Terrorism 2016 – The New Frontier is Here

posted by Tina

The new year is just eleven days old and so far the bad guys appear to be on top in the long Islamic terror war. Terrorists started the year with a bang on New Years Eve (forgive the unfortunate pun) when hundreds of them, working in mobs across Europe, surrounded women to assault and rape them in the name of Allah. This recently minted tactic seems like an in your face challenge to the leadership, and the men, of Europe. Heiko Maas, the federal justice minister in Cologne, stated that the attacks, “had to be coordinated.” An investigation has shown that of 516 cases, 40% were of a sexual nature, including two rapes, and nearly all of the men involved were migrants, the majority confirmed as “recently arrived refugees.”

Lone wolf incidents have continued in Western cities since that New Years mass attack. One terrorist wolf struck in Marseille, according to the AP, when a teenaged boy slashed a Jewish teacher with a machete and confessed plans to also go after the police. The young Turkish Kurd referred to the Islamic State adding, “…the Muslims of France dishonor Islam and the French army protects Jews.”

Another attack in Calgary Canada involved two Muslim men who shot up a bar sending a 38-year-old man to the hospital. The men have been charged with attempted murder and face other charges that include, “…unauthorized possession of a firearm, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm with an altered or defaced serial number.” (So much for gun control) It’s believed many more customers in the bar might have been harmed were it not for the two bouncers who managed to subdue the shooters. Canadian media has avoided linking the names of the accused individuals, Mohamed Elmi, 31, and Mohamed Salad, 29, with their religion. In Canada it could land a journalist in court. (Mark Styne was acquitted in the case against him, by the way)

In Philadelphia another attack occurred on a police officer by a man described as, “a devout, quiet Muslim who became more ‘combative’ after trips to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.” The police are looking into the charge of radical ties. People in the community told police officers on the street that Edward Archer had “an affiliation to a group with radical beliefs.” The group was not named but the informant also warned that the threat isn’t over.

Another rape case in Brooklyn has not been described as a terrorist act but certainly mirrors the Islamic Terrorist mob attacks on New Years Eve in Europe and other mob crimes that have occurred in America. One of the five 20-30 year old attackers had a gun and reportedly told the father of the teen-aged girl to leave. After he fled the young girl was raped by each of the five suspects. The perps fled when the father finally returned with two police officers.

Violence is a terrible way to begin the year but we might as well gt used to it. Apparently that is the plan ISIS has in mind for years to come. The UK Independent reports that a guide to would-be jihadists living in the West has been published online. Thanks to the welcoming arms of our leaders Islamists “living in the West” will continue to increase significantly. The 58-page English-language manual titled, “Safety and Security Guidelines for Lone Wolf Mujahideen,” tells would-be attackers to adopt western ways to avoid suspicion and suggests potential targets. Advice includes trimming their beards, wearing Western-style aftershave, and pretending to be Christian by wearing cross necklaces.

Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Jeff Sessions, chairman of the Senate’s immigration subcommittee, have asked the administratio for the histories of 113 individuals that have been implicated in terror plots since 2014, saying, “…the public has a right to know how each of them entered the U.S. and what level of scrutiny they go.”Given the President has not backed down on plans to flood the nation with 10,000 refuges from Syria their concerns are well founded.

We have a long hard year ahead of us. I hope I’m wrong, but I have no reason to believe President Obama will change course in the fight to defend us from Muslim terrorists or change his position on bringing thousands of potentially dangerous refugees to our shores. Tomorrow he will deliver his final (Thank God!) State of The Union address. An empty chair next to First lady Michelle Obama will represent “the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice.” Will there be an empty chair for the many victims of Islamic gun/bomb violence in America, or for the Christians in the ME that have been particularly targeted in the last year and are being denied refugee status? (See the latest horror here)

In speeches about “gun violence” the President refers to Sandy Hook, Columbine and other mass shooting events and shames Americans for being the “only nation” where these things happen. (A lie) Will the President have the courage and sense of leadership required to address the gun, bomb, and machete/knife violence being perpetrated on Westerners by Militant Islamic Terrorists in his SOTU address? I doubt he will assume an appropriate attitude.

The good news is that the American people will have the opportunity to replace this man in November with someone more attuned to American values and strong enough to lead the world in the eradication of Islamic terrorist slime balls. Hopefully, we will also have the good sense to elect someone that doesn’t “lead” as an activist playing divisive politics.

