Democrat Party Needs a Handout for Their Convention – Will Taxpayers Have to “Pony Up”

handoutPosted by Tina

Who! Looks like the Democrat Party is broke and begging for a taxpayer handout. Gateway pundit quotes the Washington Examiner:

Already struggling with finances, the Democratic Party has drafted a plan to have taxpayers help pay about $20 million for next summer’s nominating convention, reversing a change Congress approved just a year ago.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is also a congresswoman from Florida, has drafted a bill to restore money that both parties used to receive from the federal government to help defray the costs of running their quadrennial conventions.

Little Debbie goes begging. Is it possible that the Democrats are in this much trouble? Does anyone know how the Republicans are doing? Does anyone want the taxpayers to fund party conventions?

This taxpayer doesn’t.

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19 Responses to Democrat Party Needs a Handout for Their Convention – Will Taxpayers Have to “Pony Up”

  1. J. Soden says:

    Gee, I wonder what happened to all the $$ from Obumble and his myriad campaign fundraising junkets all over the country on air farce one at taxpayer expen$e

    If $hrilLIARy doesn’t get indicted, why do the Demwits need a convention at all other than an excuse to party while someone else picks up the bill?

    • Dewey says:

      Sorry but that is junk. Ya see Building 7 fall? Just like a controlled demolition. Nothing hit it. Someone did see walls of computers just start burning.But one day after Rumsfield admits Trillions of dollars missing from Pentagon the records are demolished in New York.

      Bldg 7 :
      Mayor Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management, and its emergency command center on the 23rd floor. This floor received 15 million dollars worth of renovations, including independent and secure air and water supplies, and bullet and bomb resistant windows designed to withstand 200 MPH winds. Funny they were operating from somewhere else that day.

      Contained field offices of the SEC, FBI, CIA, NSA among others, where tons of information on corporate fraud that could, collectively, have constituted manifold ‘Enrons’ that would’ve put many, many individuals away.

      Do I have the answers no? But there are very serious flaws in the Gov story and too many coincidences. One has to stay away from conspiracy theories but also recognize These high stakes gangsters who run our banks, Military Complex, and gov are not innocent white collar guys. Open minds as History will unfold. We know Oswald was not a loan wolf but a patsy, this will unfold as decades go on.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    If the Democratic party cannot afford their convention, they should downsize their plans and rent a high school auditorium.

  3. Dewey says:

    I do not know what Shultz is up to but With all these donors buying out the system you really think either party is broke? You have to know when you see propaganda. The Examiner is a conservative rag here.

    Probably a scam. She is a bought out shrill for their donors and from what I hear Democrats want her out. So what ever she is up no one is broke. Elections are a 24/7 all year every year media business where constant profits are made.

    DWS is just a corrupt politician. Time to cean out the corrupt from both parties. The Dems may eventually get her out as they will tell ya she is corrupt.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Excellent demonstration!

    This whole “issue” was covered in a PBS show. I think it was on Nova and will see if it can be found for online viewing.

    Nevertheless, nut cases will always be looking for a conspiracy (see Dewey’s hilarious oxymoronic decree). He would be sad if he were not so funny.

    Footage that kills the conspiracy theories: Unseen 9/11 footage shows WTC Building 7 consumed by fire

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Another HTML link tag badly done.

      To see the article “Footage that kills the conspiracy theories: Unseen 9/11 footage shows WTC Building 7 consumed by fire” go to —

    • Peggy says:

      I’ll bet Dewey doesn’t believe we put a man on the moon either and if he saw a kid drowning in front of him he’d say it didn’t happen either. Some people choose to live in their own world instead of the real world. Waste of time dealing with them.

      Note to Tina, I’ve tried like six times to post an article about Miss Debbie’s request for the $20 million dollars for her DNC convention from the Washington Times, but it won’t post for some reason.

      She actually want $40 million. $20 million for each party so she can hide the fact that the DNC is the only one that really needs it. The article also give a break down of each party’s cash on hand. The RNC has over $20 while the DNC has just a couple. Typical spending habit for the left believing the taxpayers will just bail them out again and again…

      • Dewey says:

        OMG Peggy My dad is a PHD Nuclear Scientist and quite frankly I watched the Moon landing and got a complete education on it at a very early age. You folks live in a Bubble.

        He also was an Engineer in Aero…… I think I have some very good education as well.

      • Tina says:

        I don’t think Debbie can get the $20 for the Dems unless the Reps agree to take $20…hence the begging. The idea probably went over like a dead balloon and they had the story pulled…it is a bit embarrassing, especially since their record on managing the peoples money is so abysmal.

        Where was the article…what publication?

        • Peggy says:

          It’s in the Washington Times. I just tried posting the link again and it failed again.

          Google “DNC Debbie $20 million Washington Times” It should take you there. I hope. Don’t understand why it won’t post.

          • Tina says:

            Peggy let’s try again:

            Washington Times

            If that doesn’t work, I got there by going to The Federalist Papers and following their link. Try that.

            I gotta run…back later.

          • Peggy says:

            That’s the one. This is the paragraph I found interesting.

            “The DNC is facing tough financial circumstances. The latest report shows it had just $4.7 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 31, less than the $6.9 million in debts the committee reported. By contrast, the Republican National Committee reported $20.4 million in cash, offset by $1.9 million in debts.”

  5. Dewey says:

    BTW Debbie corporatist Shultz who cares about her and her corrupt practices which are the same as the GOP

    get the money out of Politics and the wall street corporate media can bite me

  6. Tina says:

    After being challenge I thought I’d google a bit. Seems the party has been broke for some time, in several states as well as at the national level. The troubles go back to the last election (at least) when Obama raised money for his own super-pac but failed to raise much for the party. The party ended up deeply in debt with creditors nipping at their heels. There are worries that Hillary will operate in the same way and the party, as they’ve known it, will come to an end. See September 2013, Frontpage Magazine.

    Of course that was post election and things could be different now but if Debbie’s beggin…

  7. Tina says:

    Peggy if that’s still true, or worse, it’s no wonder their begging for dollars for the convention. One article I read said they have a million a month payment on the last convention…bad money managers and self serving presidential candidates have done em in.

    Another article pointed to the destruction Obama has wrought in the party other than the money thing. They lost a lot of seats in Congress and in state houses.

    I keep hoping (and praying) this portends a quiet revolution that will finally get our nation back on a solid footing.

  8. Peggy says:

    This is just more proof of how bad Democrats are at managing money. They have no concept of working/living within a budget when they believe they can just go to the money tap and get more whenever they want.

    The DNC debate tonight should be interesting for the few who see it. The last debate was also on a Saturday night when a major sport event was scheduled. Tonight is the biggest shopping day before Christmas and Saturday is the least watched night of the week to boot and there’s another big football game scheduled for the same time. They really don’t want people watching to see Bernie score points against Hillary.

    Here is my choice for president.

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