Is The Fix In?

by Jack

Many of us older folks wonder if the fix isn’t in on Hillary? We’re just old enough to be that cynical about the election system. We’ve seen so many broken promises, so much corruption and disappointment in our lifetimes, how could we not be cynical as this point?  And when we hear about brokered conventions and how the primary vote was merely a suggestion not an election, well, we get really nervous and we wonder if the whole election process is not rigged?  Sounds kind of crazy I know, but in the back of your mind haven’t you ever wondered, are we being played by some unseen, but powerful force?

HillaryClinton44And it’s quite obvious that there are many powerful behind-the-scene forces with a vested interest in the outcome of this election!  Oh boy, are there ever!

We’ve got the this huge, and largely unaccountable, government sub-contractor faction, that wants the status quo preserved and they reach almost all levels of government.   They now control billions of your tax dollars and the last thing they need is somebody in the White House coming in to clean up waste, fraud and abuse!

We’ve also got the Washington power brokers that make the connections for these sub-contractors; we call them lobbyists and legislators. They sure don’t want reform, and they’ve proven it time and again for the last 30 plus years. Heck, they’ve got a good thing going!

Even the plethora of 501C(3) organizations, charities and other non-profit agencies, (meaning people who think up social programs to grab the millions in grant money) they sure don’t want change.

The industries that rely on cheap labor at home and abroad certainly don’t want any reform to border security, immigration or tax loop holes they currently profit from.

So, who is it that really wants what Trump and the other GOP candidates are selling? Seriously, who wants it?  Cost cutting and spending containment is not nearly as rewarding as handing out phony subsidies, pork spending and free stuff to buy votes.

So my answer to the question is, not that many really want reform.  Oh, maybe a handful of selfless patriots who were elected on a fluke and the everyday taxpayer?  That’s all.  These are the only two groups I can think of that want this corruption stopped and they are the most underrepresented, most deceived, most manipulated and certainly the most abused two groups in the country!

I’m thinking we don’t have a prayer. So, unless there’s divine intervention by way of an FBI indictment, Hillary is going to be our next president and Bill gets to return to the White House. That’s 8 more years of Obama-like administration.

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28 Responses to Is The Fix In?

  1. bob says:

    Yes, Mr. Jack, you are entirely correct. The special interests call the shots and one way or another they usually get what they want and at our expense. And that expense keeps growing with no end in sight.

  2. Soaps says:

    I still have respect for the FBI. Unfortunately, they cannot indict anyone. Only the Attorney General’s Office can do that, and guess who runs that corrupt organization?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Soaps is quite right, the AG is not likely to issue a complaint against Hillary or anyone connected to her. There are so many roadblocks, no matter what we try, the opposition always has a way to stop us. Nothing short of a revolution is likely to stop that. Democracies need a good revolution about every 200 years or so to clean it up and restore balance.

  3. Tina says:

    A new poll has Hillary in a dead heat with Trump. Hillary has also gotten fewer votes than she did in 08 at this point. Men don’t like her and she has less support from women than she’d hoped. Her coughing fits aren’t abating, either. Is she fit to govern? There’s a lot of road between now and November…anything could happen, and probably will.

  4. dewster says:

    Actually Jack I think that you are correct
    Look it was to be a Bush/Clinton election…….

    The GOP was blind sighted by Trump

    in the end Clinton was left…

    This election is a blessing in disguise……

    People have no choice but to wake up

    I will not vote for HRC unless Cruz was the other choice

    That will not happen

    Rise Up as an American and Unite against this sham

    People have a choice….. we have to stop this 2 party crap

  5. bob says:

    You people have to see this one…

    The amazing power of makeup.

    • Chris says:

      I see we’re still linking to anti-Semitic, racist conspiracy theorist websites, bob.

      (I’m looking forward to the defense: “I didn’t link to it because I’m a racist! I was just trying to be sexist!”)

      • bob says:

        Seeing Hillary without her make up must have really scared you.

      • bob says:

        OK, you win. By equating Hillary to a horses rear I have offended all Equine Americans and have exhibited my prejudice against the Equines. Color me racist!

        Now on to the charge of sexism…not guilty! In my opinion women should not be expected to wear make up! No artificial women! (No artificial men for that matter, either….oops, now am I discriminating against metrosexuals??? Just can’t win.)

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Chris, if I were a woman commenter who compared you to a horse’s ass, would that be sexist? (Don’t bother answering, the question is rhetorical and answers itself easily answers itself.)

        By he way, Chris, no amount of make up could cover up your condition. It would be like putting lipstick on a pig.

