Donald Trump Wins Big in New Hampshire

by Jack

Today the polls were right on target, with 62% of votes in, Trump has clearly won New Hampshire by a wide margin. Cruz finished far behind in 3rd place. Surprisingly Kasich was in 2nd, but again far behind Trump. Bush grabbed over 11% to finish right behind Crus, by a fraction of a percentage point.

This election represents 9 delegates, the race is far from over. North Carolina is up next. After that its Nevada and from there on the race takes on much more significance for every state won.

On the Democrat side Bernie trounced Hillary by over 20%. I think I hear a draft Biden movement coming or maybe the Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, will jump in?

Here’s an interesting factoid, 48% of the voters want to see Washington upended, thats how mad they are and it explains in large part this historic run by Donald Trump. People have been growing in their anger for two decades because Washington has yet to deliver on anything the people really want…and that includes this healthcare reform attempt by Obama. He gave us a costly, convoluted mess. It is unsustainable in its current form, so no matter who gets the White House, healthcare needs to be fixed.

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12 Responses to Donald Trump Wins Big in New Hampshire

  1. Tina says:

    It doesn’t surprise me at all that Trump won in New Hampshire. Gallup puts it in the top ten most liberal states. It’s interesting that Gallup also found that self-described conservatives outnumber liberals 36.7 percent to 24.4 percent. Kasich, at second, might have taken the state in different times. Kruz is happy to have gotten third place in New Hampshire. Trump is definitely an outsider which seems to be what his supporters were looking for. It will be interesting to see how he does going forward.

    Bernie has been called an outsider but that moniker is preposterous; his life has been activism and politics. His agenda is redistribute wealth…pathetic that so many young people haven’t been taught enough to realize it would kill their futures.

  2. Libby says:

    It’s still early days, but you guys might be gonna have a real convention, with wheeling and dealing and smoke filled rooms just like the old days. That will be fun.

    Trump will make such a total ass of himself (actually, he already has, but not everyone is paying attention) that Sanders could conceivably take this thing.


  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Jack is back! The nightmare of Trump continues. I no longer pretend to understand politics. I would like to send you and Tina a gift. Daniel Yergin’s and Joseph Stanislaw’s “Commanding Heights” video and Niall Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money: The Financial History of the World” and his “Civilization: The West and the Rest.” You have my email address. Write me. These DVDs are getting rare and are priceless.

  4. Dewster says:

    Oh Tina, Epic Fail!

    Bernie has been called an outsider but that moniker is preposterous; his life has been activism and politics. His agenda is redistribute wealth…………………..


    There are insiders and there are outsiders. Being a political activist makes you an outsider. You have no clue on Washington Politics for sure. Insiders are tied to corporate interests, they bring ALEC written legislation ect to congress and push it through for corporate interests. Bernie has never done so. The country is ran by Lobbyists.

    They switch sides for a buck all the time. Hilliary has Lobbyists who lobbied against the ACA in her camp now. There is no loyalty. They are paid lobbyists who work for the mighty dollar not any values.

    Trump? He would destroy the country. He has no platform just repeats what the base wants to hear. His position would be for profits not improving the quality of life for the people. He says the min wage is too high and then says he will create jobs? No create enslavement for workers.

    The economy does better when the people have money and buy stuff not when a few people hoard the profits and hide them in other countries. Period.

    Young people see where the jobs and money go. All the people want are white collar criminals in jail and our tax money to go towards the people. No More corporate welfare queens writing legislation.

    Case in point is still on display in MI. The Tea Party Gov that removed Democracy. They poisoned people by privatizing the water. While Flint got the highest water bills in the country they also got lead poisoning. What did the MI Legislature do this week to help FLint? The passed an unconstitutional law on Anal sex. Besides they already had an unenforceable law (unconstitutional) they wanted to show people what is more important.

    You rail all these people but you never answer to the Conservative Model States who are destroying Democracy and selling off our assets.

    Young people see these things. You can make up all this stuff but it does not make it true.

    In reality it is your exact Platform the young people are railing against.

    Redistributing wealth? No using the peoples taxes for the people instead of allowing corporations to redistribute it them. Corporate welfare for the Billionaires.

    Healthcare privatization has created an unsustainable market. Drug companies gauging for wall street investors. Everything is for the profit of wall street. The product means nothing just the revenue.

    Name an actual policy plan Trump has presented……

    I’m gonna XXXX is not a policy. Trump is a dangerous man.

    Bottom line the only real candidate you have running is Kasich. I do not like the Mans policies but he is a real candidate. You guys blew out a man who could have won last election. I liked him but when he took up the Koch Platform he lost me. His name was Jon Huntsman. He could have won ya know.

    Bottom Line Voters are tired of the conservative and establishment policies that have turned America into an Oligarchy.

    Our taxes go to them. We can not even fix our crumbling infrastructure unless we privatize the work for wall street to siphon off the tax dollars first.

    • Tina says:

      “Being a political activist makes you an outsider. You have no clue on Washington Politics for sure. Insiders are tied to corporate interests…”

      Oh sure…let’s just forget 70 years of redistribution and special interest legislation and regulation. None of it ever happened. The Democrat Party has not pandered to groups and promised them the world for votes.

      You’re obsessive and paranoid about corporate influence but instead of getting on the side of individual freedom and a smaller federal government you go all in with the socialist who will give us oppressive, monopolistic government control…the mother of all “corporations!”

