The Problem of Radical Muslims and “Industrial Rape”

Posted by Tina

Death and destruction are the things most associated with terrorists and Muslim radicals. But an article in the American Thinker today points to another serious problem that rarely makes the news:

Perhaps there is no European country where rape has reached epidemic proportions as it has in Sweden, a country now known as the “rape capital” of Europe. Sweden ranks Number 2 on the global list of rape countries. From 1975 to present, rape in Sweden has increased 1472%. Based on this model, it is now projected that one in four Swedish women (and sometimes little girls) will be raped. Rape of men and boys is also on the rise.

Making this nightmarish situation worse, the authorities hide what’s going on, make outlandish excuses for it, and/or side with the rapists. Dhimmitude has taken hold. Few, if any, will state the truth: that the majority of rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslim males.

The article highlights the problem of rape and trafficking in the United Kingdom, Holland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Sweden and is filled with many links showing cases and information to illustrate the seriousness of the problem. A few examples from The Gatestone Institute:

“Between acts of abuse sometimes stretching over a number of days, the Oxford men ensured girls were guarded so that they could not escape. In addition to being abused in various locations in Oxford, some of the girls were taken to other towns and cities such as London and Bournemouth for the same purpose.” — Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.

“I turned up at the police station at 2/3am, blood all over me, soaked through my trousers to the crotch. They dismissed it as me being naughty, a nuisance.” — Victim’s testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.

“I made a complaint about a man who trafficked me from a children’s home. He was arrested, released and trafficked me again.” — Victim’s testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review. …

…Nearly 400 British girls as young as eleven are believed to have been sexually exploited by Muslim rape gangs in Oxfordshire over the past 15 years, according to a chilling new report. It charges local officials with repeatedly ignoring the abuse due to a “culture of denial.”

Pamela Geller cites a report by the Law and Freedom Foundation calling for an investigation:

Under pressure from political correctness, authorities have allowed Muslim pedophile gangs in the United Kingdom to groom underage girls for sexual abuse for decades, victimizing as many as 10,000 schoolgirls, according to a report by an organization calling for an investigation.

“What we believe is required is a full-scale public inquiry,” the Law and Freedom Foundation said in the conclusion of its 300-plus page report, “Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery.”

The group said the public inquiry “must look into the failures of national agencies, child-care charities, and academics to study this problem.”

Denial and political correctness (sanctioned lunacy) are costing lives and facilitating horrid abuses of children that under normal circumstances would never be tolerated. (They would certainly not be tolerated from white Christian males.)

This is disturbing on so many levels: Tolerance of the sense of entitlement to rape spawned from religious views, a diminishing of the seriousness of the acts by authorities, failure to acknowledge much less address the problem by leadership and media, and failure to take steps to protect women and young girls. All of this is deplorable. It makes me think western culture is completely bankrupt…and it’s questionable that it can be turned around.

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20 Responses to The Problem of Radical Muslims and “Industrial Rape”

  1. Dewey says:

    Where are the USA stats? It is a deplorable problem here as well. Let’s add human trafficking to this list as well. The sex slave industry.

  2. Libby says:

    I swear to bleeding Pete … will you read up on the kind of utterly diseased thinking promulgated about the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

    I mean, Jesus H! … how can you stand yourself!

    Is this god-forsaken species never going to evolve?!?

  3. Chris says:

    Pamela Gellar is a hate group leader and a birther who has posted an article on her blog arguing that Obama’s biological father is Malcolm X. The comments sections of every one of her articles are filled with commenters calling for genocide against Muslims, and Gellar has never once spoken against this, though she does delete comments critical of her articles. Why are you citing her as a source?

    The Gatestone Institute isn’t much better, being one of the main promulgators of the “no go zones” lie that was roundly debunked even by the archtitect of that lie, who eventually said there was no truth to it.

    Do you have any reliable sources corroborating the claim that “the majority of rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslim makes?”

  4. Tina says:

    Let’s all change the subject?

    How about you two write something on your topics for the front page of PS and we’ll post them. Until then stick to the subject at hand or don’t bother to comment.

    AINA, “Muslim Rape in Scandinavia” provides more information gathered in recent years.