        No amount of makeup could hide the fact you are a snotty left-wing jerk who is perpetually seeking some ism to accuse people of where none exists. I have no doubt you pass your dysfunctional disease on to your students.

      • Tina says:

        Opinions, we all have them. Free speech is available to all. The “racist, conspiracy theorist” Jeff Rense is, according to your Wikipedia link, interested in controversial issues and guests. He interviewed David Duke (SHOCK)…but he also interviewed Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, making him an equal opportunity figure of controversy. He would be criticized for the Duke interview but McKinney? Not a chance.

        The thing I hate about the racist/sexist PC crowd is that political jokes delivered by “unacceptable” sources can’t be funny and must be “exposed” by PC hall monitors who think it’s their job to “report the offense.” (Ugh!) Comedians say they can’t do gigs at colleges anymore.

        • Chris says:

          “The “racist, conspiracy theorist” Jeff Rense is, according to your Wikipedia link, interested in controversial issues and guests.”

          He’s interested in promoting the idea that Bush caused 9/11.

          “He interviewed David Duke (SHOCK)”

          That’s not what’s shocking. His description of Duke is:

          “I wanna bring on at this hour a very good friend of mine for a long time. Without question all of you know his name. Many of you fortunately know of his brave and valiant work. He is one of the great patriots in the history of this country. For all peoples, ALL peoples.”

          Nice try, though.

          • Tina says:

            Chris, I see you chose to respond as if I had endorsed Rense (Or Duke) when in fact all I wrote was that he (Rense) chooses to engage in controversial issues with people from both the radical left and radical right. I also mentioned free speech. Your reply, “He’s interested in promoting the idea that Bush caused 9/11,” sounds like you wish to control free speech and silence such voices.

            Notice how carefully, even nonchalantly, the SPLC discusses McKinney’s associations with Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites compared to the charges of racism leveled at duke. she “flirts” with them!

            Bob posted an amusing political poster, for heavens sake! It had NOTHING to do with Jews or POC. And yet, your big mission on PS was to act like a Brown shirt? And then you couldn’t resist being patronizing, “Nice try, though.”


          • Chris says:

            Tina: “Chris, I see you chose to respond as if I had endorsed Rense (Or Duke) when in fact all I wrote was that he (Rense) chooses to engage in controversial issues with people from both the radical left and radical right. I also mentioned free speech. Your reply, “He’s interested in promoting the idea that Bush caused 9/11,” sounds like you wish to control free speech and silence such voices.”


            Criticizing stupid and hateful speech is not the same as “controlling” or “silencing” speech. You know this, because you criticize lefty speech all the time. Why isn’t your critique of the poster being held by that little Mexican boy an example of “silencing speech?” What makes your criticism of one of Bernie’s employees for being anti-Zionist fair, but SPLC’s exact same criticism of Rense is “shutting down speech?” That doesn’t make any sense.

            In reality, you are the one saying that certain types of criticism are off limits. You are the one insisting that issues like racism and sexism shouldn’t ever be brought up, because those are unfair labels; yet at the same time you engage in the same type of labeling, only even more extreme (“Brown Shirt”). You are being extremely hypocritical.

            Thanks for the information on McKinney. I didn’t know that she had embraced anti-Semites so warmly.

            The reason I posted the original reply to Bob is because he has a habit–as do many of the bloggers and commenters here–of linking to extremist and racist sites. That matters. It shows that the relationship between mainstream conservative blogs like this one and radical hate sites is too close for comfort.

            I criticized the original meme as sexist, since it seemed to me to reduce a woman to her physical appearance. Looking at it a second time, I think my initial critique was wrong; the joke seems to be simply that Hilary is a “horse’s ass.” So I take back my critique of the meme itself. But the source remains troubling. How does someone like Bob even find What links is someone following that lead someone to an anti-Semitic, white nationalist website that thinks Bush caused 9/11? And do you really want your own readers directed there? You want it to be a hop, skip and a jump from your own website to places like American Renaissance, VDARE, Rense, and InfoWars–all places that you and others here have linked to in the past?

            It’s worth thinking about.

        • bob says:

          And who is calling Rense a racist? Well, the Soviet Poverty Law Center for one. In my opinion, being called a racist by this fraudulent and evil organization is a badge of honor.

          • Chris says:

            And now we’ve got American Renaissance! You’re on a roll, Bob!

