also discussed the prices for “specimens” as compensation for Planned Parenthood’s providing the fetal organs.

          The media focused on “selling tissue” which was explained away as recovering costs. The media focused on disparaging the video makers. The actual possible crime involved was ignored and of course Holders Justice Department wouldn’t have pursued this case.

          • Chris says:

            You’re right, Tina, that I have said before that the evidence about alterations to the procedure is compelling. However, I’m not so sure at this point. Further research has shown me that procedures can be altered with the consent of the doctor and patient as long as the primary goal is safety of the patient.

            The DOJ hasn’t investigated but eleven different states have; many were Republican-led states. None found any evidence of criminal activity.

            Abortion makes up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s activities. Because of their work on providing women free contraception, it’s likely they’ve prevented more abortions than they’ve performed.

            I talked to my step-sister today, and she said when she was younger and had no insurance, PP was the only place she could go for necessary medical care. My girlfriend has told me something similar, as have many other women I know. It’s an important organization and the political attacks are mostly based on ignorance.

  5. Dewey says:

    Just to be clear: ” I am holding the GOP, Fox News, and the Koch Tea Party responsible for chaotic conditions in our nation.

    • Tina says:

      Who would ever have guessed?

      • Dewey says:

        Also Tina PP was not selling Body parts for profit that is a complete propaganda lie. Admit that.

        Also What is wrong with PP? Last I looked less than 3% of their biz was abortions. They are a Healthcare org.

        There is no reason to attack them. I do not like the Koch Brothers buying out the system and their intelligence agency does that give me the right to kill?

        “Church and state are, and must remain, separate.” – Reagan

        “a wall of separation between church and state. Jefferson Letter

        Bottom Line The Constant Hate and Propaganda from the right has created violence. Facts and truth are the enemy now.

        Anybody who defends this is spitting on the graves of the fallen. The society from the south is dumbed down beyond belief. He is from NC. They still think the news tells the truth. These Politicians tell the truth.

        He took out a vet, A police officer, and friend of a patient what exactly did he accomplish? Also it’s funny Black people are killed in seconds on false pretenses, He had time to give up. The police did an excellent job.

  6. Dewey says:

    Pete that’s an irresponsible comment unless you can back it up. What evidence can you give us, other than opinion, that police officers are “being trained to shoot first rather than de-escalate a conflict

    Tina It is backed up on video these days. By drunks are you talking about the white drunks? Police are now trained like a military force. We have video on our phones and now can see exactly how the Police are acting, falsifying reports. “he lunged at me” Standard lie on reports.

    • Tina says:

      Drunks? Drunks come in all colors shapes sizes and genders…you know that.

      “Police are now trained like a military force.”

      As was quite evident in Paris recently there is a very good reason for them to benefit from some military training. Is your remark meant to disparage our military as well as our police officers? sure sounds like it.

      More often than not those “phone videos” don’t show the entire incident or portray the event honestly or thoroughly. They may be evidence but they are hardly conclusive.

      Besides, I asked for evidence of officers being “trained to shoot first rather than de-escalate a conflict” not a biased opinion.

      Epic fail!

      Officers are incredibly good at de-escalating situations. Unfortunately, many people today are not trained well to be good citizens…and that is where the real trouble lies.

      • Dewey says:

        You can’t steal my Epic fail…glad you like it!

        But you fail. That problem is ALL officers are not being trained to DE-escalate any more. In fact that is a topic of conversation.

        The young kid with the knife walking away who had a cop roll onto scene get out of his car and unload his gun into him from a distance is a prime example. The officers dealing with him called in for tasers. That cop was shooting in seconds than tried to lie saying he lunged at him.

        The cops in MN did not help the wounded after the RW WHite supremacists shot up the protesters. They came out a bit later and started pushing the protesters. Very suspicious.

        There are some well trained officers doing a great job for low pay and there is a sleezy GANG of cop thugs among them. We have to make it OK for the Good Cops to rat out these thugs.

        You seem to generalize …all whites, all Muslims, all lefties, that does not work.