  5. Chris says:

    This article from BBC sheds some light on the problem of claiming Sweden has more rapes than other countries:

    So something’s going on.
    But Klara Selin says the statistics don’t represent a major crime epidemic, rather a shift in attitudes. The public debate about this sort of crime in Sweden over the past two decades has had the effect of raising awareness, she says, and encouraging women to go to the police if they have been attacked.
    The police have also made efforts to improve their handling of cases, she suggests, though she doesn’t deny that there has been some real increase in the number of attacks taking place – a concern also outlined in an Amnesty International report in 2010.
    “There might also be some increase in actual crime because of societal changes. Due to the internet, for example, it’s much easier these days to meet somebody, just the same evening if you want to. Also, alcohol consumption has increased quite a lot during this period.
    “But the major explanation is partly that people go to the police more often, but also the fact that in 2005 there has been reform in the sex crime legislation, which made the legal definition of rape much wider than before.”
    The change in law meant that cases where the victim was asleep or intoxicated are now included in the figures. Previously they’d been recorded as another category of crime.
    So an on-the-face-of-it international comparison of rape statistics can be misleading

    • Tina says:

      Changes in laws and attitudes can change the stats but by 1472%?

      I think that’s an indication that there’s something more going on. The other thing, as reported, that might explain it is that most of the rapes and gang rapes in the increased stats were done by Muslim men.

      Chris you know that in Middle Eastern countries women are treated like cattle and used like discard-able goods, so why are you so quick to doubt this is happening?

      Oh yeah, I forgot, “Pamela Geller is a hate group leader.”

      I don’t follow Pamela Geller on a regular basis. I’ve seen her on TV a couple of times. I do know she’s a woman with the guts to expose some of the horrendous things women face in the Middle East and I have to give her credit for that. Her message doesn’t fit the “religion of peace belief system,” however, so she must be demonized and discredited by a left body politic that prefers to “not make them mad,” a gutless stance if ever there was one.

      It seems very clear to me that until the religion itself has a reform moment and the mullahs and clerics change their messages the world will be forced to try to deal with the tyranny and death messages and acts being advanced on a daily basis in mosques across the world. There are people working tirelessly to this end; Dr. Jasser is one. He too has been demonized by the left.

      It’s apparently okay to paint with a broad brush to claim Islam is a religion of peace, when clearly as practiced by many Muslims in the ME it is not, but it’s not okay to try to point out that there are Muslims who practice a tyrannical, violent form of the religion to the letter.

      • Chris says:

        Tina: “I think that’s an indication that there’s something more going on. The other thing, as reported, that might explain it is that most of the rapes and gang rapes in the increased stats were done by Muslim men.”

        Again, where is the evidence of that? Do the articles you cited link to primary, objective sources which have recorded these stats? If so, could you provide the links to those primary sources, since those are always more convincing, and it saves people the ethical dilemma of whether or not to click on a hate site?

        “It’s apparently OK to paint with a broad brush to claim Islam is a religion of peace…”

        Meh, I personally think it’s dumb to say anything is inherently a “religion of peace;” religions are just what people make them. Islam certainly has a long history of glorifying conquest, but other passages of the Quran preach peace. (Gee, it’s almost like holy books are actually written by fallible men, not deities.)

        That said, I remember Bush saying Islam was a “religion of peace” all the time.

        “but it’s not okay to try to point out that there are Muslims who practice a tyrannical, violent form of the religion to the letter.”

        Do you really think this is what critics of Islamophobia are saying? OF COURSE there are Muslims who practice a tyrannical, violent form of Islam. I’ve never heard anyone, left or right, deny this. This seems like another strawman argument.

  6. Steve says:

    What our liberal friends are trying to say is that there’s no possible way that bringing in immigrants from a culture that systemically blames women for rape and that has a serious problem with sexual assault behaviors could be to blame for a rise in rapes in a country that was formerly known to be a relatively woman friendly location.
    To liberals, only republicans and Christians can be the bad guys. Sweden does not an immigration surge of white males or Catholics, so clearly they do not have a “real” rape problem.
    As always, liberals have no compassion for the victims when it doesn’t fit their narrative.

  7. Tina says:

    Steve what you’ve said is unfortunate but true.

  8. Chris says:

    Steve: “What our liberal friends are trying to say is that there’s no possible way…”

    No one here ever said that there was “no possible way” the claims made in this article were true.

