Gun Control: Why Does the President Lie About the Pro-Second Amendment Citizens of This Nation?

guns-make-us-less-safePosted by Tina

Why does the President lie to the American people about guns and, covertly, the National Rifle Association (NRA)? Politics, power, and ego. He does not care about crimes that involve guns or the lives of those affected when criminals, gang bangers, and wacho’s murder in cold blood using guns. The president is concerned with personal bragging rights, enhanced government contro,l and the votes he might win for his party. This morning in his weekly remarks President Obama made the following statement:

The gun lobby is loud and well organized in its defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone.

The leader of our nation flat out lied to the people when he made this remark. His statement is outrageously false.

US News: Strong Majority of Americans, NRA Members Back Gun Control, “A poll finds both gun owners and non-gun owners support background checks, other measures.”

Many of these are the citizens that support the ideals of gun rights groups and are in favor of common sense regulations that don’t infringe on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. An attack on our constitutional rights is an attack on us all. If the President is truly interested safety for the American people he will work WITH pro-gun advocates that are in favor of keeping Americans safe as well.

An article written in January of 2013 by someone named Jack Lee offers some background on the NRA organization, the many US citizens that support it, sensible gun laws, and enforcement of gun laws:

The original purpose of the organization was for rifle marksmanship training. However despite this, the NRA is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States. … In 1934, the NRA supported the National Firearms Act, which served to regulate and tax firearms that were considered used by gangsters at the time. They also supported the Gun Control Act of 1968, which expanded on the system to license firearm dealers and prohibit criminals and those with mental impairments from owning firearms. … While African Americans were being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan, where the Klan were sometimes aided by local law enforcement, the NRA setup charters to help train local African American communities to be able protect themselves. The most prominent case being in 1960 in Monroe, N.C. where the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People head Robert Williams also chartered an NRA Rifle Club that successfully defended an assault on one of their leader’s homes by the KKK without casualties. … The NRA supports wildlife conservation through efforts to open lands up to managed hunting. For example, under the Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937, proceeds obtained through a tax on hunting firearms and ammo were used specifically to research and rebuild a vast array of wildlife species and habitats. Today, the NRA continues to seek expansion on these measures. It’s worth noting that the proceeds from taxes and licensing go to support the governmental agencies charged with environmental research and conservation management, as “little funding comes from taxes paid by the general public.” …

The organization offers training programs for civilians as well as law enforcement. The training programs offered are even recognized by law enforcement as acceptable to fulfill the training requirement for concealed carry licenses (CCW). … To date, the organization’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe program has reached over 25 million kids. The main message of the program is to teach kids that should they find a firearm that they should “stop, don’t touch, leave the area, and tell an adult.” Despite the program’s message, gun control advocates (such as the Violence Policy Center) liken the program to the late cigarette mascot “Joe Camel.” … According to a recent Gallup poll, 54% of Americans hold a favorable view of the NRA, while 38% have an unfavorable view. …. The NRA’s current stance on gun control is to enforce existing laws more aggressively. In 2008, in response to the Virgina Tech shooting, the NRA helped to pass the “NICS Improvement Act,” which would provide increased funding and grants to states to report vital information to the National Instant Background Check System (NICS), such as mental health. The NICS is used for background checks of potential gun buyers. Unfortunately, the system has been woefully underfunded (receiving only 5.3% of the authorized funding) and reporting has been lackluster. In addition, the NRA has pointed out that those who lie on their background checks when purchasing firearms are for the most part not prosecuted. In response to this, Vice President Biden claimed that they “don’t have the time” to prosecute such violations, which, by the way, carries a minimum 5 year federal sentence, if convicted under the Gun Control Act of 1968.

(The Jack Lee that authored that article seems to hold in common ideas held by our own Jack Lee. I hope he doesn’t mind the re-posting of excerpts from his article.)