        Trained to shoot first? Ever watch Urban Shield? Ever realize we hire vets straight back from war? We need to deprogram them first my friend.

        Look it up yourself. Remember you live in a small town that even has clean water. That is not the case everywhere.

        A awful lot of Black People are dying in seconds from your deescalating well trained officers. Problem is we have cameras now and they are being busted.

        Once we get rid of the Secret Grand Jury system of allowing them to get off we will start to jail them.

        The quagmire is while all workers deserve unions many police unions are a brotherhood that protects their crime.

        The homeland security urban Shield type training given and prior military training of new hires is shoot to kill as it should be. But those tatics should not be used against civilians. Now we have a militarized police force that takes orders from the military if need be.

        They sell fear and idiots buy it as they take away our freedom. This is how a country goes into authoritarian fascism. History repeats. land of the Brave? not any more.

        You blame everything on 1 President and give all republicans a pass. You give a president far too much credit.

        Freedom? Is that for everybody? Innocent til proven guilty? Right to a trial? Is that only for White people and Christians?

        • Post Scripts says:

          Freedom? Is that for everybody? Innocent til proven guilty? Right to a trial? Is that only for White people and Christians?” Dewey

          Gee, I don’t Dewey. Why don’t you ask Officer Darren Wilson how he feels about being pronounced guilty before a trial? He’s white…who was calling him guilty? Hands up, don’t shoot.

          • Dewey says:

            Again the protest was because there was no trial. Evidence was tampered. There was no report filed immediately.

            The issues are the cover ups. Do not confuse it because of media. That was always the issue. There was no trial and transparency including a filed report the next day.

            That was played out in the media – Justice by Media?

        • Tina says:

          You issue huge generalizations about cops and how they are trained and then lecture about me generalizing? Hysterical!

          I don’t use the word “all” when I describe groups, you insert the word yourself due to your own bias.

          I can back up the things I say about lefties. For instance, they prefer big government solutions, more regulations, and higher taxes. With lefties we never have a spending problem, we just need to take more from the rich. Any liberal that would deny that with a straight face has to be lying! Most would be proud of the fact.

          You’ve made decision without knowing all of the facts. That’s enough to convince me you are just another agitator.

          I don’t blame everything on one president. I was doing this before Obummer was elected and found plenty of room to point the finger at other Democrats that have done despicable things in the name of justice and fairness and votes. For instance I wrote about Bill Clinton’s role in the housing crash…as well as that of Barney Frank and other Democrats who profited mightily at Fannie Mae.

          I’m a conservative writing on a conservative blog…get it?

          And since you have no intention of tempering your comments by being “fair” why should I or anyone else who comments here?

          Justice? freedom?

          Jack’s right, Darren Wilson is a case in point worth mentioning.

          His “trial” was conducted in the court of public opinion, a kangaroo court set up by progressives of the left before the investigation had even begun…prove me wrong on that “generalization”!

  7. Pete says:

    Yes, hyperbole on my part, but l’m just trying to fit in with your post.

  8. Tina says:

    Fair enough Pete.

    My Posts are in keeping with decades of left wing media hyperbole and manufactured news, a so-called media that has been an arm of the Democrat Party.

    • Dewey says:

      Can you tell me where the so called Liberal Media is? I find that funny. There are about 6 corporations who manufacture the news. It is all for profit. You actually watch that crap? really?

      facts are in the documents and that is where the news comes from. Not a silly TV set and bought out corporate media. I threw my TV set away a few years ago.

      What we do have is a bunch of lying RW blogs that speak in circles. hence the edited PP video that has people believing PP was selling baby parts for profit. That was not true. Or are you saying that was liberal media?

      • Tina says:

        Liberal media provided the spin on those tapes. You gobbled it up like a good little boy.

        PP is a liberal organization, a so-called non-profit, that supports the Democrat Party exclusively. As I wrote, they are a billion dollar, tax free industry subsidized by taxpayers. That information comes straight out of tax returns and congressional budgets.