            “American Renaissance has been described as a white supremacist publication by several sources, including The Washington Post, Fortune, and the Anti-Defamation League.[2][3][4][5]”

            “The American Renaissance website states:[13]
            Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society—language, religion, class, ideology—it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century. The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological. This approach is known as race realism.
            — ”What We Believe”
            The online magazine is often described as a white supremacist publication; CNN, The Washington Post, Fortune, Slate, and the New York Daily News, among others, have reported on the magazine as such.[14][2][3][15][16]
            The magazine and foundation promote the view that differences in educational outcomes and per capita incomes between racial populations can be attributed at least in part to differences in intelligence between races.[citation needed]”


            The SPLC and the ADL call American Renaissance racist because they *are* racist, Bob.

            And you probably are too.

          • bob says:

            So now I’m a racist according to the know it all.

            You don’t know a d@mn thing about me.

            That article was by someone from the American Policy Center and it very well documents the outrages committed by the Soviet Poverty Law Center. Instead of addressing that you go off and attack straw men. A single article can be published on numerous web sites. I have never been to American Renaissance before until I came across that article exposing the Soviet Poverty Law Center via a google search.

            And what that you quoted about Renaissance can be proven wrong? (Although your quote attributes things to them that have no citations.)

            Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Helmuth Nyborg and Stefan Molyneux


            Race, Evolution and Intelligence | Linda Gottfredson and Stefan Molyneux


            The Bell Curve: IQ, Race and Gender | Charles Murray and Stefan Molyneux


            And too numerous to individually site…


          • Chris says:

            Bob, here’s what I don’t understand.

            If you honestly believe that different races have different levels of intelligence, and that this is genetic…

            Why not call yourself a “racist?” Why reject a label that clearly fits? You believe that some races are intellectually inferior to others. Why not call that what it is?

            It seems you’re trying to avoid the label because you know it’s got a terrible history, but that strikes me as political correctness; you’re rejecting the meaning of a word because it hurts your feelings.

          • bob says:

            If you honestly believe that different races have different levels of intelligence, and that this is genetic…

            I have known and worked with very intelligent people of all races and both sexes. I don’t believe any race has a monopoly on intelligence.

            The data I have seen is that if you go by averages or even medians asians have the highest IQs, followed by ashkenazi jews. And of course even if you believe the data how you account for it is up for debate and acrimonious debate.

  6. Dewster says:

    Palast on PoliticKing

    Protect the vote Win or Loose

    Have everybody check their registrations. Mine was changed again. I will not be voting in my home State this primary however the last 3 elections I ran into problems in Nevada County and was given a provisional ballot at the county office after driving there with fresh registration cards.

    Possible reason? Registered every election different to choose which primary I want to vote in. Then after primaries I re-register Independent. That is my right to do so.

    Chances are a white republican will not see problems but the DNC cheating is at record levels on par with GOP this election.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey cites a man who believe voters were “purged” from the voting rolls for “being black.” In fact the voters in question were registered but were also ineligible to vote by law. They were purged because they could vote illegally. The argument is specious, a deceitful lie meant to insight outrage among black voters so they will vote democrat.

      This is also a man who’s been associated with the New York Times, a newspaper that investigated the Florida vote in question and found that GWB won that race legitimately, including the vote of the people. (He’s also associated with liberal British newspapers)

      We may indeed need to change the delegate process but don’t be fooled by radical left rhetoric that hopes to see a “one man one vote” model and is working to allow illegals to vote and even felons to vote in this election without consent of the governed through the legislative process. Old Clinton buddy Terry McCauliffe, governor of Virginia, just used his magic pen to allow 200,000 felons to vote in Virginia. The party that loves to steal elections through nefarious means is the Democrat Party.

      Stealing elections is a separate but related issue to the delegate problem. How each of the parties construct the rules is in question and the parties should address voters concerns. Right now the candidates can only go by the rules enacted last year. Cruz was ahead in that game. Newt Gingrich: ““What Cruz of course has done, very intelligently, is he has gone out and he has poached on the delegates that are going to be bound to Trump legally on the first vote, but they’re not bound after the first vote.”

      Trump was not aware of these rules…or, he didn’t bother…or, he figured they wouldn’t matter. And they won’t matter IF he reaches that goal of 1237 delegates. (Looks more and more like Trump will have a good chance to do that soon)

      The people speak on the first ballot. If a candidate cannot win the majority clearly, then it’s the last hour in the contest…what do you do? The Republicans decided to let the delegates duke it out at that point. Whoever can take the majority of delegate votes becomes the winner. It ain’t perfect but it isn’t exactly a betrayal of the people either. The problem most voters see and rebuke is that bribery and coercion will win the day. It’s distasteful and makes people feel left out of the process, but were we? And more importantly how else can this be done?