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14 Responses to Terrorism 2016 – The New Frontier is Here

  1. Libby says:

    Lord, you make me angry, you poster of … misrepresentations of the truth.

    You conflate crime with terror, and they are not synonymous.

    Most of the criminals are from North Africa, not the Middle East.

    And the whole nasty business would seem to have more to do with alienation and unemployment than ideology.

    And you need to get a grip … or adjust your medication … or maybe you truly enjoy wallowing in this stuff, which would make you … in need of professional attention.

  2. Dewster says:

    We need a serious dose of separation of church and state.

  3. Tina says:

    Whooo doggies a control freak do rant on.

    As far as I’m concerned I have conflated nothing, Dearie.

    I noted that the Brooklyn rape case had “not been described as a terrorist act” and further noted that it did “mirror the Islamic Terrorist mob attacks on New Years Eve” band also “other mob crimes that have occurred in America.” In the Philadelphia cop shooting I shared what police had been told but also noted that “The police are looking into the charge of radical ties.”

    Unless you are willing to climb down off the high horse and challenge me more specifically, and civilly, your comment can only be viewed as unreasonably emotional, possibly requiring “professional attention.”

    In case there is hope for sanity in this conversation, may I ask, “Do you think radical Muslims are intent on attacking Western nations and that their dream is other 911 style attack…or not?”

    See here

    “Do you think that radical Muslims have a plan to establish a caliphate in which Islam has become the law world-wide…or not?”

    See here:

    …In nearly all cases, the jihadi terrorists have a patently self-evident ambition: to establish a world dominated by Muslims, Islam, and Islamic law, the Shari’a. Or, again to cite the Daily Telegraph, their “real project is the extension of the Islamic territory across the globe, and the establishment of a worldwide ‘caliphate’ founded on Shari’a law.”

    Terrorists openly declare this goal. The Islamists who assassinated Anwar el-Sadat in 1981 decorated their holding cages with banners proclaiming the “caliphate or death.” A biography of one of the most influential Islamist thinkers of recent times and an influence on Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam declares that his life “revolved around a single goal, namely the establishment of Allah’s Rule on earth” and restoring the caliphate.

    Bin Laden himself spoke of ensuring that “the pious caliphate will start from Afghanistan.” His chief deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, also dreamed of re-establishing the caliphate, for then, he wrote, “history would make a new turn, God willing, in the opposite direction against the empire of the United States and the world’s Jewish government.” Another Al-Qaeda leader, Fazlur Rehman Khalil, publishes a magazine that has declared “Due to the blessings of jihad, America’s countdown has begun. It will declare defeat soon,” to be followed by the creation of a caliphate.

    Or, as Mohammed Bouyeri wrote in the note he attached to the corpse of Theo van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker he had just assassinated, “Islam will be victorious through the blood of martyrs who spread its light in every dark corner of this earth.”

    Interestingly, van Gogh’s murderer was frustrated by the mistaken motives attributed to him, insisting at his trial: “I did what I did purely out of my beliefs. I want you to know that I acted out of conviction and not that I took his life because he was Dutch or because I was Moroccan and felt insulted.”

    Although terrorists state their jihadi motives loudly and clearly, Westerners and Muslims alike too often fail to hear them. Islamic organizations, Canadian author Irshad Manji observes, pretend that “Islam is an innocent bystander in today’s terrorism.”

    What the terrorists want is abundantly clear. It requires monumental denial not to acknowledge it, but we Westerners have risen to the challenge.

    Now you may argue this will never happen and that’s your right but remember, pre-911 we never thought planes would fly into buildings in NYC and DC, or be forced to crash in a field in Pennsylvania, but it happened.

    I’m not afraid to talk about terrorist attacks or be critical of my government for failing to address the problem and I’m certainly not suggesting we should sit around and quake…so what’s your problem, Libby?

  4. Harold says:

    Tina, I appreciate the responses you and Jack take the time to research and post when dealing with our Liberal posters, if not for your hard work and research, imagine how easy they could have ruined this blog site.

    So far you and Jack, along with the help of many contributors have dispelled over 95% of their BS spin, most through their own view of a ” Socialistic Government help me, help me” opinions, and when they do have a point on a subject readers at PS are discussing, you and Jack acknowledge it. And there have been some times, because of reading misinformation reported that was factually flawed by the “first to report Media craze” their input helped correct something.