The President should correct his statement. Then he should have an honest discussion with the wise woman who made this ad:

“Gangbangers and drug dealers walk down our hall everyday. My neighbors and I were scared. We called the police. But they can’t keep us safe. Some of us are too afraid to even leave our apartments. But the housing authority told me, if I bought a gun to protect myself, they’d throw me to the streets. If I’m not free because of my address today. What makes you think you’ll be free tomorrow?”

Not only should the President correct the blatant lie that the gun lobby favors, “effortlessly available guns for anyone,” he should hang his head in shame for being a pandering activist, instead of a leader, while holding the office of the presidency.

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19 Responses to Gun Control: Why Does the President Lie About the Pro-Second Amendment Citizens of This Nation?

  1. Chris says:

    “US News: Strong Majority of Americans, NRA Members Back Gun Control, “A poll finds both gun owners and non-gun owners support background checks, other measures.””

    Yes, the majority of NRA members support universal background checks. But the NRA as an organization does not. So Obama’s statement was entirely truthful in this case.

    Your argument is similar to rebutting a critique of the Catholic Church’s opposition to contraception by bringing up the fact that the majority of Catholics support and use birth control. The critique is about the leadership, not the laity.

  2. Chris says:

    And I’m sorry, but putting Obama in a line-up of famous dictators for supporting gun control is completely stupid, and immediately taints your argument as unserious.

    Why not put his face in a line-up with other Western leaders whose countries don’t allow private gun ownership? Because Tony Abbot and Angela Merkel aren’t as scary as Hitler, that’s why. It’s a scare tactic, it’s an irrational emotional appeal, and it’s intentionally misleading because it ignores the fact that most world leaders with Obama’s views on guns are nothing like these historical monsters. In short, it’s stupid, and meant to appeal to people who are completely ignorant about gun control around the world.

    (And yes, liberals who oppose all private gun ownership often use similar irrational scare tactics to serve their agendas too. That doesn’t make it OK.)

  3. Dewster says:

    I am sorry but that was so silly……… You fail to realize the level to which he was speaking.

    The NRA Lobbyists…. the one’s who control the politicians will not allow any sensible law that all people agree with. He did not lie. You really do not understand how things really work.
    There are real issues I fight him on, why waste all this time hating a guy who is on his way out?

    We are running out of time for Obama gonna git your gun….. when exactly does that happen?

    • Tina says:

      Ludicrous, “the level to which he was speaking?”

      I don’t know what “level” it takes to say something so erroneous as the President said, but I do know these words shouldn’t come from the mouth of the leader of this nation. These are the words of an activist doing politics and nothing more. These are the words of a purposeful fabricator appealing to the unnengaged and ignorant!

      Perhaps that’s the “level” to which you believe he stoops?

      Obama is the face of the radicalized Democrat Party. It is the party and the radical ideas they hold that must be defeated.

      Nice try Dewey, but it isn’t hate.

      It is resolve that translates into words and action.

      It would be so much easier for you if we at PS would just shut up and go away…too bad, we have no intentions of going away.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re The Useful Idiot Hater Obama Suck Up Liar Dewey : “There are real issues I fight him [Obama] on.”

      Name one and give some evidence.

      • Tina says:

        Great challenge! I missed this one more than once, which is why I value you and the other posters here. We need every possible perspective if we are going to defeat “the enemy,” quote BHO.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    I’m sorry, but why doesn’t Chris go pound sand with his stupid scorn? It did not take him more than a day to start pissing on Post Scripts with his infantile and idiotic harangues. My 2016 prediction for Chris was way too easy.

    Off Topic —

    Anthony Watts scored a big hit today with a link on Drudge to his blog post —
    24 days to Al Gore’s ’10 years to save the planet’ and ‘point of no return’ planetary emergency deadline

    Way to start off the new year Anthony! In 2015 his is still the most visited climate blog (WUWT Year in review for 2015), 42 million views!

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    The president lies because he is, like most Democrats, a serial liar.

  6. Tina says:

    “…the majority of NRA members support universal background checks. But the NRA as an organization does not.”