      One man, one vote is not superior to this representative model. It may be that the rules need to be revised somehow, but we do not need direct vote that would let the people in a few “What Cruz of course has done, very intelligently, is he has gone out and he has poached on the delegates that are going to be bound to Trump legally on the first vote, but they’re not bound after the first vote,”

      This isn’t a perfect system. But it’s better than a system that empowers people in a handful of metropolitan areas to choose the president for the entire country. (NYC, LA, Chicago, and Dallas, Houston, DC, Philadelphia, and Miami having the most weight.)

      Any suggestions guys?

  7. Tina says:

    Chris: “That matters. It shows that the relationship between mainstream conservative blogs like this one and radical hate sites is too close for comfort. ”

    NO, it doesn’t Chris and that’s the point! The so-called connection only exists in radical left minds poisoned with PC definitions of racism and a need to further the fight.

    Rachel Lu at the Federalist refers to remarks made by Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine. I excerpt appropriate to this conversation:

    Race, always the deepest and most volatile fault line in American history, has now become the primal grievance in our politics, the source of a narrative of persecution each side uses to make sense of the world. Liberals dwell in a world of paranoia of a white racism that has seeped out of American history in the Obama years and lurks everywhere, mostly undetectable. Conservatives dwell in a paranoia of their own, in which racism is used as a cudgel to delegitimize their core beliefs. And the horrible thing is that both of these forms of paranoia are right.

    I disagree with Chait in that I believe racism is used to “deligitimize” the right as decent human beings. The need to discover racism (that isn’t there) isn’t some revelatory exercise, it’s political ammunition that’s used to label and shun. the left radicals could not wait for an opportunity to label the Tea party as a racist group. So anxious were they that they had to invent an incident where a black congress person imagined a TPer spit on him.

    You follow that pattern, jumping on every opportunity to try to target those who post here and label them as racist. It’s an ugly political ploy and it disgusts me.

    You didn’t “criticize” stupid and hateful speech; you turned what was the sharing of a political joke about (white) Hillary into a racist expose with the usual “gotcha” attitude.

    “You are the one insisting that issues like racism and sexism shouldn’t ever be brought up, because those are unfair labels”

    NO! I am saying there was nothing to discuss in terms of race or sex in the political poster Bob shared with us…YOU brought the issues of race and sex into the conversation unnecessarily! What’s sad is that you can’t seem to help it…you are programmed, a private JOKE devised by radical left commies in our universities that expect you to do just that.

    “…do you really want your own readers directed there? You want it to be a hop, skip and a jump from your own website to places like American Renaissance, VDARE, Rense, and InfoWars–all places that you and others here have linked to in the past?”

    We live in AMERICA, Chris. We believe in full expression and the exchange of ideas and information. I think everyone should be exposed to those sites as well as some of the sites and ideas expressed by organizations like the SPLC, which has not just labeled people like me as racist, but has worked with government to put Tea Party organizations on a list that associates Tea Party members with terrorists!

    US colleges have become institutions of the closed mind where students are exposed only to materials the “authorities” (Often left) find acceptable. K-12 isn’t much different…the left point of view permeates. Other ideas are “wrong.”

    This crap has to stop. The best way to stop it is to trust the ability of people to see everything and then decide for themselves. Post Scripts should not be judged by a single link, or even twenty, but by the overall content and message. I’m not a bit concerned about what we champion here, which, I might add, include hundreds of positive articles about minorities, education about race in America that people might not have been taught, concerns about harm some policies have done to poor and minority families and neighborhoods, support for the Jews and Israel, and more.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Chris: “That matters. It shows that the relationship between mainstream conservative blogs like this one and radical hate sites is too close for comfort. ”

    All because of a photo comparing a horse’s ass to a horse’s ass posted in the comments section! Chris’ latest condemnation of Post Scripts because of a silly political photo is a specious, way overblown, left-wing agitprop tripe.

    The bloviating left-wing PC clown strikes again. Yes, Tina, it is an ugly ploy. Chris’ tactics are both disgusting and idiotic demagoguery. He is a paradigm of the left and is as ugly as ugly gets.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Tina: “This crap has to stop.”

    Blow the bilge belching bloviator off this blog. That will stop it. If you stop giving this vile, crap slinging harpy a voice he will be forced to spew his garbage elsewhere. Let him preach his hate speech to the choir in the Daily Kos.

  10. Tina says:

    I wasn’t referring to Chris specifically, but the entire gaseous PC cloud. It’s a scourge that goes against free speech and thought…very depressing given our American heritage.