    However, I have yet to have read such a acknowledgement to the fact that they (Liberals) posted a counter point with flawed info, nope they just seem to pack up, an move on to the next subject. Seems to me they are only interested in and trying to cause doubt on most things they respond too, which has been pointed out so many times “a very Alinsky style of rhetoric by socialist Liberals”, on any subject that that could cause them losses at the ballot box.

    I have formed the opinion the Liberals here are doing nothing more that posting arguments and doubt to try and sway opinions, mostly because what we recognize as beneficial to America as a United effort to improve one’s position in life without the overbearing take control of BIG government is 180 degrees to what they want to sell to others, much like the Brooklyn Bridge.

    We all have to sort through the Media and Internet BS and its comforting to be able to come here and learn. Keep up the good work, and Thanks……

  5. Tina says:

    Harold thank you for taking the time to lavish praise on Jack and I in such a thoughtful. You have made several points that I agree are the case.

    In a way it’s a shame that we can’t discuss the positive message of conservatism. The founders were brilliant in their understanding of conditions that would offer the best chance for individuals to lead positive productive lives.

    I’m so tired of the negative, divisive, interpretation that the left creates to slap on the conservative message and messenger. The liberal mission is to deceive people into thinking we are on the one hand clowns and on the other monsters.

    I just heard a clip of Bill Clinton talking about how the right has created division and negativity. I know that’s how many in America think of conservatives but how much of that is because of the picture progressives in leadership and activist positions constantly paint.

    We say we want to reform SS, for instance, because it is unsustainable and adding to our debt. We propose reforms that allow seniors to stay on the current system and offers younger people a CHOICE to invest a portion of their SS taxes into a private account or remain on the current system. It doesn’t “force” anyone to make a change and its a program that has worked in Australia, Chile, and a city (or county) in Texas, and still liberals go before the public and make commercials saying the Republicans want to take away your SS.

    This nation is dysfunctional because the radical left leadership doesn’t like the checks and balances of government. their goal is to eliminate the opposition party and make our nation into a one party system…the progressive party system which, as we all know means we are no longer a republic based on individual freedoms and rights but a single party social democracy based on redistribution and communal sharing.

    When I look around America the places where people are doing the worst have been run by liberal progressives for decades. Blacks have been assigned to failing schools and broken communities with little opportunity for their kids.

    Our nation under liberal policies have seen Industry moving out and jobs with them. We are asked to settle for what the government allows us to have. It sucks!

    Anyway, I thank you Harold. If it were not for those who contribute, like you, it wouldn’t be worth it to spend the hours here.

  6. Libby says:

    Tina, you are still conflating things. See if you can grasp this.

    Lots of the current crop of Muslim refugees are fleeing ISIS-controlled territories, but you don’t want to let them in the country because they are Muslims. Does that make any sense?

    • Tina says:

      NO, your original accusation was about crime/terrorism and the ME/Africa. I showed you that I made the distinction in the article and conflated nothing.

      Now you’re appealing to my sympathies, as if I didn’t already have sympathy for those innocents caught in this war. But your one size fits all solution to that problem is problematic. Terrorists have said they plan to send terrorists with the refugees to our shores. There’s evidence that our vetting process has not worked. I suggested a better solution would be to direct and house refugees to an area/areas in the ME (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait or Turkey) where we could easily feed and care for them medically as needed and keep them closer to home. There’s only two reasons I can think of that this option has not been followed, 1. Obama has shredded our diplomatic relationship with countries in the ME that were our allies…they do not trust us and who could blame them! and, 2. Obama wants the refugees here because he sees them as increasing the numbers who will become dependent on our government and voting democrat.

      Your criticism of me isn’t based on realities about my position, or realities about actual conditions, but on your decision that I am a bigot. Nothing could be further from the truth.

      I remember very well when you gave me he77 because of the refugee crisis under Bush…this situation is much worse…much worse…and all you do is manufacture reasons to criticize me. Where is your disdain for Obama?

  7. Libby says:

    “I remember very well when you gave me he77 because of the refugee crisis under Bush…”

    Refresh my memory.

  8. Tina says:

    Don’t play dumb with me Libby. In one of your hot, snarling criticisms of Bush and the Iraq war you brought up the horrible fact that there were so many refugees having to flee their homes. The situation is much worse today and absolutely due to the mishandling of the war that terrorists wage against us…and you have nothing to say. Is it that you can’t be outraged because Obama is a Democrat or because he is a black man?

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