    NRA opposes expanding background check systems at the federal or state level. Studies by the federal government show that people sent to state prison because of gun crimes typically get guns through theft, on the black market, or from family members or friends, and nearly half of illegally trafficked firearms originate with straw purchasers—people who can pass background checks, who buy guns for criminals on the sly. No amount of background checks can stop these criminals.

    NRA also opposes gun registration. Expanding background check systems and allowing records to be kept on people who pass background checks to acquire guns would be steps toward transforming NICS into the national gun registry that gun control supporters have wanted for more than a hundred years.

    It’s interesting to note that gun control proponents were originally against the background checks program, according to this site.

    Now the words you used, “universal background checks,” may bring up a different result in a search but this has little to explain the Presidents statement: “The gun lobby is loud and well organized in its defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone.

    “Effortlessly available” And, “for anyone?” That doesn’t come anywhere close to the truth.

    In 2013 the NRA was poised to push back on universal background checks.

    In March 2015, NRA-ILA:

    Anti-gun U.S. Representatives Peter King (R-N.Y.) and Mike Thompson (D-Calif.), have introduced new “universal” background check legislation in the form of H.R. 1217. This legislation is similar to the failed Obama and Bloomberg-backed legislation from last congress that attempted to create a “universal” background check system that would criminalize the private transfer of a firearm between life-long friends and even family members.

    The NRA opposes this legislation because it does not address the real problems of fixing the broken mental health system and prosecuting criminals. Further, criminals will never submit to such a system so it will never truly be “universal” – and according to a recent Justice Department research paper the only way to enforce “universal background checks” is to create a national registry of gun owners.

    Mmmm…might want to rethink your position about Obama lying to the people and you might want to check with the horses mouth next time.

    “putting Obama in a line-up of famous dictators for supporting gun control is completely stupid, and immediately taints your argument as unserious.”

    Really? I might agree were it Ronald Reagan or even Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton.

    But Obama is a completely different animal. He stated outright that he wanted to fundamentally transform America and that our Constitution is too limiting in terms of “rights” and the ability to redistribute wealth. These are statements that reflect his Marxist roots. His background is of being mentored by known communists, at least one of them, Frank Marshall Davis, card carrying. He said that he sought out such people and chose his friends carefully when he was in college.

    Gun control is part and parcel of controlling ideology. I think the comparison fits based on Obama’s record of preferring a controlling brand of centralized government.

    “Tony Abbot and Angela Merkel aren’t as scary as Hitler ”

    True…they also have no power in this country why would anyone bother?

    “It’s a scare tactic, it’s an irrational emotional appeal, and it’s intentionally misleading because it ignores the fact that most world leaders with Obama’s views on guns are nothing like these historical monsters.”

    Sure they are. They all believe in big government and centralized control. They believe in redistribution, the concept, as Libby described it, of everyone “putting into the pot” that then gets shared. Their citizens have no Bill of Rights. Their governments are not based in a Constitution that places power with the people. Freedom is not a fundamental concept…in socialist nations the state comes first.

    The image is not a joke. Your saying that it is demonstrates a lack of understanding about the value of your rights as an American citizen and the brilliance of those who conceived of our Constitution.

    The poster provides a contrast of ideals, and that’s the point. If it were a joke the Presidents, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton, would not be on the poster and the words, “These men support your right to bear arms” and the follow up question,”who do you trust?” wouldn’t either. The founders specifically made “keeping” and “bearing” arms an individual right that “shall not be infringed. Obama, does intend to infringe on those rights, a stance shared by the other (communist) world leaders featured next to him.

    This is not intended as a “scare tatic.” I take the rights granted us in the Constitution very seriously AND I take the negatives of socialism and Marxism, and Nazism very seriously.

    One thing that always strikes me as indicative of the American radical left is the dictators and communist leaders they snuggle up to: Castro, Che Guevara, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and others.

    References of interest:

    Patriot Post: “Not only is there little distinction between Soviet and German socialist systems of the 20th century, but there is no consequential distinction between Marxist Socialism, Nationalist Socialism, or the most recent incarnation of this beast, Democratic Socialism. The objective of socialism by any name, is to replace Rule of Law with the rule of men, and the terminus of this transformation is tyranny.”

