Hillary’s Legal Problems Expand into New Territory

Posted by Tina

Stories in the news today indicate an expanding legal problem for Hillary Clinton. Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne of FOX, in an exclusive report, indicate that the FBI investigation into Hillary’s emails has grown to include, “the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business.” The information was gathered from three anonymous sources.

Quote from one source:

“The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed.”

These are serious matters. If Hillary was using her office to funnel money to the Clinton foundation in exchange for favored treatment she has betrayed her country for personal gain and deserves to have the book, as they say, thrown at her.

The FOX report also informs that a State Department challenge in court regarding the “Top Secret” classification of two emails failed and is now considered a “settled matter.”

Over the weekend Bob Woodward compared this scandal to Watergate, saying that evidence in the newly released emails show Hillary was “trying to subvert” the rules she expected others to follow. Woodward, as most people know, is one of the journalists (Woodward and Bernstein) that are credited with uncovering and exposing Watergate.

Meanwhile Hillary continues to play dumb and go on the attack. In a Face the Nation interview she continued to say this problem is just another fake controversy and recent polling indicate that Bernie Sanders is gaining significant ground and may win both Iowa and New Hampshire.

In the rumor mill category it’s been suggested that the President has reached out to the fake Indian maiden, Elizabeth Warren, to see if she might step in should Hillary be indicted.

In the predictions category, Art Laffer says Republicans will win 45 to 47 states and that Hillary Clintons days are over.

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5 Responses to Hillary’s Legal Problems Expand into New Territory

  1. Tina says:

    I missed this headline in the above article so will add it here, “Do Voters Think A Candidate Should Quit If Indicted?”

    46% of all likely voters ” a political candidate who is charged with a felony while running for office should immediately stop campaigning” and 47% think just the opposite:

    Fifty-four percent (54%) of Republicans think a candidate charged with a felony should stop campaigning at once, while 41% disagree. Among Democrats, those findings are reversed: Only 40% say the candidate should quit campaigning, but 53% think they should keep running until a court determines their guilt or innocence. Voters not affiliated with either major party are evenly divided.

    The thing is Rasmussen didn’t add Hillary’s name or her legal issues in their questing.

    This may be an indication of the power of the media which has treated Hillary with kid gloves compared to the way they targeted and attacked during the Watergate scandal. No wonder Hillary is playing dumb.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, I heard Bernie Sanders is polling better than Hillary against Trump.

    Next, the far left loons are at it again. They think this investigation into Hillary’s email server is all a GOP put up job. But, to any rational person they know this is in the hands of the FBI and far beyond the reach of any political party.

    The FBI is (IMHO) determined to thoroughly investigate this case. How they proceed is entirely up to them, but obviously they think they have something or they would not have invested so much into the case. They are under no time limit and when its done, its done. Unfortunately this doesn’t stop the loons from blaming republicans and dismissing all the allegations against her before they have a clue what the evidence is.

    I think Hillary is in serious legal trouble and if the AG doesn’t follow through with an indictment when the FBI turns over their case, insiders in the FBI say they will not be happy. They hope AG Lynch will cooperated and do her job, but they are prepared for her if she doesn’t. Their response will be significant, if that happens. The next person to come under investigation could be Loretta Lynch herself. So, we shall see… its all very interesting. I can’t recall another election like this one.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Many of $hrilLIARy’s supporters have no knowledge of her shenanigans over the years and are amazed when someone mentions Whitewater, Cattle Futures, Vince Foster, or thieving when she left the white house.
    Bubba’s predator proclivities are a minor issue in her campaign, but a bigger one is her vicious attacks on all those women who had the courage to come forward – and that’s a legitimate campaign issue. Of course, the $hrilLIARy campaign might just die a natural death should she be indicted, but if Lynch refuses you can bet that there will be leaks all over the place about her illegal activities.
    How nice that $hrilLIARy’s chickens are finally coming home to roost. And she deserves every bit of it.

  4. Harold says:

    Bernie Sanders is who I would favor as Obamas pick to follow his feckless administration, not so much for Obamas support Sanders and his socialist programs to infinity and beyond, but due to Obamas distain for the Clintons.

    Also it would be a safe assumption that a one term Sanders would help improve Obama standings as the worst of the worst to sit in the oval office.

    But then there is the Liberal Democratic party that Obama owes allegiance too, and Obama may well have to do some stonewalling of the FBI reports, and lean a bit more heavily on Chambers to disrupt the sub committee work to preserve the Democratic party chance of nominating Hillary.

    Yes this is defiantly a different election primary to come along in my lifetime, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Do we the people benefit or will it be just shuffling of political types that keep running the country into the ground.

  5. Tina says:

    “…Also it would be a safe assumption that a one term Sanders would help improve Obama standings as the worst of the worst…”

    (smile) Think how relieved Carter is that he lived to see the day Obama got elected!

    In politics anything can happen…and does!

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