    What I’m saying is that I’d like to see some evidence for these claims that comes from a reliable source before I take it at face value that Muslims are to blame. I’m also saying that it’s unwise to automatically trust the word of people who have made provably false claims about Muslims before.

    I think that was clear in my original comment, and that your interpretation is a fairly weak strawman argument.

    • Tina says:

      Chris “Muslims” aren’t to blame. That’s the difference you will not get.

      Muslim ideology, preached and practiced in the extreme, enforced by radical clerics hold sway over Muslim men who are perpetrating these crimes and the intimidation factor makes the problem worse.

      The first report I read about this was several years ago when it was discovered that 1400 girls were sexually abused in Rotherham, England. I found this Sky News report which includes the authorities admitting they further abused the girls by not believing them:

      Victims were not heard or believed and there was a perception that a “macho and bullying” culture within the council prevented child sexual exploitation from being properly discussed.

      There was “denial” that such events could happen in Rotherham and issues of ethnicity were “played down” by senior managers.

      “Almost all” the abusers were described by victims as being of Pakistani origin, but authorities “wanted to play down ethnic dimensions… for fear of being thought racist.”

      The spotlight first fell on Rotherham in 2010 when five men, described as “sexual predators”, were given lengthy jail terms for grooming teenage girls for sex.

      The prosecution was the first of a series of high-profile cases in the last four years that have revealed the exploitation of young girls in areas including Rochdale, Derby and Oxford.

      The reluctance to profile is doing great damage in communities across the world. It’s important always to put the law above social fears and considerations if ever we are to have equal justice or a modicum of peace.

      In Chicago and other big cities across America gang problems including horrific murders have been allowed to thrive in part because we have fears (and are intimidated) about profiling. Does anyone care about the innocent people living in these neighborhoods or the babies being murdered in their cribs or strollers by out of control violent young people? Not really. We are urged to avert our eyes and focus on gun control, a complete distraction from the actual social problems plaguing these cities. And anyone who dares point it out is labeled racist.

      It’s the same with radical Muslims and the horrible acts they commit…we dare not single them out…as if they are just like anyone else. Hello! they are not and they have certain characteristics that can aid us in routing them out.

      It’s long past time to get real.

      • Chris says:

        “Chris “Muslims” aren’t to blame. That’s the difference you will not get…”

        Ok, fair point.

        I should have said, “I’d like to see some evidence for these claims that comes from a reliable source before I take it at face value that the majority of rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslim males,” which was the stated central claim of the American Thinker article you quoted.

  9. Tina says:

    An article in IBT cites the UN and “official statistics and reports” found Sweden had “the highest rape rate in Europe”:

    Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe, with the UN reporting 69 rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2011, according to author and advocate of power feminism Naomi Wolf on opinion website Project Syndicate.

    In 2010, Swedish police recorded the highest number of offences – about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants – of any force in Europe. That was the second highest in the world after Lesotho.

    “According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates,” Wolf wrote.

    A 2010 Amnesty report said: “In Sweden, according to official crime statistics, the number of reported rapes has quadrupled during the past 20 years. In 2008, there were just over 4,000 rapes of people over 15, the great majority of them girls and women.”

    See also here.

    This site references a UN study:

    Sexual entitlement is the most common motivation across all of these countries. I think that very, very strongly points to the root of rape in gender relations, and the fact that rape is really legitimized in so many of these countries.

    Several factors make the case impossible to adequately record and at the same time difficult to deny out of hand. One is that there has been a large influx of Muslims, some of them radical, into European countries. Second the radical culture encourages that sense of sexual entitlement. Third these nations have been intimidated and they are unwilling to profile because of it. Fourth, entities like the UN whose members include radical nations like Iran would never allow statistics that created an offense to Islam.

    We can have no justice or peace under these conditions.

    • Chris says:

      “Fourth, entities like the UN whose members include radical nations like Iran would never allow statistics that created an offense to Islam.”

      Silly, since the UN wouldn’t have to “allow” anything; Sweden records its own statistics.

      You also left out important factors such as the fact that the definition of rape in Sweden was expanded in 2005, that they now count rapes differently, and that accusations of rape are taken more seriously, all of which help to explain the growth and the comparisons with other countries.