    Daily Caller

    Freedom Outpost

    Discover the Networks

    Today’s radical socialists have decided they don’t need violent revolution to achieve their ends and they have eschewed the position Marx had to arm the “proletariat”:

    “The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must … organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff. … [The aim is] that the bourgeois democratic Government not only immediately loses all backing among the workers, but from the commencement finds itself under the supervision and threats of authorities behind whom stands the entire mass of the working class. …As soon as the new Government is established they will commence to fight the workers. In order that this party (i.e., the democrats) whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat.” – Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850)

    They seek to disarm as a means of transforming America from within. Disarming stubborn freedom lovers will help them achieve their ends “peacefully.” They still want centralized control and redistribution and freedom “consigned to the ash heap of history.”

    I seriously stand opposed!

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re Tina : “Effortlessly available” And, “for anyone?” That doesn’t come anywhere close to the truth.

      This is all part and parcel of the Marxist-Socialist Code — The “truth” is whatever Chris chooses to be “truth” even when he is a playing the useful idiot liar and obscuring the truth.

      Chris’ response to Obama’s latest politically motivated gun grab lies is almost as funny as the hippy-dippy cosmic convergence welcoming crowd in the film “Mars Attacks.”

  7. J. Soden says:

    Obumble wanted everyone to talk about gun control around the Thanksgiving table. They did, and decided they needed to be armed against a bunch of goofernment clowns so gun sales went through the roof!
    If da prez’s argument that fewer guns means more “safety,” he should really ask his Secret Service bodyguards to disarm first . . . .
    And NOWHERE is there any evidence that criminals or terrorists will obey ANY laws!

    • Tina says:

      You got it J, laws are not designed to stop criminals or terrorists. Both are determined to do harm, for their own gain, whatever it takes. Laws are designed for prosecution after the fact. Some laws might act as a deterrent IF they are strongly prosecuted. That hasn’t happened much in this country since the fifties/sixties when bleeding heart liberals started making criminals into the victims, worthy of tolerance and understanding.(Drove Dirty Harry nuts!!)

  8. Chris says:

    The gun show loophole does ensure that guns are effortlessly available to anyone. This is how the Columbine shooters obtained most of their guns. The NRA not only opposes closing this loophole–they often ludicrously deny that the loophole even exists.

    Criminals buying guns is obviously already illegal, but without background checks at gun shows, the law is unenforceable; anyone can buy a gun at a gun show without a background check.

    Therefore, Obama’s statement was accurate. The NRA leadership may have convinced themselves that they don’t want anyone to effortlessly be able to obtain a gun, but that is the clear and obvious effect of their policies.

    Tina, quoting Patriot Post:

    ““Not only is there little distinction between Soviet and German socialist systems of the 20th century, but there is no consequential distinction between Marxist Socialism, Nationalist Socialism, or the most recent incarnation of this beast, Democratic Socialism.”

    This argument is garbage.

    There’s “no consequential distinction” between democratic socialism–the political philosophy of George Orwell–and Communism, the system that Orwell spent his entire lifetime fighting? (This, from a political party that loves to quote Orwell [even as they have no idea where he stood on basically any issue]?)

    There’s “no consequential distinction” between National Socialism–Nazism–and the ideology of the Jewish Bernie Sanders?

    There’s “no consequential distinction” between Germany in 1939 and Germany in 2015? That’s what the above paragraph means. That’s not how most of the target audience will read it, because the writer’s target audience isn’t very good at thinking through implications. But that’s what it means.

