Review: The Presidents Oval Office Address

presidential-sealSubmitted by Harold

Obama’s speech was for the most a Liberal PC pep rally, not much new was covered, but it might help his true believers feel a bit more comfortable, at least prior to any thing happening to them.

To add to J.Soden’s comment, Obama should also be on a ‘NO LIE’ list as well.

First, He seems hell bent with his apparent desire to criminalize semi -auto weapons by falsely morphing them into assault weapon, well folks they ain’t assault rifles any more than a semi truck is a Abrams tank, once more as reported many times here.

Assault weapons are fully automatic military issue, and not legally owned by the general public without special licenses. And that license is harder to obtain, than sneaking a jihadist terrorist past Obama’s refugee program.

Second thing that struck me was Obama’s reluctance to acknowledge San Bernardino as a terrorist act, and his use of ISIL,(one of the 3 or 4 names currently used to describe these murdering terrorist). Some of whom are already here in the US, as evidence by the recent mass murders ISIS is taking credit for in San Bernardino, maybe even some in his administration, if reports of no fly people are correct.

It all just fortifies the evidence of his administrations failed vetting process.

ISIS it seems is a negative to Obama, as it referrers to the Syrian and Iraqi caliphate he help create.

Just to help clarify the Obama PC name spin;

“The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham or simply Islamic State (IS) it is a extremist jihadist militant group dependent on terrorism. It is led by and mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria. As of N015, it has control over territory in Iraq and Syria with an estimated population of 2.8 million to 5.3 million people.. The group also operates or has affiliates in other parts of the world, including North Africa and South Asia, and at this point lets include America.

The group is known in Arabic as ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī ‘l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām, leading to the acronym Da’ish or Daesh” and now referred to DASH in America.

Third and last, As to his plan of bomb all day and night, well you never know if your effective without good intelligence on the ground, and he stating his not willing to commit field personnel to do so came across as just more Political theater.
In the end, it will prove to be just another waste of resources, as proven in the 60’s with Vietnam, but then he was most likely a self- medicating activist during the Vietnam carpet bombing period and not fully aware it was not working to destroy the enemy.

So it was business as usual to watch him dance and distance himself once more from all that he has and his actions (or lack of) have and will continue to create.

I was not impressed.

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8 Responses to Review: The Presidents Oval Office Address

  1. Peggy says:

    Obama LIED AGAIN last night. We all know he hasn’t cared enough about this country’s security to attend even half of the security intelligence briefings and yet he stood before Americans last night and acted like we were stupid enough to believe anything he says.

    Obama Lies About Intelligence Briefings in Speech to Nation:
    “President Barack Obama tried to reassure the American people from the Oval Office on Sunday evening that he takes the threat of terrorism seriously: “For seven years, I’ve confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing.” However, as the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has shown, Obama skips more than half of his daily intelligence briefings.”

  2. J. Soden says:

    Ditdn’t watch it, but listened in the other room while reading the remarks on Twitter. Some were downright hilarious, and others extremely angry at da prez’s lecture to voters. A total waste of time – the football game would’ve been much better – or even 15 straight minutes of commercials!

    The prezidential seal on the front of the podium needs to be removed and exchanged for a sign reading “LIAR.” The poor eagle on the seal is hiding his head in shame.

    And am sure Valerie Jarret is so proud that her ventriloquist dummy made it to prime time TV . . . . .

    • Tina says:

      I didn’t watch either which is why I posted this review by Harold…good job, BYW, it took a strong constitution.

      I put the Seal of the President up on the review to remind us all that the office is tasked with the serious business of our nation. I also couldn’t stand to look at another picture of this man. I should have chosen the shot of the oval office…empty of all humans…Obama’s been basically AWOL in his duty to defend our nation.

  3. Dewey says:

    If I was Obama the last thing would do is tell the right wing news media anything. Furthermore he again called on Congress to do their job. He is just using the power within the GW war powers bill.

    In the end it is all a lie. We armed them. We started this. and the banks and business is funding them. never ending war where profits are made. Next up Demolish democracy for corporate rule and all politicians includung Obama support that through TPP.

    WTO is threatening sanctions against USA….over meat labels….We lost our sovernighty we will loose everything with any of these bought out tools

  4. Tina says:

    The Germans and Japanese figured the American people were pushovers too.

    • Dewey says:

      Congress has to do their job. Bottom Line. PBO has called on them several times and all you guys want to talk about is abortion, removing healthcare, and defending social safety nets while giving tax cuts to the Oligarchy running the country.

      I find the Koch bros paranoid crazy fascists myself.

      Have you ever told congress to do their job? They have block every attempt to fund this war and even debate it.

      Do not complain then that is how the Constitution has things set up. Only Congress can Declare War.

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