        Please don’t imagine that you are the all seeing wizard. I’ve seen some of the so-called “facts” you run with on this blog. In one case it was a document, notes from an ongoing discussion rather than an officil final document. In discussions many options are considered and debated, including many that are rejected. Your “proof” was meaningless. You gather from left wing blogs too…do not bother denying it.

        Those around you at PS also have resources other than the MSM. Your self described superiority just shows you are full of yourself. You have said some very outlandish things on this blog, things that are complete conspiracy theory nut bag stuff. Be happy we are a free speech blog and let you comment. Back off on the phony lecturing.

  9. pal says:

    The police have to have some tactical training. I want our police force to be able to deal with the different situations that have come up in recent past. There must be some credible threat (other than climate change) that is requiring our police to be under high
    alert. My nephew is with LAPD SWAT and he cannot take any time off from mid Nov. til
    March. There is obviously some reason for that.

    • Tina says:

      Pal I am in awe of anyone who serves the country in police work, especially in areas like Stockton (Jacks son) and now LA (your nephew).

      The dysfunctional, psychotic, drugged up, and down right scummy persons they deal with on an hourly basis should be enough to garner them respect. Unfortunately we have fostered a victim industry in this nation. So many of our citizens have no knowledge of or respect for our laws, the police, or even themselves anymore and these are the individuals that officers must face to “de-escalate” a situation.

      I agree police officers need special training to deal with threats to keep both us and themselves safe!

      That climate change thing is a whole nuther animal 😉

  10. Dewey says:

    This is what churches do these days?

    Republicans would like us all to believe that right-wing rhetoric doesn’t cause gun violence against Planned Parenthood, the proof is literally right in front of us that it does. Not only did “pro-life” conservatives cheer on the Planned Parenthood gunman as a hero, this “pro-life” pastor is suggesting that people who support abortion rights should die.

    Pastor McCall ‘Mac’ Brunson

    Pro Life? Yea Right.

    • Chris says:

      Dewey: “Not only did “pro-life” conservatives cheer on the Planned Parenthood gunman as a hero”

      Some pro-life conservatives did this. Most did not. Without the qualifier “some,” your statement is misleading.

      If you don’t like conservatives making unfair generalizations about minority groups, you shouldn’t make unfair generalizations about them.

  11. Tina says:

    ” Not only did “pro-life” conservatives cheer on the Planned Parenthood gunman as a hero…”

    Hogwash! Who, Dewey? Name them! (An obscure nut ball radical isn’t “conservatives” either by the way!)

    Pastor McCall read from the Bible about sin. He read “all people who hate me love death.” He pointed to the PP president as an example of someone steeped in sin because, know it or not, she loves death. No one cheered. He also said all sin is an affront to God…that would include the murderer. Please don’t mis-characterize what was said or what was meant by the pastor. You may not like or agree with it but at least get it right. As of today the pastor still has a right to read passages from the Bible and present his opinions.

    Please explain the snide remark: “Pro Life? Yea Right.”

    It makes no sense whatsoever.

    • Dewey says:

      Tina all you have to do is turn on the TV, Go to twitter.

      Name a political GOP candidate who said it was a horrific attack. Cruz praying for the families of the dead is not that. Carly Fironia is not.

      In fact One day before the shooting Cruz Ted Cruz Praised Pro-Murder Anti-Abortion Extremist Troy Newman.

      You realize the baby in the video was a real miscarriage baby and the video disrespected the short life of that fetus and the family that lost the wanted baby. But the RW media and politicians pander to the religious hate groups.

      Cruz is not courting the pastor who says we should kill all gays.

      This GOP is anything but pro life sorry. Saying nothing is lying when you allow lies to be told in front of you when running for office. I have cruz recorded doing that many times.

      I do not think I have to list them. Either you do not even watch your own candidates or you are lying to me. name one that admits the video was a lie. No they just keep talking about it as if it was true. That is Lying.

      They incite these crazy low IQ idiots who believe their party is such a base of honesty. neither party is.