    Jack and I agreed to support free speech and diverse opinion on PS.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      And Chris is not a willing and active part of that entire gaseous PC cloud? Is he not a person who, by his vile, libelous, and idiotic left-wing PC rhetoric, encourages the suppression of free speech by vilifying and trying to intimidate people with whom he disagrees with his obnoxious and violent prose? (Yes, it is violent to falsely accuse people of bigotry, racism, sexism, xenophobia, et cetera — as is his habit.)

      Giving Chris a voice is like giving Goebbels a voice. If you (Jack, Tina and Peggy) wish to continue to be s**t on by Chris under the umbrella of “free speech”, fine by me. Knock yourselves out. But do not think for a minute he or his ilk would extend the same courtesy to you. I cite the dead Quentin Colgan (Chris’ mentor) and the arrogant and silly Joe Shaw by example.

      MY OPINION is that he uses and abuses you, and does so every time he thinks he has an opportunity to. He f***s you over by your willingness to to adhere to principles HE AND HIS MARXIST COMRADES DO NOT HOLD! Think about it. Think about how supposed “climate change deniers” should be arrested works. Therein lies Chris. Just the term “climate denier” is politically charged, bigoted and vile rhetoric. This is what Chris is all about.

      Hey, knock yourselves out. Let the abuse be heaped in ever growing giant piles. I am forced to admire you all who represent Post Scripts, it is simultaneously honorable and horrible.

      • Chris says:

        Pie Guevara: “(Yes, it is violent to falsely accuse people of bigotry, racism, sexism, xenophobia, et cetera — as is his habit.)”

        You equate speech with violence and I’m the one “suppressing speech?”

        How PC and overly sensitive of you, Pie. Did I intrude in your safe space?

        Have a nice day.

      • Tina says:

        Of course Chris is part of that gaseous cloud, Pie. You have identified Chris; don’t you think others can too?

        My challenge is to be more persuasive over time. I enjoy the challenge and take it quite seriously.

        When you think about it, it’s both an honor and “horrible” just to be living in these times as loyal Americans. The alternative to standing in the middle of the fight is avoiding it altogether, something I cannot do. My original sin is that I have personally tolerated people with Chris’s attitudes and opinions for much too long. I waited quite some time before educating myself beyond the headlines. I avoided the conflict for the sake of “getting along.” I failed in my duties as a citizen. Post Scripts is a stage in the game of life and politics. We who post here each play our individual roles. This is where I come to take a stand against the lies and deceits behind leftist tactics and thought. In some respects Chris aids me in my mission. I could do as Mr. Colgan did to me when I visited his site for the first (and last) time. Needless to say I did not return because I was not made welcome. That’s not who I am and it does not represent the thing that is powerful in American discourse. I think insulting those who offer opinions and insults in disagreement, and then refusing to post their follow up responses to ensure I have the last word, would be counterproductive to my goals. I can take the insults, it toughens my skin. For all I know I’m in training for a much more difficult time.

        The one thing that does trouble me is that you seem to think Chris has the upper hand. I’m sure he thinks he does too. But I disagree. While I appreciate and share some of your frustrations, and certainly your support of PS and me, I think your counter attacks only serve to blunt the damage Chris does to himself and to his positions.

        We are not just discussing these issues for today or the moment but for the future. America is not a hot bed of racism, xenophobia, and chauvinism. We are also not a nation that should be tolerant of the constant hammering of victims groups. Our natural rights are basic to every human being and given by God. They do not include special cases, that’s how we recognize them as inalienable rights. I work to make the difference clear. We can unite only when we mind our own business, leave the business of others to them, and resolve to co-exist under the umbrella of the rule of law. We will unite and be strong only when people learn to solve personal problems themselves instead of grouping to agitate and inflict revolution, intimidation and chaos. The divisive nature of special interest politics is debilitating and ultimately useless and costly. We need every fiber of our beings and every ounce of strength we can muster to fight the actual evils that plague us, terrorism, corruption, oppression, and broken institutions. As you and I both know fabricated grievances are designed to create such divisions and chaos. How we choose to live our lives, which shops we support and which we don’t…and why, and who we choose as friends and associates is personal, requires personal responsibility, and equal measures of tolerance. It does not require big government interventions.

        Oh boy, Pie, you got me! And off I went on subjects near and dear to my heart. I love America and want only the best if has to offer for all of it’s citizens. I don’t feel “dumped” on and I’m sorry it seems so to you. I am privileged to be a small part of this mighty fight. If the excrement is piling up, so be it. We are all faced with stepping over the dog doo as we venture into the wilds of politics…hang in there.

        Gotta catch some Zzzzzzzzzz, now, nighty night, ya’ll.

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