Murder in the Free World – America Leads the Way to Destruction

Posted by Tina

Our President has failed to act prudently and well to keep America safe. He has failed to correct policies over seven years that find our nation in a weakened state and more vulnerable to threats from radical terrorists. He has created chaos in the Middle East and given a green light to Iran and it’s nuclear ambitions. Yesterday we experienced a terrorist attack in California. the President used the attack to target “gun violence and gun legislation.”

This morning the media is filled with headlines that sum up the idiocy that governs those we have put in charge in our nation. Obama and his administration…godless creatures that rule the day and show the way toward the loss of our freedoms and strengths once again tried to shame Americans about guns and Bibles…and cautioned us to be careful and not too quick to judge.

Huge headlines in one NY publication today mocked the Christian prayers that were offered in the aftermath of the terror attack in San Bernardino yesterday. Comments were specifically pointed toward the Republican presidential contenders who offered prayerful messages to the victims and their families.

Democrat politicians, on the other hand, were quick to lobby the public on behalf of one of their pet projects, gun control legislation. The messages appeared scripted as one after another they satisfied the narrative expected by the nodding heads in the media covering them.

The network talking heads this morning dutifully played dumb…what could possibly have motivated this “couple” to go on a shooting rampage?”

How ugly, and how dumb, are the unthinking, godless creatures who see themselves as possessing superior knowledge and intellect…and how in hell have we managed to allow them so much power in this once great nation?

What do we know this morning? The man was a “devout Muslsim”. He recently traveled to the Middle East and came home with a bride and a beard. The house they were living in was frequented by groups of Muslim men at all hours of the night, as observed by a neighbor too worried about being targeted as racist to report it. The house, it turns out, was a bomb making enclave.

Over at PJ Media several headlines reflect my own mood: “From Paris to San Berdoo, Obama’s War on Western Civ Continues,” “It’s Not the Guns, It’s the Evil,” “U.S. Program to Stop Human Smuggling of Terrorists Left Neglected,””Obama: ‘Possible’ That San Bernardino Massacre ‘Terrorist-Related’ – Says attack could also be ‘workplace-related’ or ‘mixed motives.'”

It’s been seven years since we elected this man and given him the power to affect the institutions of government. He’s performed like a leftists on steroids much more dangerous than others of the past fifty to seventy years. The way has been paved for our destruction.

We had better come out of the politically correct, drug addled, socialist nirvana fog soon or our fate will be sealed. Luckily, Obama’s days are numbered. The question is, are ours?

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23 Responses to Murder in the Free World – America Leads the Way to Destruction

    • Tina says:

      I have a few things to say to the hypocritical weenies on the left who talk real big when they want to destroy the Second Amendment and paint the GOP as somehow culpable for the evils in our nation and the world. Dirty game players! Cowards!

      Let me remind them (and you) what a leader in a moment of crisis looks and sounds like:

      Leadershp GOP Style, including prayers!

      Next take a look at what a leader looks and sounds like when he show clarity of purpose and Leadership/watch?v=_CSPbzitPL8″>resolve to the nation.

      Please notice the prominent Democrats bowing their heads in prayer and singing “God Bless America” after 911. Notice too, how they clapped when Hastert said they (we) would all stand together. Notice Tom Daschhle (D) talking about “speaking with one voice” and “giving full support” behind the President and to defeat the terrorists.

      A few quotes that show good leadership…and weenie weasles:

      The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom. –Rudolph W. Giuliani. December 31, 2001.

      “Remember the hours after September 11th when we came together as one to answer the attack against our homeland. We drew strength when our firefighters ran upstairs and risked their lives so that others might live; when rescuers rushed into smoke and fire at the Pentagon; when the men and women of Flight 93 sacrificed themselves to save our nation’s Capitol; when flags were hanging from front porches all across America, and strangers became friends. It was the worst day we have ever seen, but it brought out the best in all of us.” –Sen. John Kerry

      “The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America. And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice. We will not give in to terrorists; We will not rest until they are found and defeated; We will win this struggle, not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace; So help us God.” ― Tom Harkin (D. Iowa)

      It took only a year and the DemonRATS were ready to abandon ship:

      Richard Gephardt: “I never felt it was inevitable that we had to go to war.”