    This is pure idiocy, designed for people who cannot make distinctions, and for whom real world politics is too hard and complicated. I can’t imagine the lack of imagination that provokes someone to make such absurd, reductive black and white arguments that basically paint every nation and political party to the right of American Republicans as basically no different from Hitler. THAT’S the kind of mind that produces memes such as the “Obama is just like Hitler for favoring gun control!” one in the article. It’s trash, it’s worthy only of mockery, and it’s beneath any attempt at adult conversation.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    • Tina says:

      Two points:

      Volence Policy Center:

      Robyn Anderson, a friend of Klebold and Harris, bought the shotguns and the Hi-Point 9mm Carbine at The Tanner Gun Show in December of 1998 from unlicensed sellers. Because Anderson purchased the guns for someone else, the transition constituted an illegal “straw purchase.” Klebold and Harris bought the TEC-DC9 from a pizza shop employee named Mark Manes, who knew they were too young to purchase the assault pistol, but nevertheless sold it to them for $500.

      to my knowledge neither of the sellers were prosecuted or fined. Why not?

      Point two: It doesn’t surprise me that the “target audience ” would read this with such shallow understanding…they are unwilling to dig deeply into the background and influences of the people they support…nor are you

  9. Libby says:

    You got more to worry about than the Prez. The nation’s medical establishment has seemingly decided to take on the NRA for obstructing in Congress re the public health aspects of gun violence. Gonna get that NRA-written law preventing the CDC from making researches into the mess overturned!

  10. Libby says:


    Do you actually go to bed wondering if this is the night the criminals and terrorists bust down your door?

    People who live like that POSITIVELY should not have guns. They are a danger to their neighbors.

  11. dewster says:

    ” The gun lobby is loud and well organized in its defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone.”

    The leader of our nation flat out lied to the people when he made this remark. His statement is outrageously false.


    That is not a lie Tina. What we have here is a failure to comprehend.

    NRA Members are not the “Gun Lobby” and yes many members are for background checks that is the point.

    The Lobbyists hired by the NRA that have blocked any sensible bill & are paid millions. They work for the profits of gun manufactures not the members. The members just help pay for the lobbyists.

    You have this idea on how things work that is a fairy tale. Sorry but this whole deal is ridiculous and embarrasses Americans to the world (who rightfully makes fun of our crazy RW).

    The truth is:
    ” The gun lobby is loud and well organized in its defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone.”

    When people start holding their politicians accountable for their votes in congress by not re-electing them our voices will be heard. Politicians say one thing to you and another to their donors. That is how it works.

    It’s all about money and the corporations who run the congress. The NRA has blocked a nomination for the ATF as well. PBO needs to just go ahead and nominate again maybe when they block it again the media will actually report it.

    NRA playing the sheeple like a well tuned piano.

    But hey donate to Ted Cruz cause “Obama gonna git yer Gun”

    And please let us know when that is going to happen so we can hide ours…

    What was in the action that upsets you so as a Californian? What changed for you that is limiting your gun ownership?

  12. Harold says:

    I have enjoyed reading articles written by Mr. Korwin, here’s one of his latest on Obamas (anti) Gun plans

    Obama’s Gun Speech Sprinkled With Inaccuracies, Distortions
    Alan Korwin | Jan 05, 2016

    Here are the highlights from the president’s plans on new gun controls. It is obvious he is limited in what he can do without Congress. His packed house and emotional introduction was brilliantly performed.

    Unfortunately, the president left out most hard details on what he actually plans to have his officials do, so the workings he leaked to Politico on New Years Eve remain unknown, but this has not stopped pundits from speculating wildly. Real details below.

    Politico suggested (but he did not say) gun dealers would be redefined as: anyone selling more than 25 guns in a year, in the original boxes, within a short period from acquisition, and the most dangerous suggestion, if they hold a certain unspecified-size inventory, which could affect huge numbers of Americans with collections. The current definition of a gun dealer, in place for decades, is in CFR §178.11, a regulation (not a statute) which can be changed by administrative procedure without Congress.
    The scariest part of all that is he could change the definition to 25 guns a year, set the precedent, and then reduce it later to a few guns a year, or minimal “inventory” holdings, making everyone an unlicensed dealer.