      Michigan’s legislature is still active and performing as usual…”democracy” is working as always in the “Tea Party Government.” The water situation should have been addressed years ago but the Democrats that ran the city managed the tax money poorly finding frivolous ways to spend the city into deep debt. Snyder’s proposed budget includes money to address the water problem:

      Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder wants to spend $195 million more to address Flint’s water crisis and another $165 million updating infrastructure across the state, including lead water pipes.

      The Republican governor detailed the plans in his annual $54.9 billion budget presentation to the GOP-led Legislature Wednesday. Snyder, who has apologized for his administration’s role in the disaster, says “clean drinking water is a necessity” and that he’s dedicated to ensuring the problem is thoroughly resolved.

      The proposal includes $25 million for infrastructure needs specific to Flint, which is grappling with lead-contaminated water.

      Snyder and legislators previously directed more than $37 million toward the crisis, including funds for bottled water, filters and services.

      Please explain, and give specific examples, of taxpayer money going to corporations. Then explain how the trillions our government spent on redistribution was possible without the private sector. Bernie’s big plans require barrels of cash being ribbed from the private sector and that means the jobs situation will only get worse. Of course young skulls full of mush that can’t see beyond a free college education for themselves won’t know how bad their chances of working after college are until they graduate.

      Socialism never creates a thriving economy and good jobs. Socialism guarantees the wealthy remain wealthy and the people are forced to settle for whatever the government hands out. Bernie thinks he’s Santa Claus; he’s old enough to know it’s a fantasy for young children.

  5. Dewster says:

    Oh Tina Epic Fail!

    Bernie has been called an outsider but that moniker is preposterous; his life has been activism and politics. His agenda is redistribute wealth…………………..


    There are insiders and there are outsiders. Being a political activist makes you an outsider. You have no clue on Washington Politics for sure. Insiders are tied to corporate interests, they bring ALEC written legislation ect to congress and push it through for corporate interests. Bernie has never done so. The country is ran by Lobbyists.

    They switch sides for a buck all the time. Hilliary has Lobbyists who lobbied against the ACA in her camp now. There is no loyalty. They are paid lobbyists who work for the mighty dollar not any values.

    Trump? He would destroy the country. He has no platform just repeats what the base wants to hear. His position would be for profits not improving the quality of life for the people. He says the min wage is too high and then says he will create jobs? No create enslavement for workers.

    The economy does better when the people have money and buy stuff not when a few people hoard the profits and hide them in other countries. Period.

    Young people see where the jobs and money go. All the people want are white collar criminals in jail and our tax money to go towards the people. No More corporate welfare queens writing legislation.

    Case in point is still on display in MI. The Tea Party Gov that removed Democracy. They poisoned people by privatizing the water. While Flint got the highest water bills in the country they also got lead poisoning. What did the MI Legislature do this week to help FLint? The passed an unconstitutional law on Anal sex. Besides they already had an unenforceable law (unconstitutional) they wanted to show people what is more important.

    You rail all these people but you never answer to the Conservative Model States who are destroying Democracy and selling off our assets.

    Young people see these things. You can make up all this stuff but it does not make it true.

    In reality it is your exact Platform the young people are railing against.

    Redistributing wealth? No using the peoples taxes for the people instead of allowing corporations to redistribute it them. Corporate welfare for the Billionaires.

    Healthcare privatization has created an unsustainable market. Drug companies gauging for wall street investors. Everything is for the profit of wall street. The product means nothing just the revenue.

    Name an actual policy plan Trump has presented……

    I’m gonna XXXX is not a policy. Trump is a dangerous man.

    Bottom line the only real candidate you have running is Kasich. I do not like the Mans policies but he is a real candidate. You guys blew out a man who could have won last election. I liked him but when he took up the Koch Platform he lost me. His name was Jon Huntsman. He could have won ya know.

    Bottom Line Voters are tired of the conservative and establishment policies that have turned America into an Oligarchy.

    Our taxes go to them. We can not even fix our crumbling infrastructure unless we privatize the work for wall street to siphon off the tax dollars first.

    • Pie Guervara says:

      Do you really think people believe your patently obvious, juvenile lies and weird abstractions? Do you actually think the juveniles you hang with do? Think about it, if you are capable.

  6. J. Soden says:

    Already a shakeup in the Clinton campaign staff. It’s much easier for $hrilLIARy to blame her staff than to accept the fact that voters think she’s a liar and crook and wouldn’t trust her any further than they could throw the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Can you imagine the temper tantrum $hrilLIARy must’ve thrown when Bernie trounced her??????

  7. Libby says:

    Tina, you live under socialism, you government contractor, you.

    Eat it.

  8. Tina says:

    Libby government isn’t socialism. Socialism is an ideology of redistribution and control. As I’ve indicated several times government is necessary. The best system is government with power as close to the people as possible. People should do as much for themselves as they can and together with their neighbors only those things they believe benefit them all through their city, county and state governments. This is the best way to avoid waste, fraud, abuse.

    Socialism has been imposed in America. I don’t have to like it.

    The products I make are sold to local governments and the purchases are not a function of socialism but of community. Redistribution is not involved. The local government does not control my business.

    Socialism: 1. any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

    2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property, b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

    3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

  9. Pie Guervara says:

    I don’t much care for Trump, in fact I despise him, but idiots like Dewey are far more dangerous than Trump.

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