      John Kerry: President George W. Bush wrongly “rushed into battle.”

      George Soros: “the war on terrorism cannot be won by waging war. … Crime requires police work, not military action.”

      A reminder of the reasons we should have the same clarity and resolve today that we had following 911…it’s been missing at the head for seven years and was undermined before that for seven years by the progressive left. And we have allowed ourselves to be silenced by the deceitful rot of political correctness.

      No more!

    • Tina says:

      They just make it up as they go along. Obama’s comment on American violence proves how morally vacant and ideologically driven he is. From the link at the bottom:

      The French have witnessed three mass public shootings this year. January saw two attacks, one on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and another on a Paris supermarket.

      In the November attacks, 129 people were killed and 352 were injured. In just 2015, France suffered more casualties – killings and injuries – from mass public shootings than the U.S. has suffered during Obama’s entire presidency (508 to 424). This number includes the San Bernandino massacre on Wednesday.

      The President and his anti-gun pals need to explain once and for all why it is that most of the murder going on in America are in the places where there are very strict gun control laws. Then he needs to shut up about gun violence unless he’s willing to hang that placard around the necks of those responsible.

  1. Chris says:

    What exactly did Obama say that makes you think he was “shaming” people who pray? My understanding is that he has offered prayers to victims of mass shootings before, so that seems unlike him.

    It also strikes me as odd to characterize someone who speaks often of his Christian faith, who has fought to uphold the National Day of Prayer, and who regularly attends the yearly prayer breakfast as “godless.”

    • Tina says:

      The guns and Bible wording was reminiscent of Obama’s remarks on the campaign trail in 2008 in Pennsylvania: “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

      In case you think I’m the only one who thinks this remark arrogant and bigoted, Hillary’s response: ““Pennsylvanians don’t need a president who looks down on them, they need a president who stands up for them, who fights for them, who works hard for your futures, your jobs, your families.”

      She was right. He was wrong then and he’s the wrong man for the job now. As is she and all of the other weenie Democrats.

      • Chris says:

        You must have misunderstood my question:

        What did Obama say in the aftermath of this shooting that makes you think he was shaming religious people?

        As a reminder, this is what you said:

        “Obama and his administration…godless creatures that rule the day and show the way toward the loss of our freedoms and strengths once again tried to shame Americans about guns and Bibles…”

        I was curious to see if you could support this statement. I’m well aware of the “bitter clingers” remarks; they don’t support your statement either, since one can certainly criticize somereligious people without being “godless.”

        • Tina says:

          Perhaps my ears are just a bit more sensitive than yours.

          The President made gun legislation a moral issue in his remarks, covertly setting it up that any opposition is shameful:

          “We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” he said in an interview with CBS. (Shame on you America, especially those extremist right-wing Christian and NRA members who oppose more gun laws. Also the remark is not true)

          Obama said Americans should never think mass shootings are “normal” and offered legislative changes to “improve the odds” against future shootings. (As if Americans DO think mass shootings are “normal”…more veiled shaming)

          “Obama said Americans should come together ‘on a bipartisan basis on every level of government to make these rare as opposed to normal.'” (Shame on you if you’re of the opposition and don’t agree that more gun laws will make these incidents “rare” and seem less “normal”)

          Here’s an interesting wrinkle that shows the ineptitude of government bureaucracies and the futility of symbolic laws. The Prez said:

          “Common sense gun safety laws (We already have them), stronger background checks (see below), and for those who are concerned about terrorism, some may be aware of the fact that we have a no-fly list where people can’t get on planes but those same people who we don’t allow to fly can go into a store right now in the United States and buy a firearm and there’s nothing we can do to stop them,” he said. “That’s a law that needs to change.” (This is rhetoric meant to make him sound considerate of gun owner and right wing concerns. But the no-fly list hasn’t worked to stop gun purchases by terror suspects simply because “common sense” cannot be applied. (Also changing this law has never been proposed in gun law proposals…why now?) CNS News:

          From March 2009 through February 2010, according to prepared congressional testimony from Eileen Larence, the Government Accountability Office’s director of homeland security and justice issues, 272 National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks turned up individuals on the terrorist watch list. All but one was for a firearms purchase. The other was for explosives.