    Dealers must conduct background checks on all sales, keep scrupulous records under felony penalties for paperwork errors, are subject to unannounced warrantless searches of their homes or premises without any limitations and other conditions.

    The Details As Far As We Know

    Obama said: If you’re in the business of selling guns you have to get a license and conduct background checks.

    The truth: He opened with this, and his audience loved it. This is already law (18 USC §922). It is a felony to be in the business of selling guns without a license, or without conducting background checks. People are prosecuted for doing this all the time. No one present, who had displaced the reporters normally present in the East Room for this sort of presentation, seemed aware of the fact.

    Obama said: He plans to crack down on criminals using trusts to avoid the law.

    The truth: This is completely illegal and he could have been doing this from the day he took office. Reporters need to ask him why he waited so long. The crowd applauded wildly, as they did for his opening proposal.

    Obama said: A recent study showed that 1 in 30 gun buyers from one Internet site were felons and buy guns without a background check.

    The truth: If that’s the case, and authorities have a way to tell (which raises all sorts of questions) — they should be making arrests, end of story. That’s illegal under multiple laws. Why aren’t they? Nothing Obama said indicates a change that will go after these known lawbreakers with tools and laws they already have. Hopefully reporters will grill him on why this isn’t already standard practice — or hasn’t been the entire time he has been in office.

    Legitimate online retailers offer product, conclude transactions, and then make deliveries through physical locations where the buyer must be physically present, go through a background check, and then pick up the merchandise. If the buyer can’t clear the background check, the person is simply set free —

    that’s the loophole authorities refuse to even acknowledge, let along fix.

    They identify felons, mental cases, illegal aliens and other miscreants trying to buy guns, and put them on the street, with their money, trying to buy guns. If they want to get guns “off the streets” that’s how to do it. Instead, they continually seek to get more people to send their names to the FBI, through “expanded” background checks.

    Obama said: The Manchin-Toomey expanded background check law would have solved our main gun problems but was turned down by a stonewalled Congress.

    The truth: The Manchin-Toomey bill was a gun-registration plan, plain and simple. I studied and analyzed the bill, and its main purpose was to create a list of every gun owner in America. Read about it right here. The president was flat out wrong about this. What’s so bad about gun registration? That’s plainly described too, along with the actual language of the bill (which reporters never read, judging from their “news” coverage of it.

    Obama asked: How did this become so partisan?

    The answer: By so many politicians telling us “I support the Second Amendment but…” This is a revealing turn of phrase, a linguistic mechanism similar to a “tell” in poker. “But” statements secretly reveal what a person really thinks, it works with unerring accuracy, try this and see. (Try it on your spouse!) The first half of a “but” statement is what the person really thinks, if you reverse it, and change “but” to “and,” so that the second half reveals the truth. Vocal inflection brings the point home. “I love your dress but the color is all wrong.” This typically means, “I hate your dress and the color is all wrong.” When someone says “I support the Second Amendment but…” they are really saying, “I don’t support the Second Amendment and…”
    Obama said, “I support the Second Amendment but…” twice. He did nothing to enhance the Second Amendment, and did act to constrain it, and praised bills that would have gutted it.

    It also becomes partisan when our leaders tell us they are proposing one law, but then the language of the law says something totally different, like Manchin-Toomey. Or when instead of defending our rights like they have sworn to do, they attack them, like John McCain did.

    Obama said: John McCain’s excellent helpful gun show bill was shot down by an NRA-controlled Congress that cares nothing about our safety or dead children (I’m paraphrasing but I’ve captured the gist).

    The truth: John McCain’s gun show bill would have completely closed down gun shows. When I confronted McCain about this publicly at a Town Hall meeting it became obvious McCain was unaware of what was in his own bill — it was written by others and he was simply sent out to promote it, as if it was a background check bill. I read the bill, as I always do. It would register every gun owner who attended a show, even if they don’t buy anything:

    Then it turned out it was even worse — there would be no way to even run a gun show under its terms — it would close down gun shows completely.

    Obama said: Two out of three gun deaths are suicides, a stunning new stat. It used to be only one out of two.