      1964 GOP – – Nelson Rockefeller Said they had extremists in the GOP and they threatened the Republican party.

      “These extremists feed on fear, hate and terror. He was Booed by Goldwater people.

      The extremists were the Goldwater faction – Goldwater responded with “I would remind you that Extremism in the advance of Liberty is no Vice”.

      “And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”

      Same playbook advancing. Liberty and Justice is not forcing a Right Wing agenda on the majority of people using a faux faction of a religion to do so.

      We saw this playbook before in the 1930’s works well on those who can not use critical thinking.

      Again Name one candidate or republican who has outright called this guy a terrorist and the video a lie. Or maybe you will?

  12. Tina says:

    Dewey I watch one news program, the Fox Business channel in the Am. I do not have a twitter account. Perhaps it is YOU that needs to avoid twitter.

    Good grief, Dewey, first you say the videos were edited and then claim to have first hand knowledge of the people involved in the content. Too much Twitter, I’d say.

    Your buddies in the left media were quick to blame the right for the shooting, an ignorant school yard political dig and then complain that candidates were not quick enough to condemn it. An absurd accusation. More likely they weren’t willing to make ignorant statements BEFORE the facts were known, a common Obama practice.

    Your comments are completely off, showing your usual bias. The Guardian reported:

    Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Sunday condemned the fatal shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado as an “absolutely abominable” act of domestic terrorism. However, he said, it was “disingenuous” to cast the attack as the result of anti-abortion rhetoric on the presidential campaign trail.

    Donald Trump said the shooting was “terrible” but focused on the mental state of the alleged gunman. Ben Carson deplored the killings but said, when asked if the attack was a form of domestic terrorism, as a Planned Parenthood official has claimed, “there is no saint in this equation” (emphasis mine)

    Ben refuses to play media gotcha games too.

    MSNBC has more quotes:

    “It was mass murder,” he (Huckabee) said. “It was absolutely unfathomable, and there’s no excuse for killing other people whether it’s happening inside the Planned Parent headquarters, inside their clinics where many millions of babies die or whether it’s people attacking Planned Parenthood.”

    “Nothing justifies this,” she (Carly Fiorina) said. ”Any protesters should always be peaceful, whether it’s Black Lives Matter or pro-life protesters.”

    Kasich and Cruz tweeted similar statements focusing on the victims:

    Senseless violence has brought tragedy to Colorado Springs. I pray for the families in mourning and have hope our nation can heal. -John

    Praying for the loved ones of those killed, those injured & first responders who bravely got the situation under control in Colorado Springs. (Cruz)

    Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said in a statement, “There is no acceptable explanation for this violence, and I will continue to pray for those who have been impacted.”

    In contrast, the three democratic candidates tweeted reactions using the hashtag “#StandWithPP.” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders also tweeted, “I hope people realize that bitter rhetoric can have unintended consequences.”

    What a hypocrite! The President, Eric Holder and others spawned the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” violence that destroyed a town and incited violence by blacks who feel entitled to hate and make demands through violence. As we speak they are blocking people in Chicago from entering or leaving stores when they should be protesting Rahm Emanuel and the DA for withholding evidence! The officer is charged with murder…what the hell does this band of agitators want?

    Oh, maybe it’s the form of “justice” this guy had in mind:

    A University of Illinois at Chicago student has been arrested and will face charges for an online threat to kill at least 16 “white devils” in revenge for the death of Laquan McDonald who was shot 16 times by police.

    “This is my only warning. At 10AM Monday morning, I’m going to the campus quad of the University of Chicago. I will be armed with an M-4 carbine and two desert eagles, all fully loaded. I will execute approximately 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time McDonald was killed,” the Chicago Tribune reports. The message continued, “I will then die killing any number of white policeman in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part and rid the world of white devils. I expect you do the same.”

    We don’t yet know if this person is mentally ill or not but it’s fair to ask, given the left accusations in the Colorado incident, who influenced this guy? Who on the left incited this guy to conceive of such an act?

    Get off your high horse, Dewey!

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