          “One of the 272 transactions involved an explosives background check, which was allowed to proceed because the check revealed no disqualifying factors under the Safe Explosives Act,” Larence testified.

          Of the 271 firearms-background checks that revealed the prospective gun purchaser was on the terrorist watch list, only 22 resulted in the would-be purchaser being denied a gun. The other 249 transactions were allowed to proceed.

          Some of the watch-listed terrorists allowed to buy guns were on the no-fly list. “According to FBI officials, several of the 272 background checks resulted in matches to watch list records that—in addition to being in the FBI’s Known or Suspected Terrorist File—were on the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list,” Larence testified. “In general, persons on the no-fly list are deemed to be a threat to civil aviation or national security and therefore should be precluded from boarding an aircraft. According to FBI officials, all of these transactions were allowed to proceed because the background checks revealed no prohibiting information under current law.”

          Obviously common sense doesn’t apply when the laws we have are implemented. It’s insane that someone our government deems eligible for the no-fly- list is allowed to purchase guns and explosives. Why has the left not proposed changes to this law?

          The left has tried to shame the right, Christians, and the NRA, covertly blaming them for these non-“rare” events (A lie) since the first school shooting. The have been quite verbal in their disdain for gun owners, the NRA, and the Christian right. As I said, perhaps my ears are just more sensitive than yours.

          Dumb as a box of rocks Barbara Boxer said after the attacks in San Bernardino: “Sensible gun laws work. We’ve proven it in California.”

          Say what? Where does she think San Bernardino is…Alaska?

          Harry Reid has said referring to the NRA, “But now, its leadership and organization have transformed into the quasi-militant wing of the Republican Party.”

          The term militant: combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods: “a militant nationalist”

          Hillary’s support group,

          The National Rifle Association needs to be listed as a Terrorist organization for their promotion of guns and that gun violence is the only way to solve the nations problems.

          These remarks are not even vaguely correct or rational.

          Show me one instance where NRA members, or Christians, have behaved in such fashion or deserve this label. There are many left wing groups who are presently displaying violence and militancy and they are heralded as fine Americans exercising their rights.

          Concerns expressed on the right by Christians, gun owners, and just concerned citizens about Islamic radicals are based in reality, current events, and government collected information and data. It’s completely rational to express such concerns. Being hypocrites, the left, including the President, attempt to shame these people as Islamophobic people who would harm Muslims generally. That is not only a false message it is a message that makes Muslims believe they are in more danger of backlash than they are (And vote Democrat of course)

          I’m sick of the games, I’m sick of the covert veiled messages, I’m sick of the hypocrisy, I’m sick of the lies, and I’m sick of a president and party that is always attempting to divide Americans and pit them against each other.

          • Chris says:

            “As I said, perhaps my ears are just more sensitive than yours.”

            No, you’re straight up hearing things.

            I specifically asked where Obama shamed Americans about prayer or Bibles…which was your original claim. You didn’t provide one single statement where Obama mentioned anything relating to prayer or Bibles.

            Maybe you’re just too sensitive when you think you’re being criticized. (At the same time, you close your ears and go “lalalala!” when a group you don’t particularly like is attacked.) Your selective hearing really is a talent.

      • Chris says:

        You must have misunderstood my question:

        What did Obama say in the aftermath of this shooting that makes you think he was shaming religious people?

        As a reminder, this is what you said:

        “Obama and his administration…godless creatures that rule the day and show the way toward the loss of our freedoms and strengths once again tried to shame Americans about guns and Bibles…”

        I was curious to see if you could support this statement. I’m well aware of the “bitter clingers” remarks; they don’t support your statement either, since one can certainly criticize somereligious people without being “godless.”

  2. bob says:

    I think the image below pretty much sums up where Obammie is on protecting America, don’t you?

  3. J. Soden says:

    To the PC weenies: I am not now, nor do I ever plan to be what is currently known as “politically correct.” I believe that that the PC BS has contributed significantly to the decline in values and the current chaos on college/university campuses and stagnation in DC. Those who don’t like my position can go pound sand!
    Individualism is what has kept America strong – not just being members of a herd.

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