      I’m not saying Muslim immigration had no effect, but there is still no evidence that Muslims immigrants commit the majority of rapes in Sweden, which is what the American Thinker said. That’s a huge leap from the evidence we do have, and a bigoted one.

      Several studies have shown that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in the U.S., yet many of the same conservatives pointing to Sweden’s stats have pooh-poohed that number. It indicates that they’re not really interested in the problem of sexual assault unless they can use it against Muslims or immigrants, or in this case, both.

  10. Tina says:

    Chris: “Silly, since the UN wouldn’t have to “allow” anything; Sweden records its own statistics.”

    That was in reference to UN records. I will give you the word “allow” doesn’t express what I meant to say. What I meant to say is that the nations in control of such statistics at the UN would not report statistics that offend Islam.

    The change in the way they count rapes in Sweden would account for increases right after the change. It would not account for the dramatic rise ten or so years later.

    The rest of your comment is BS and quite typical of a leftist. In fact every outlandish all inclusive accusation you and your progressive scammers make against conservatives (Republicans) are patently absurd.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives are uninterested in sexual assault and the harm it does.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives are racist.

    It is absurd to imagine that Christians would shoot up a PP.

    It is absurd to imagine that white cops are on a black kid killing rampage.

    It is absurd (and egotistical) to imagine that the impact human activity has on the environment is more extreme and dangerous than the natural forces that control the climate or that we can “save” the planet and that conservatives want dirty air and water.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives love war.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives want to harm (kill) old people.

    it is absurd to imagine conservatives don’t care about educating children.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives don’t care about the poor.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives want Wall Street to thrive but not the average worker.

    It is absurd to imagine that conservatives alone make up “the rich.”

    I say “imagine” because all of this garbage has been seriously proposed by the left about the right for decades. there is NOTHING HONEST about it.

    Chris it’s getting to the point where I have trouble treating you like a thinking adult individual. You buy all of this crap without giving a thought to the absurdity. You are not a serious thinker. You are a clone.

    • Chris says:

      Whoa. Not only do I not imagine any of the things you just attributed to me–I don’t even believe them. I was referring to specific conservative individuals in my comment when I said they may not be interested in sexual assault except as a way to smear Muslims–I wasn’t talking about conservatives generally.

      I’m sorry you have trouble seeing me as a “thinking individual.” You posted a claim here–that Muslims commit the majority of rapes in Sweden, and that this was a “truth” leftists just won’t face–with nothing to support it but circumstantial evidence, so forgive me if I sometimes have the same trouble with respect to you.

  11. Tina says:

    Chris you have accused me and others here of racism and bigotry. You also associate with the party that regularly characterizes conservatives in this manner.

    “…they may not be interested in sexual assault except as a way to smear Muslims”

    Who thinks like this? How can you possibly imagine that anyone would think like this unless they are a crazy person? and why do you assume that if someone did they must think like someone on the right?

    “You posted a claim here–that Muslims commit the majority of rapes in Sweden, and that this was a “truth” leftists just won’t face”

    Umm…no. I wrote: “Chris “Muslims” aren’t to blame. That’s the difference you will not get.”

    I wrote that after you wrote: “I’d like to see some evidence for these claims that comes from a reliable source before I take it at face value that Muslims are to blame.”

    I was saying that you lump all Muslims together, failing to make a distinction. We don’t blame Muslims. We target radicals, organizations, the radical culture that spawns such behavior. That is the difference you will not get.

  12. Chris says:

    Me: ““You posted a claim here–that Muslims commit the majority of rapes in Sweden, and that this was a “truth” leftists just won’t face”

    Tina: “Umm…no.”

    Umm, YES! Re-read your own article. You quoted the American Thinker, which said, word-for-word:

    “Few, if any, will state the truth: that the majority of rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslim males.”

    You’ve got to stop denying what is right there in black and white.

    Are you now saying that the American Thinker was wrong to claim that Muslim males commit the majority of rapes in Sweden, and that you were wrong to post this claim without evidence?

    “Who thinks like this? How can you possibly imagine that anyone would think like this unless they are a crazy person?”

    I don’t think “not being interested in the problem of sexual assault” makes someone crazy, Tina–there are a lot of major problems in the world I’m not all that interested in.

    ” and why do you assume that if someone did they must think like someone on the right?”

    I assumed nothing, since the specific individuals I referred to are on the right.

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