    This means: 20,000 of the 30,000 gun deaths constantly referred to by anti-rights crusaders are a medical problem, not a crime problem.
    Of the 10,000 deaths remaining, 6,000 we know are blacks murdering each other in ghettos, putting a different complexion on the problem entirely.

    Obama said: We must boost gun-safety technology. If we can have fingerprint access for our cell phone we can surely have that for guns. The audience went wild with applause.
    We can put safety caps on aspirin bottles to protect children we can do something similar to protect kids from guns. Audience loves it! We have an app so we can find an iPad, cause he keeps losing his (yeah, right), so we should have the same thing for finding stolen guns. Audience chuckles its approval.

    This means: Anyone who has ever had their cell phone, car or flashlight battery die knows exactly why guns don’t run on batteries and never should. A gun must work without fail as if your life depends on it, because it does.

    If you ever scraped battery corrosion off a device that has sat unused for a while you know why a battery doesn’t belong inside a gun.

    Adults who have had to ask their kids to help them get the lid off a medicine bottle know what’s wrong with that silly suggestion. And the idea that authorities can identify your gun, or even turn it off at a distance, because it has a locator beacon built in, do I really have to spell that out for you?
    Guns are supposed to work despite authorities, not with their cooperation, that’s the balance of power “prime directive” built into the Second Amendment.

    This man who took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution is doing nothing of the sort. He could be going after criminals and instead he is going after the property that 100 million Americans currently own, that his supporters are scared of, instead of educating people in gun safety and proper use of the most important tool of freedom Americans possess.

    The Other Details
    He plans to make the background checks more efficient, bring them into the 21st century.
    They are already very quick with very high “Proceed” rates and fully digital, by Internet, fax or phone. It’s unclear what he plans to do, and he didn’t say (but it got applause). We must wait and see.

    He plans to hire another 200 BATFE agents. The bureaucracy will of course like this, as government grows. Funding must come from Congress, results unknown. wants to eliminate this rogue agency whose horrific track record of abuse is stunning.

    He wants timely gun theft reports and protection for domestic violence.

    Also popular with the audience, but no details provided, we must wait and see. If reporters tell you they know what this is don’t believe them, no one knows, yet.

    It did seem like the theft reports will apply between manufacturers and stores, something that could have been addressed when he took office.

    He pledged $500 million to improve mental health conditions.

    Of course Congress must approve the funds, not the White House, this remains to be seen. He revealed that two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides, a startling NEW stat.

    The money and effort will be made to get states to submit health records to the feds and end barriers for submitting mental health records to national databanks. The medical community is more reluctant to stigmatize people and add them to government lists for denying constitutional rights than the NRA, and rightfully so. This is a tough hill to climb.

    Wrap Up
    President Obama closed by tearing up, the image I predict will be used, virtually forever, in “news” reports about this event. The clicking of camera shutters at that moment was almost deafening.
    He told us the gun lobby wants guns available to “anybody, anytime,” and we have to stand up to “gun lobby lies.”

    What American must stand up to is Obama lies, many of them clearly outlined in this report.

    The gun lobby and nobody wants guns available to “anybody, anytime,” that’s a bald faced lie.
    Jihadis, no guns. Hardened criminals, no guns. Crazy people, no guns. That’s what the NRA stands for, that’s what Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (a real hard core group) stands for. SAF, GOA, every state gun-rights organization in the nation stands for that. Bad guys, no guns.

    Our president just lied to us on national TV. Manchin-Toomey, McCain’s gun show bill — rights-demolishing oppressive bills sold on lies.

    It’s time for the president to start focusing on criminals, not on the innocent. The one million bad guys he says we’ve found with the background check we already have in place?
    Reporters — ask him about that. Round them up. Send the 200 new agents after them. Or is that a lie too?

    And — when are we going to demand real gun education for children and adults, brought to you by this station and the Ad Council?

    National go-to-the-range-and-practice day? Arm the Army already? How about some excellent new model laws?

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